The Come Back Comments

Now you know, because I keep you informed, Momma has your average or maybe just above average knowledge of computers because, well, she is a Baby Boomer.  What else can be expected? However, when it comes to Cloud Computing or Cyberspace application, poor Momma is at a total loss and admits the Millennium Generation are miles ahead of her.

Space and its never ending mysteries.
Space and its never-ending mysteries. Fr: Morguefile  By: Pellinni

Still, although it is beyond Momma’s pay scale to fix computer snafus, at least she can recognize a problem and run with it, because as I have said in the past, she is Quite Contrary. Please do not tell her it can’t be done because, she will turn to me and roll her eyes. Then behind the very backs of the advice givers, she will go ahead and give it a whirl.  The important thing is  Momma gets up, and dusts herself off if she falls flat on her face (again).  Come to think of it, she is just like me!

If you are asking for a ‘for instance’, we will start with a blog.  Many good souls told her stay out of the Blogging Swimming Pool.  Who could be interested in the interpretation of life through the eyes of a Hog Dog (me) or those Cool Cats who are street urchins, without grace or manners.  They asked legitimate questions, like:

  • Do you know how to write code? Well, no.
  • Do you know about Plugins? No, again.
  • Do you know how to customize (I’ll learn), optimize (Is there a plug-in for that?) or categorize (Aren’t all girls are born to do that)?
  • Can you create tags so Search Engines find you? Uh, what happens if I don’t?  Oh, no Visitors to the Site?  I’m on it because Tag, your it or your out!
Take Your pick. Fr: Morguefile
Take Your pick. Fr: Morguefile By the TaiChiClub

Then there were the fear mongers who let Momma know she was inviting trouble.  The hackers would be relentlessly attacking, the Spam Bots would be mushrooming in an attempt to take over time and space.  It seems there are so many unknowns that you must have your gold  or silver or ivory inlaid sword with a heat-treated serrated blade to run a thorough surveillance.

Even though we have the most recommended plug-in for Spam, we have had our share of the absurd.  Comments that have 50-75-1000 links to nefarious businesses that sell products  from A to Z.  We never knew there were so many types and colors of shoes in existence. Then there are the players and the well, not G-Rated sitesIt is all good. That is what delete is for.  Still there were those treasures among the trash, sincere readers who would send a comment or ask a question about a post. Then one day it stopped.  No more Comments – no one was pushing links, sending a ‘howdy’. The silence was deafening for a blogger.

So Momma contacted her Spam Fighting Comment Plug-in Team.  They were perplexed but gracious. The Millennium Staffers tried to make Momma see that their plug-in was just dandy and proof positive was she was getting no comment spam.  Momma is not easily convinced so she sent her own proof. Even those in her social network, vetted by Google, over the years, were sending comments that did not reach the dashboard. Meanwhile the questionable unknown origin messages somehow crashed through all barriers in place and landed in her email, not even in her spam folder.

And then, a miracle. One day Momma went in and by George, she had Comments. The good news now is that we very rarely get those comments with a thousand links anymore.  Slowly but surely a handful of Comments are making its way to our Blog. We do not know if the Anti Spam Gods relented, the Millenniums drank the Koolaid or if Momma, in her ignorance, did some unwitting deed to jump-start the process.  All we know is the end justifies the means….doesn’t it?

Always hope...look for the rainbows...double rainbows even better. Fr: Morguefile By: Pellinni
Always hope…look for the rainbows…double rainbows even better. Fr: Morguefile By: Pellinni

So Bloggers, if you want feedback, there is always hope.  If you look at the sun and squint your eyes just so, you will see a the light.

The Comments you long for maybe hanging about in Cyberspace (or possibly caught on the top of a tall Douglas fir-tree) and  may someday make a crash landing on your very own Dashboard! So drop us a line. Give us your analysis. The Hot Dog and Cool Cats are waiting!



Dream A Little Dream Of Me

Even as a dog, albeit a dog-a-stein, there are many indications that the truth is out there.  It just depends on your peripheral view being phenomenal, your spidy sense being on full tilt, your level of willingness to embrace the unknown and your relationship with Angels.

Surrounded by Garden Angels, I ponder Momma's dreams and Heaven. Look at the Angel of Beauty on the left, holding a Baby Angel blowing bubbles. At the bottom see another Little Angel, fast asleep. See all the other pensive Angels. I believe I fit nicely in to this picture.
Surrounded by Garden Angels, I ponder Momma’s dreams and Heaven. Look at the Angel of Beauty on the left, holding a Baby Angel blowing bubbles. At the bottom see another Little Angel, fast asleep. See all the other pensive Angels. I believe I fit nicely in to this picture.

Only then will you see, hear, feel the souls of those who went on to their greater reward, yet hover nearby us, like helicopter parents, on steroids.

Now  without question RIP Daddy visits the most.  Sometimes Momma seems to recognize his presence, just by the way she turns her head sharply, to get a better view.  By then Daddy has vaporised, visible only to a Jakita Dog and the Powers that Be.  But at least, for a brief second, Momma and Daddy were like a Conway Twitty song, Together Again.  That leaves RIP Daddy to visit Momma in dreams and he does.

