Trying to Get A Message to You

So…let’s talk about Momma….again.  Oh, she thinks she is perfect but as Grandmama would say…Momma could cramp a saint… take walk times.  Sometimes, like she should (it’s in my Policy and Procedures for All Creation), Momma says. ‘Walk time, Jakita’….and she actually proceeds to the door, gets my leash around my neck and we are off.

The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius...
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius…

I have to admits, sometimes I can be the hold up… if I was caught in a nap.  I take my jolly old-time, shake my head, do the downward stretch, shake my head some more, stumble over to the food disha dog has to have energy to exercise.

Okay, okay, I admit, there is no fault to be assigned because I am an Ultimate Einstein Earth Dog (think Earth, Virgo, detail fixated even if a was born in the Age of Aquarius) that tells time better than GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)Set your world clock by me, you will not be off a nanosecond.

But mostly, it is, well, blame Momma.  Take today.  Momma set off, as she always does, somewhere around the ninth hour in the morning (after the school children are safely at school) to go to 1,2,3 stores… every day, 3 different stores.  At this rate the money may not last as long as we will.  The drug store was a must because it was 20% off day and somehow she had broken her hand-held mirror.  Isn’t that seven years bad luck?  The amount of mirrors Momma breaks, her time on earth will run out long before her bad luck. 

Pretty flowers along the walk.
Pretty flowers along the walk.

Next, realizing tomorrow was for Thanksgiving Day dinner preparation, Momma had to buy her beloved one a day (like a vitamin pill) glazed donuts because Monday, the stores are shuttered to honor all sacrificed turkeys.  Come Tuesday, the public will all be suffering a compulsive shopping disorder, pushing and shoving, emptying shelves… not a good scene.  You got to be like Momma and plan ahead to make sure your donut addiction is satisfied.

The last store was just a couple of things, keep the cats soft food inventory stable, and turnips for the Thanksgiving dinner… they had to be bought at this particular store because, well the good soul who grew up inthe day’ worked in produce and would cheerfully quarter her turnips for her. Imagine asking a millennial … their expression, God Bless Them,  would tell you, ‘Cut your own friggidy diggidy turnips’…..

All this being said, by the time Momma returned home, she was late for our usually scheduled walk… so, say you…did she drop everything and take you out the door? Well no, Momma also had laundry going on.  First load had to be folded and put away (you can’t have bath towels wrinkling, I guess LOL), then the second load had to be transferred from the washer to the dryer.

Fall Leaves.
Fall Leaves.

Then, there was groceries to put away, (can’t have the glaze sliding off the donuts), a mirror to assigned a home, paper towels to be replaced, a charge card receipt to be filedthe list went on and on and on. So, surely we are ready Momma… Almost… You know that fake fern that sits outside all summer, seems it has to be brought inside, now, right now or Momma being Momma, might forget it outside all winter, where the howling Arctic winds, sleet, ice, snow would absolutely, reveal its secret…it is artificiallike some of those Two Footed with their enhanced bodies and to ‘dye’ for or transplanted hair…Got it Momma.

I am so ready, Momma.
I am so ready, Momma.

Patience is a virtue…Momma finally exhausted her list of tasks and me, (just watching her). She got down the leash and we were off on our walk, savoring the autumn sunshine, crackling leaves and flowers breathtakingly magnificent.

I forgive you this time Momma, but next time, I expect you to  do betterAre you listening, Momma?

Come and Whisper In My Ear

Give us dirty laundry…..

Every family has its secrets…its own pile of dirt, swept under the front door rug.  Why would our family be any different? We may look normal….Momma may appear to be a nurturing soul and she is but…she crushed my spirit, a long time ago and part of me still clings to that memory….

Don’t get me wrong.  I love my Momma….and I know she would die on a  cross for me but true love never runs smooth….

Puppy Jakita
Puppy Jakita

You remember, after meticulous research, Momma knew she wanted a Havanese puppy….a black and white Irish PiedMale….Well, as it is plain to see, I only met one of these conditions….I was Havanese, but I wasn’t Black and White or a Male. Still doesn’t everyone want the Leader, the Puppy Einstein? I had attributes that should, could, would outweigh all other criteria.

