You Gotta Get Up and Try and Try

Okay so Momma, we got to talk….I got a system…and truly I’d appreciate (no offense), if you just keep up, okay.

One of my my overflowing-need-a-bigger-toy -basket.
One of my overflowing-need-a-bigger-toy basket.

Let me start by thanking you for having toy boxes in different areas of the house, crammed full of chew bones, balls, stuffed toys and sundry.  I am eight years old now…and an AquariusI am super organized…Like Your-Sister-Who-Taught You-Most-the Things-You-Know, I am an inventory genius.  I know where every item is, FIFO (firstinfirstout) and where I want to keep it…so let sleeping toys lie, already!

It always happens when you are cleaning house…which you do far too often, I’m thinking…I can never get a break, day after day, shuffling from room to room to avoid the chaos you create when the brooms and mops appear and dust gets flying.

And I admit, I am guilty.  I take toys out of my box and just drop them willy-nilly, like a Princess with an entourage, to clean up after me.  Oh, I am perfect in countless ways but Momma never trained me to pick up my toys every night and put them back in the bins. Blame Momma…again…of course!

Jakita with Babby
Jakita with Babby

No, Momma enabled me, cleaning up after me….so when she recently found Babby on the sun room floor instead of putting him in the bin right there, she took him in to the living room basket. Trained, Momma is, but by who….I ask you?? 

Well, you know what I had to do.  I went right in, dug out Babby and plunked right where I had left him in the middle of the sun room floor. If I wanted Babby somewhere else, I’d put him somewhere else…Got that Momma?  Tigger stays on Wonder Boy’s bed so I can sleep with him all night, Pink Fluffy Bunny has a corner by the pillow on the couch in the living room so I can rest on him during the day and Babby is my sun room solace… along with whatever else I feel like playing with at any given time… on any given day.

Are ya listening Momma???
Are ya listening Momma???

Truly it’s not so difficult to follow….but we all know Momma is highly contrary and marches to the beat of a drummer only she can hear….my advice…to paraphrase Pink would be:

You gotta show up and try, and try, 
Gotta show up and try, and try….

So….we good, Momma?