Some dreams are not satisfying, Momma said. About two weeks before Daddy died, Momma had a most perplexing dream. She and Daddy were, driving around, trying to find a parking spot so Momma could visit Itty Bitty, who was in the hospital.  Finally they parked, Momma got out, grabbed the two heavy bags of Itty Bitty’s food and care supplies.  Daddy told her he was leaving, she would have to find her own way home.  Momma woke up in a panic with the feeling she would never get home again. How appropriate!

The Dream Catcher - an intriguing tradition of Native Americans. They catch all our dreams, keeping the good, discarding the bad. From VC_PE000145_MTL_slide_large1.jpg By voguecrafts
The Dream Catcher – an intriguing tradition of Native Americans. They catch-all our dreams, keeping the good, discarding the bad.
By voguecrafts

Momma recalled a couple of months after Daddy departed, he dropped by in a dream, unexpectedly, just seemed to glide in, as she was busy polishing furniture and scrubbing floors.  Of  course, after the how-are-you and I-miss-you, came the ultimate all time question.  ‘What happened, did you realize what you were dying and what is heaven like?’  RIP Daddy explained, ‘Remember the day I got sick and you were called to the Emergency Department?  When you entered the hospital, you were on one side of the Emergency sliding glass door, where a multitude of tense and anxious patients were standing in line, waiting for registration, impatient even before their ordeal began. I was on the other side, of the sliding door, in a feverishly busy, yet satisfying environment. I could feel my life force draining away, yet my soul force growing exponentially. It is like you step through the glass door and you are vigorously alive, surrounded by healing power of the love of your family, friends, all there to greet you.  And Zanny, is here and Teddy and the Kitties.  It is heaven Momma.’

On one side, you are on Plant earth. Pass through the gate, Paradise awaits you. From ruined_doorway.jpg By hotblack
On one side, you are on Plant Earth. Pass through the gate, Paradise awaits you.
By hot black

Momma says just last night RIP Daddy appeared in her dream.  He carried a large wire cage with ten little kitties, the size of nothing, in to the living room.  Momma was freaking, ten kittens and then as if on invisible spring boards, those kitties were leaping up and popping out the sides of the cage. Right away, Momma worried, ‘Oh no, fleas all over the rug.’  Daddy took the cage outside while everyone else was on their hands and knees looking for escape artist kittens.  Oh, and one more thing. A long-haired, silver puppy , very shy, was at Daddy’s side. What does that mean, you suppose? I can tolerate, even love a dozen kittens, but another dog? Not so much….unless, it is my Bro’ Fidel (but he was black and white) reincarnated.  He was way cool….Him, I could handle!

So I don’t make this stuff up.  It happens.  Believe it or Not!

The Parting of the Veils

Now I know previously Momma has brought up her Father-God-Rest-His-Soul. It is high time to explore her Mother-God-Rest-Her-Soul’s influence and driving force in her life, even to this very day.

Grandmama & Grandpapa, their yout restored.
Grandmama & Grandpapa …the way they were….

It goes without saying, that parents ‘In the day’, could do no wrong, like Saints, they were, says Momma. The tactics used to turn children in to law-abiding citizens was totally circa the 1950’s.  That meant Grandmama made the decisions about the children’s lives, and just punishments, while Grandpapa pursued his job, his passion for the Masons or any other esoteric or earthly interests that may bleed into this life or the next.

Momma had a dilemma for which she thought needed guidance from above, so she prayed to God for an answer.

From blue skies to white, then dark clouds, foretell us to prepare for ominous weather.
From blue skies to white, then dark clouds, foretell us to prepare for ominous weather.From  clouds-080404-1.jpg  By xander

Apparently God had mud slide victims in South America to worry about, or an earthquake in Nepal to attend to, so He assigned the responsibility to his good servant, Grandmama.  Now, Momma would have liked her mother to sit on the edge of her bed, take her by the hand, discuss the pro’s and cons of the situation, tell her what to do. Not Her-Mother-God-Rest-Her-Soul.  She delivered a Tsunami, with circular motion sickness that left Momma unable to hold up her head or even move a finger without a corresponding needle darting to my brain, rendering her flat on her back. Not so cool, Grandmama.

At this point Momma would have taken any cure from the pain, even if it left her with six blind eyes, tumor growths or a list of symptoms too numerous to include.  (NOTE: Warnings you hear from television advertisements selling FDA approved prescriptions).  Momma had reached a level of acceptance. She knew the lay of the land.  If you go to a doctor, after you have had a severe disease attack your body and report a new symptom, e.g. like you are growing a second head, the doctor will look at you, with a straight face and say solemnly, ‘With what you have been through, that is to be expected’.

Okay, okay, message delivered.  She understood.  Momma never told me what the dilemma was that she needed help with.  She can be funny that and many  ways… (LOL). Still, Momma was on it. She would accept and follow the advice.

However Grandmama was not finished with Momma yet. The veils that a living person can not normally penetrate, had been removed and Momma says (hey, I was not there) she was given the pleasure of seeing the wide expanse of heaven, with a particular stone wall, made of small rocks and semi precious gems of glittering shades of pink quartz and grey granite.

Shades of grey and of pink stones and semi precious gems expanding as high and wide as the eye could see yet casting a shadow that bathed it blue-grey as the earth met the wall.
Shades of grey and of pink stones and semi precious gems expanding as high and wide as the eye could see yet casting a shadow that bathed it blue-grey as the earth met the wall. From  IMG_4866.JPG By 5demayo

For the first time since Grandmama’s death nineteen years ago, there she was, dressed in a brillant red dress, trimmed in gold, (befitting a true Leo), with  a plethora of bright colors in the background.  Grandmama was suspended from the ceiling, in the left hand corner of the bedroom, talking in a concentrated, guttural voice, telling Momma she was to write about ‘The Mystery of the Reality’.  She indicated Wonder Boy would somehow explore it further, have a better way to express what the world should, must know.  But hey, ……I’m just the messenger, don’t blame me, I can only report Momma’s  vision and lay out the game plan,as it was told to me.

Okay, I am not one to criticize (really) but this looks more like The Bible Thumper's Wife, our most beloved Auntie Nana, than Grandmama. I am confused. Anyway, the red dress trimmed in gold, is outstanding, n'est pas?
The red dress trimmed in gold, is outstanding, n’est pas?  From  004.JPGBy cheriedurbin

Momma did tell me her doctor said she must have been experiencing delusions or delirium caused by any number of nefarious conditions. But, get a grip. What does a doctor, who never even met Grandmama, know? Exactly!

Therefore the journey is underway, exploring the past to take us to our future. Hope it is what you meant, Grandmama. Over and Out.

Till we meet (one day).






Ae Mere Nicht (One More Night)

A few years back Momma told me we were going on a trip, to the land of her forefathers, deep in the country, where forests hide fields of dreams and sometimes even black bears.

New World very similar in its breathtaking beauty - only has more trees! From  DSC_0053_01.jpg By Ericviel
New World very similar in its breathtaking beauty – only has more trees!
From DSC_0053_01.jpg By Ericviel

I was not expecting to like it so much, being an urban suburban myself, but hey, I admit, I was smitten.  The grass was so long and green, the mountains high, the ocean waves so inviting.  I could sit on the top of an easy chair, taking it all in, staring out the bay window hour after hour, without blinking. It made me curious, tell me

The land our ancestors left behind.  From By: Macieklew
The land our ancestors left behind.
By: Macieklew


Momma’s great great grandfather’s family actually left the majestic Kintyre behind and traded it in for the beauty of another peninsula in the  New World, with very similar scenic views.

Their new home hugged the bay to the south, the majestic mountains to the west, the ocean to the east and the dense woods to the north.  Years earlier the settlement had been named  ‘Dark Capes’ supposedly because of the massive cliffs that jutted in to the Bay. Those on board the ships from the crew to weary passengers saw the massive, menacing cliffs on shore, wave carved and shiny black, from the tides rolling in.

However there was another story (isn’t there always) about how their settlement got named.  It would seem that a Captain that manned a ship from the ‘old country’ had a beautiful but wilful daughter that went to sea with him, after the death of her mother. Unfortunately kids were expected to do as they were told in that era. She refused to conform to her father’s authority.  Although forbidden to befriend the crew, she fell in love with a lowly deck hand.

The Captain pleaded with her to desist, to no avail.  With the fear that the rest of the crew would spot a weakness in him, the Captain felt he had no choice except to throw his beloved daughter and her lover overboard. Say WhatIf they reached the shore, they could live together happily ever after.  The story goes that they never made land. At least, in a community where everyone knew everyone and their business to boot,  no one in the new world ever claimed to meet the live version of the Captain’s daughter or her Lover.

The Captain returns to Seek the Lost From: Morguefile   By: Penywise
The Captain returns to Seek the Lost From: Morguefile By: Penywise

However, it is said, even today, when the bay is calm, the ghost ship returns with the Captain, her Father, periscope in hand, searching the water and the beach beseechingly, for his daughter.

Although, Momma never saw it, she was told, when the wind whips up the white caps on the waves, the Captain’s daughter and her Lover have been spotted by the locals, walking back and forth on the sandy beach, their Dark Capes flowing behind them, as they wait for Father to have a change of mind and return.  But when you look again, it is already too late. Have they melted in to the shadows to become one with the Dark Capes or have they found shelter in the cave, as they wait patiently for their ‘ship to come in’?

Wow, that is hard-core, they practised tough love to the extreme in those days, Momma!  It is sadder than our Sophie Alert.  No Daddy can be that heartless…can they???  Don’t tell me stories like that again, okay, Momma because I can’t handle the truth….or even old wives tales…..



The Grim Reaper Strikes Again

Is the shadowless form the Grim Reaper? From street_ghosts.jpgBy hotblack
Is the shadowless form the Grim Reaper?
street_ghosts.jpg By hot black

Even a dog like me knows the Grim Reaper is ‘for real’, on a Mission, always looking for his next victim.  Yet Momma’s family would never have bet Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe (Buddy’s Mom) would be on the short list.

Married to Uncle WW2 Sergeant, she was as strong as an ox, and funny as any stand up comedian.  More importantly not only was  she a Gold * mother, sister, daughter and auntie, she also had the gift of wisdom which was especially noticeable to all those who walked down the road of Life with her.

Momma thought her auntie had the body of Marilyn Munroe but with a much more captivating face. She had shiny black hair that she always kept short, high cheek bones, sparkly brown eyes and a smile that launched ships.  Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe was always tanned from working outside in the garden and on the farm. She could easily and with no complaint, do the work of three men on any given day.  Her ability to amuse and entertain listeners with stories of what she had seen and where she had been, endeared her to everyone she met.

When Momma’s family would visit her on a Sunday afternoon, she would promise that  the minute she got some time, she come up to take them berry picking. Later that week, bright and early, when they were still in bed, true to her word,  she would arrive.  They would all fetch a berry pail. Then the kids would pile in the back seat of her car, (again, no seat belt laws – a wonder folks made it to today), while she and Momma’s mother (Grandmama) got in the front.

Uncle Clem's turkey.  From: Morguefile   By; Imboo Too
Uncle Angus’ turkey. From: Morguefile By: Imboo Too

Back the unpaved road the family would hurtle, hitting every pot hole, so Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe could ‘test that her car springs were working.’  She would tell us the latest gossip from her neighbor hood, of how Cousin Clem was mad at Uncle Angus, whose turkeys kept chasing Cousin Clem’s bull in the pasture, so it no longer could ‘perform’.  Uncle Angus snorted, ‘Don’t blame the turkeys.  The bull is as useless as his owner.’

Grandmama would direct Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe where to stop at and suggest  parking on the alley and walking in.  Not Aunt Marilyn Munroe.  No worries.  She’d point the car to the right, and in the field. They would lurch,  car and all, swooping over downed tree trunks, and small bushes, as the wildlife scattered to Save their Souls. You could hear the long grass getting caught in the under body, but Aunt Marilyn Monroe would drive till the car spun like a top and stopped.  Once the pails were full to the brim with berries, she’d get out her considerable tool box, slide under the car with her handy scythe to cut the grass, and get the car running for our return home.

Uncle WW2 Sergeant refused to believe the local doctors (who knew nawthing about nawthing, according to him) when Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He took her to The Big Smoke’s Number-One-Cancer- Hospital. Sadly the  diagnosis did not change.

Strong both mentally and physically, Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe insisted she would go back home to pass through the portal to the other dimension, surrounded  by family and friends rather than in a hospital setting.  She left the earth plane as she had lived, ‘she did it her way’, accepting her fate, making everyone  comfortable in her transition. Though she was mourned by all, it left her son,  Buddy without an anchor, careening from one bad choice to the next. For Buddy, you could say, his ship buffeted by the waves of time, never achieved an even keel again.

That Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe would appear to Momma in a dream to warn her Cancer was fermenting in her body, was a further confirmation in  life that we are just scratching the surface of the Mystery of the Reality.

Ruby and Charlie listen to Jakita as she tells them about Aunt Marilyn Munroe.
Ruby and Charlie listen to Jakita as she tells them about Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe.

As a dog, I know little about many things. However, although I did not know what my intuition was all about, I tell you, I felt the Grim Reaper’s presence the day RIP Daddy left us.



So believe me, it is out there, stalking the unprepared, meeting its’ quota to satisfy an unknown target. So be on guard because it is out there!


Like this?  Also in this series:                                                                                         Dream Weaver                                                                                                      Jakita  Beau-Be-Gone and the Hereafter                      


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Beau-Be-Gone and the Hereafter

I don’t understand about the Hereafter because I am Beau-Be-Gone, not the Brainiac Bad Boy Andy-Long-Legs. One minute I was moseying along, the next I was deathly sick, not the garden variety $300.00 at the vet to fix all your troubles, no I was the thousands of dollars at the vet and no guarantees on recuperation type of sick.  Not a good scene!

Look, it is all. And I am keeping my eye on you now that I have been taught the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Why didn't Momma teach me that so that I would not have lived by the Law of the Jungle.
Beau-Be-Gone is  keeping his eye on the earth plane,  now that he has been taught the Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The last thing I remember Momma is stroking me, then boom, I  catapulted through space to heaven, landing in RIP Daddy’s arms as if we had practiced in advance.  Winding around Daddy’s legs were all the cats I had lived with through the years.

I always (well, sometimes) wondered where they had gone….. but would never have believed it if I had not seen it with own two eyes. There was the once psychotic Cat Mandu, friendly and welcoming. Gee, would I change that much?  Also there to greet me was, our feral cat Casey, who like Humpty-Dumpty (and me) could never be put together again, and look, shy little Cat Mao, with her Raccoon Friend.  Well, I be!

You probably are wondering about the passage from this world to the next.  It makes me want to share a story Momma told me about she was growing up in country in the 1950’s – just don’t tell Jakita I told you.  She thinks that the privilege to share the Mystery of the Reality belongs to her solely.  But hey, I am in heaven, she can not jump on my back and chew my ears now.

It came to pass, in Momma’s small town that a father left his family behind and the Single-Mother (unheard of in the 1950’s), had to find a home for herself and four children. She heard there was a three bedroom bungalow, close to the beach that stood empty. No one had lived in it since the end of the Second World War.

Made of white clapboard, with a black thatched roof, the house made you think of a cottage that may have been found nestled in any New England town on the Eastern Seaboard.   You could watch the sun rise and set, painting the water in magnificent hues, different colours, every day.  As storms came in, you could see the waves turn menacing, watch the ice floes in the winter, or marvel at the shadows the full moon blanketed the water with, on a moonlit night.

Life is a beach party....
Life is a beach party….

It was a location city folks would have given their eye teeth to own. How could any one have left this Paradise behind?  The challenge was to locate the owners, to see if it could be rented.

The owners were found and a deal was worked out. The family moved in, a new segment of life to begin.  The youngest child, Little Lilly, was still taking daily afternoon naps. One day, after a nap, she asked her mother, ‘Can you see the Soldier Boy in the room with us?’  Single-Mom looked around and saw nothing.  ‘Not over there, sitting crossed leg at the foot of my bed. He seems confused about why I am in his bedroom, although he never talks to me’,  her young daughter explained.

Single Mom thought maybe she should find out more about this family who had rented them what she thought was a God sent home. She established that the couple had only one son that went off her World War Two but never came home. The room her youngest daughter slept in, was Soldier Boy’s bedroom.  It was whispered that after his death, he started making visitations to his parents, in their home on the beach, according to the old-timers, who claimed they had been sworn to secrecy.

Totally appalled and with total disbelief that the dead would appear (even if it was their son), the parents had abandoned the only home they had ever lived in as a family.  But those in ‘the know’ said, ‘don’t tell anyone but’  even after the parents had moved, Soldier Boy  still found them at their new home, appearing to them until such time as his parents joined him in Paradise…. Kids, eh????

Single-Mom decided that it was probably better to move her family on. She had no way of knowing the long-term effect this could have on her youngest daughter and the older children longed to have eyes to see (but they didn’t). Meanwhile the owners, without being told, intuitively knew what had driven the family from their former home.  They felt they had no choice but to have their bungalow pulled down, clapboard by clapboard, then two by four by two by four, so as to prevent other families from being exposed to the unknown, that they themselves struggled to put their heads around.

But still, it was said that their son’s apparition could be seen by some of the locals, (not sure if there was some sippy juice consumed before the sightings) on Moon lit nights, a lone figure, with a bayonet, sitting on the rocks, as the waves crashed on the shore. It seemed our Soldier Boy was looking out toward the bay, wiling away the time until he could join his parents, extended family and friends in the hereafter.

Crashing waves. From Morguefile By: Pellini
Crashing waves.
From Morguefile
By: Pellini

We have it (on very good authority), that since his parents passed on to their glory, no one has seen him sitting on the rock, looking out at the bay, or anywhere else in Momma’s little town.  They all believed he has crossed over into the light, with his parents to his greater reward.

What we know for sure, is the waves still crash on the cliffs and the tide still goes in and out, without him.




Some days are so long and I feel like I am not accomplishing my mission in life.  I flop on the couch and think, think, think.  The world should know by now that although I am a creative genius,  with a glittery collar attached to a lead, I am kept in captivity like a Seal at Marine land, catching, fetching, flapping, all to gain attention .  Like a criminal, I do not get out the door with out an escort.

I know, (I SHOULD know) I have done some questionable things in the past and safeguards are in place to save my body and soul.  But the Indoor / Outdoor Cats, they smirk at me, behind their two-faced paws.  I am sure they feel superior because they are trusted to take care of themselves, to come back on time, while on the other hand, I went out of my way (in my youth, I tell you) to take the whole family on wild goose chases, down streets, over fields, through traffic, causing mayhem and refusing to stop on command.  I am no longer that puppy.  But Momma can not bear to lose me, so we spend a lot of time together and I am spoon fed stories to feed my sense of adventure and keep me happy while I am anchored.

Okay, Momma, I am flopped down and all ears. I am ready to hear some stories about when men were men.
Okay, Momma, I am ready to hear some stories about when men were men.

One day, when I was moping around, Momma tried to paint me a picture of her esoteric father, felled by a crippling stroke and yet still a strong life force, arranging, planning, executing with his last heart beats.



It was just another frantic weekend when Momma thought she would slip in to see her father in the Long Term Facility where he had been sent once medical intervention was no longer an option. The stroke had brought on abilities (to invent dramas….in his head) and real-time disabilities, (one of which was being paralyzed on his left side). Daddy and Wonder Boy also visited faithfully, but today they would get a break from the extra duty imposed by a sick family member, through no fault of his own.

Grandpappy at his 75th birthday party. See Jag Boy, his mouth open in amazement - so many candles. Beside his is Wonder Boy in front of Momma. Ah, the world was so much kinder then....
Grandpapa at his 75th birthday party in his wheel chair, the blue restraint across his midsection so he would not dive head first on the floor. Ah, the world was so much kinder then….

Momma got off the elevator on his floor and weaved her way between elderly patients in wheelchairs, charging at her with a vengeance and reckless abandon, since they could not control their walkers or wheelchairs or should they still be walking, their drunk-like gait.

When Momma reached my father’s room, he asked me, ‘Did you see Oliver Over-the-Hill on the elevator today?’ Now her father, with his confused brain, often told his family some fantastic tales.  It seemed John Major, the Prime Minister of England at that time, was using him as his political adviser.  He would explain the political decisions Mr. Major made, based on Momma’s father’s sound advice.  Also, Bob Barker from ‘The Price is Right’ was his cousin and my youngest sister was going to get a call from him, any day now, to replace Vanna as hostess on the game show.  Itty Bitty would smile, point out prizes, and clap when it was appropriate. She could handle that, one hand tied behind her back.

Oliver Over-the-Hill, Oliver Over-the-Hill, where had Momma heard that name, she thought frantically.  Then it came to her.  He was an old-timer from their neck of the woods, that died even before she was born. Even so, his legend lived on.  He had been a much respected, take charge business man who would step up and take control without invitation.

No Dad, I did not see him.  What ever is Oliver Over-the-Hill doing on the elevator?’, Momma asked, quite innocently. He leaned over to whisper in her ear so the other patients in the room would not hear and be frightened, ‘He is taking lost souls back to Heaven.’

Aaah,’ Momma said,  ‘I am just as glad I did not see him then or I might be  Heaven bound.’  Momma’s father’s expression read, mock you if you must, as he said, ‘Oh ye of little faith and less understanding.’

This says it all - the description and image of a Fairy Ring, the windmills and the Maple Leaf Forever, protecting the little benched angels and fairies who are resting until the moon comes out again.....

This says it all – the description and image of a Fairy Ring,where angels and fairies rest until the moon comes out again and they can leap and dance…..

I just wish I had met Momma’s father.  A man so connected, an advisor to John Major, a cousin to Bob Barker, a man who met up with Peter Cottontail, saw the fairies leap and dance around the Fairy Circle on a Moon Lit Night and actually saw Oliver Over-the-Hill’s ghost on the elevator.

They don’t make ’em like my Grandpapa any more.


Dream Weaver

Dream Angel.
Dream Angel.

At night we drift off to sleep without any control over the dreams or nightmares we may encounter.  When we awaken, next morning, it takes a minute or two to figure out the reality. Sometimes we open our eyes, feel peace surrounding us and out of the blue it hits us, like a ton of bricks.  We did something yesterday, that is going to ruin today….. Or we or someone in our family is leaving or sick or dying.  A sense of panic and inertia strikes us. We breathe deep and say like Scarlett O’Hara, ‘Tomorrow’s another day.’

But all dreams are not born equal. Buddy’s mother,  Momma’s Aunt, (although 100% Scottish born and bred) was a Spanish Marilyn Munroe look-alike, tall and curvaceous, with black hair, streaked with glowing hints of red and blue in the sun.

Gravestones EliteIn Momma’s dream, a sister of Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe dropped by her home in Ontario to let Momma know she and Daddy just had to go to Ruis’ Funeral Home, back home in Quebec that very night because it was the twenty-five year anniversary of Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe’s death and her husband, Uncle WW2 Sergeant was planning an anniversary that would amaze everyone.

Well, it was a fair distance from Ontario, maybe astro travel would work, but we would try, because we all adored Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe (besides Momma’s Mother-God-Rest Her-Soul,  would be observing and recording non-attendance.  Momma would never be forgiven if she was a no-show).

When Momma and Daddy arrived at the Funeral Parlor (don’t ask how, Momma was vague about the devil in the details), there was a long line up outside consisting of family and friends that they had not seen in years. They caught up with all the gossip, laughing at the absurdities of life,  commiserating about Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe and Uncle WW2 Sergeant’s son, Cousin Buddy, being AWOL since the mother he had adored, had been taken from him. Then again, there was the promise he made his Father. Well, Uncle WW2 Sergeant didn’t listen to him and married that ‘other’ woman, but Buddy kept his promise. Not only that, Buddy was right. Right or wrong, no one had seen him since.   Over the years Buddy had few supporters (except his club members who thought of him often), but the old folks seemed to have mellowed in their opinions in this setting. Also, they just wished he could be with them, in honor of the strong bond he and his mother shared, since it was them against the world on many occasions.

Finally the line snaked in to the Funeral Parlor.  They were in the room with the coffin.  Momma saw Uncle  WW2 Sergeant, looking smart in his best Legion Bib and Tucker, ready to go fight WW3, if needs be, standing by his late wife’s casket.

As Momma approached, Uncle WW2 Sergeant excitedly told her that Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe had a special message for her.  At that, Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe dressed in a white sleeveless dress, to best show her shiny black hair and perfect tan, sat up silently, in her coffin.  With out saying a word, she opened her big, sparkly brown eyes, rolled them to the left, then to the right, closed them and lay back down.

Life Staging
Life Staging

It was a miracle, Uncle WW2 Sergeant proclaimed, Momma had been the only person sent a message, but no one knew what it all meant exactly.

Momma’s Aunt had  died within six months of being diagnosed with cancer. And so it was, exactly six months after the dream, Momma was diagnosed with cancer. She successfully lived through Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation.  Is it not fitting, through a dream, Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe was warning Momma to “look at and listen to” her body?

Her we are, just sitting around, sharing tales of what was, what will be, just marveling at the mystery of the reality.
Here we are… just marveling at the mystery of the reality.

What do you think  Gen, Tigger and my Incredibly Wise Wide Eyed Stuffed Monkey Ruby?  Anything like that ever happen to you? I hate those dreams where some hungry mutt is chasing me because I look like a yummy snack.  I whimper, Momma sits up, pats me and says, ‘It’s okay, Jakita.  It is just a dream. Go back to sleep.’ I am still waiting for a dream with a message.  I am just saying, I am open to it, okay?

Thank you,  Aunt Spanish Marilyn Munroe.  You were always so strong and brave.  Thirty-nine years old was too young to die.

Momma says she learned a lot from you, both here on earth and of course, when you materialized mysteriously in a dream.  You saw first hand what your death did to your young family and wanted to make sure  history did not repeat itself.

They don’t make them like our Auntie anymore!!!!

Jakita Introduces Paddy

Story time
Story time

It is a ritual Every night after  supper, it is outside time for me.  Once I come back in,  Momma cleans and cleans my paws and tail and belly and back and head, with baby wipes, then rubs me down with a fluffy towel, while I lick her fingers.  Gen waits patiently for this routine to finish because, once Momma is done with me, it is play time for Gen and I.

I chase Gen around, she hides under the bed, I follow, then as I tire of the wait, she jumps out at me. I shrug her off, chase her round and round the kitchen, down the hall, to the living room, all the while barking and complaining. Gen comes to a complete halt, I somersault over her and pounce on her back, chewing on her ears. Girlie style, Gen emits mournful cries that brings Momma running, ready to protect the victim, and  eject the antagonized. I jump on the couch out of harm’s way.

Every night, same routine, Momma admonishes me, and comforts Gen, who jumps up beside me on the couch, lays down, her head resting on her milky white paws, purring and sidling closer to  me to show she has no hard feelings.


After the nightly chase, Jakita rests on the pillow and Gen snuggles next to her.
After the nightly chase, Jakita rests on the pillow and Gen snuggles next to her.

Now you know Momma is open to possibilities and holds dear the thought that she will one day be united with her loved ones and her hot dogs and cool cats, in heaven.

You will not believe me but I swear I see RIP Daddy in the living room on occasion, putting his hand on Momma’s shoulderHe has even patted my head on occasionI can see him but it is quite apparent Momma doesn’t.  Matter of fact, she says she has never seen a ghost but she heard one, she says, she does.

Apparently, it was a well-established fact that my Grandmama grew up in a haunted house.  They were told that the owner of the home, Paddy was on the roof with his hired help, when a fight broke out.  Somehow Paddy either slipped or was pushed off the roof to his death.  From that day forward he haunted the home, bought at a (killer…LOL) good price, since no one else would go near it. Paddy would turn on and off lights, kill flies with an invisible fly swatter and continually, relentlessly hammer shingles on the roof, trying to complete his task before the first snow of winter flew.

The old schoolhouse: Perfect for hotel, bar restaurant.
The haunted??? house? From Morguefile.

Momma said she well-remembered, when she stayed overnight at my grandparent’s home, sneaking in bed with Aunt-Second-Sister, knowing she was the only person in the home with her, yet hearing the persistent hammering on the roof. Bewildered by what her eyes could not see, but her ears could not deny, somewhere near dawn, Momma drifted off into a restless, troubled sleep.

Momma is told, even today, Paddy is still keeping her cousin’s family awake, as he works to finish the roof before the first snow of winter. The roof has been re-shingled many times since your death, Paddy. Everyone will long remember your existence and pass your story on, for generations to come.

How about it, Gen,  should you and I urge Paddy to ‘go in to the light’.  He has surely earned passage to his eternal rest.  Meanwhile when I am staring in to the distance, my tail wagging, it probably means I can see RIP Daddy, big smile, bending down to scratch my ears.  I just wish Momma could see what I see.


Jakita & Gen, staring in to the unknown. Do they see RIP Daddy or are they listening to a Momma discuss the Mystery of the Reality.
Jakita & Gen, eyes wide open, staring in to the unknown. Do they see RIP Daddy or are they listening to  Momma discuss the Mystery of the Reality?

So, what do you think Gen?  Oh, you ‘want more’ as Wonder Boy said, at fourteen mouths old – ‘more – want more’.  No worries, I got lots to tell .  You wonder if we should share this with the other cats.  No, Brainiac Andy,  would scoff at us  and Charlie would hide away in the basement for weeks, not wanting to embrace the ‘unknown’ since  the ‘known’, is even more than she can handle.  

But we could tell Ruby, the Wide Eyed Monkey.  She is so wise and all-seeing.  

Trust me, I have heard plenty,  so listen up, okay?


Senorita Jakita Walks On

GravestonesI am not tired yet, from my Neighbor hood exploration and Graveyard stroll so what other possibilities of entertainment is out here for me?  In the front garden, all of our Indoor-Outdoor  and Colony Kitties lay down, paws tucked under, Egyptian style, sheltered by the Japanese Maple, or stretched out on the Stepping Stones. They look so cool and introspective as they sit upright on the front step, staring through slit eyes at some  invisible spirits that only they have eyes to see. On my best behavior, I do not chase the cats out, instead I sniff, sniff, sniff, what is that smell?


See front garden, bushes @ back, lovely yellow tulip, geraniums and wildflowers - a perfect camouflage for a Dancing Fairy to conceal her true identity.
Front garden,with  bushes @ back, lovely yellow tulip, geraniums and wildflowers – a perfect camouflage for a Dancing Fairy to conceal her true identity.


Did another dog have the nerve to walk through our front garden? Did a dog pee on Momma’s flowers? The audacity – some people’s kids. Dog owners these days – they are just not up to the job. Momma never would let me walk in a neighbors’ front garden or yard, for that matter.     Let me share  a secret about  how this patch of bad grass and bramble bushes turned in to a front yard garden. It began long ago and far away when Daddy still walked the earth plane.

Yet even before Momma and  Daddy, there was Momma’s father who cajoled his children into looking at the unknown, to examine and question whether it was the wonder of nature, political or religious attitudes or just leaving behind the old to embrace the new.  He would taking his children and their friends on a walk, (the Pied Piper) on a lazy, summer afternoon, through the mill yard, over the fence, up the railroad tracks till they arrived at a piece of land that had a big round hole in the ground, which he  said was a fairy ring.

Now science might claim the hole was caused by a meteorite hurtling from outer space, creating the cavity in the earth.  But no, Momma’s father had seen with his own eyes (well, at least once), on a moonlit night tiny iridescent fairies with their gossamer wings, their tutus the very colors of the rainbow, whirling on bejeweled pink satin slippers as they performed the Circle of the Fairy Dance, for only those who “believe”.

Back in Real Time, we live in a friendly urban neighbor hood wherein, in order to keep the tradition going, Momma had Daddy pull up the front lawn and carefully lay down rich top soil, then plant bushes, ornamental grasses and flowers. Next came stepping-stones and rocks that bleed a river of silver when the sun is high in the sky.

Twirling in wild abandon in the shadow of sculptures and flowers.
Twirling in wild abandon in the shadow of sculptures and flowers.


Of course,   little statues and sun dials were put in place for tiny fairies to conceal themselves, peeping out from behind our miniature roses and Impatiens . Like The Field of Dreams, Momma and Daddy believed ‘if they built it, the Fairy Dance would come’. When the moon is high, Momma says, she does, that the fairies gather to effortlessly perform the Circle of the Fairy Dance.

Now it came to pass there was a lady across the street who, when she saw Momma and Daddy working in our garden, would wave and say they should come over and plant a garden for her (True Story).  Of course Daddy said he would, when he got some free time.  Unbeknownst to us, she had a lethal form of cancer, which she decided to treat with firewater, shunning conventional medicine. You know the weekend when the hydro failed here in The Big Smoke.  Ontario blamed New York and New York blamed Ontario and Quebec, with all their abundance of natural power, laughed at all of us.  That weekend, the lady across the street, slipped away, on to her greater reward, free of pain, man’s best friend, her faithful dog, at her side.


Unconditional, I am with you till-death-do-us-part-love.

Momma and I like to think the lady’s very spirit crossed the street, to the garden she loved, wherein on the Moonlit Nights, we have a new Lead Ballerina, twirling in bejeweled slippers, fully embracing the magic of the Circle of the Fairy Dance.  Come see come see, her energy now restored, her body once again lithe and strong,  effortlessly spinning in pink pointe ballet slippers in the midnight moon light!


The Fairy Band with instuments, the Angel, the picture of the Circle of the Fairy Dance behind the Resting Fairy. Only, in Canada. Pity.
See the three  Angels playing musical instruments, the Winged  Angel, and the picture of the Circle of the Fairy Dance behind the Resting Fairy. Only, in Canada. Pity.