The day Momma came calling, I  tried my utmost.  My hair was a bit shaggy, growing over my eyes, my head a bit big for my puppy body but still I was cute….maybe not as cute as my completely sable sister but for some reason, Momma ruled her out anyway…but my black and white brothers were perfectly proportioned, with heads that fit their bodies and no fur to cover their sapphire blue eyes.  Momma picked me up.  I wiggled and squiggled in anticipation. I sniffed her neck and shoulder.  I licked her fingers. She put me back in my cage (what???) and picked up, my perfect Black and White Brother Fidel who cuddled  in the crook of her arm and gazed in to her eyes. How could I compete?

A handsome, loyal Angel Dog who was steadfast and true. We miss you Teddy.
A handsome, loyal Angel Dog who was steadfast and true, Teddy.

Still, there was a ghost in the room.  Momma had loved her American Eskimo Angel Dog Teddy who had caught his Blue Cloud to Heaven. She felt she was betraying him if she bonded with another.  Momma had to make sure she was ready to make a commitment to love and be loved whole heartedly again before so being an Analytical Virgo she left empty-handed to think, before she jumped in.

While Little Black and White Fidel was baffled,  my little puppy ♥ was broken.  I was so ready for my Forever Home.  Although my caretaker still fed brushed and bathed us, let us out the cage to run around, it did not feel the same. Did I did not measure up? Had  I failed some Unknown Test of Life that you can not study for?

You know this story had a HappilyEverAfter Ending because after leaving empty-handed, Momma came back for me a week later. Now I live the Life of Riley with walks, homemade top of the line food, lots of fresh water, baskets of toys, dog pillows and so much love.  Some people may even say I am spoiled…well, just a little.

Just the other day, Momma came in from shopping.  I was sitting on the back of the couch in the sun room, waiting for her to return because, well, I miss her when she goes out….

Six year old Angel Doggie Jakita
Six year old Angel Doggie Jakita

and you know what she said? ‘There’s my Angel Doggie, how are you, Angel Doggie?’  My  melted. I knew… I no longer have to compete with Angel Dog TeddyIt may have taken six years…. but all is forgiven, Momma.


My Love Lies Waiting, Silently For Me

Momma says some times we can not help our rash depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born...apparently Zanny's chart was capricious.
Momma says some times we can not help our behavior…it depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born…

Every one knows by now my Momma is an organized control freak Virgo…Still there could be worse things in a dog’s life, I am guessing, especially for a dog with IMHA (Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anemia).  There are countless, routine blood counts taken, to make sure I am still in remission because I am not anxious to go back on steroids and cyclosporine or get blood transfusions, even if it means seeing all those high faluting Yummy Mummies with their exquisite blue blood designer dogs from Chokeville Oakville.

Super you see me, the pink one, no that one, not that one.
Super *…do you see me, the pink one, no, that one, not that one.

Hey, I am the Ultimate Earth Dog,      The Super * with a Pedigree, that unquestionably surpasses all takers and so much smarter, better looking …and so humble.

So today I was to go to my in-town (city) vet for a check up and blood test. Momma is always so impressed that somehow, some way, I always can pick out the exact glass door to approach, in a field of glass doors.  That is the blessing and the curse of having a velcro brain with exact recall. I don’t mind entering…I’ll even get weighed but please no temperature readings, no blood tests and definitely any diagnosis that may lead to surgery is verboten…got it???

As I suspected would happen, the Vet Assistant did all kind of rude things to me. Then enters Dr. Pony-Tail-Vet.  Don’t get me wrong.  He is gentle, kind  but you almost wonder…is there a Sales Target put in place by a Chief Financial Officer, given out to Vets to push, that  can only be achieved by using scare tactics on doting, naïve I-Would- Do-Anything-For-You pet owners?

Let’s face it.  Momma is the original Quite Contrary so when Dr. Pony-Tail-Vet said, I needed surgery on both knees, usually $3000.00 but for you just $2000.00, Momma gulped and said she would have to think about that…

New Do Rag for exemplary behavior at the Vet.
New Do Rag for exemplary behaviorr at the Vet.

I mean, in today’s world, there is so much information to be gleaned from so many Search Engines that it was a pretty safe bet, I would not have to endure the indignity of surgery as long as there are Naturopath Vets.  And…if I do have a knee problem, it explains why like white men, I can’t jump…but I am not so crippled that I have trouble going up and down stairs.  I am not at a point when I am limping, feeling too stiff to walk (well, sometimes – fleetingly) nor do I whimper or whine in response to pain so…. hold the phones before you get out those scalpels, Dr. Pony-Tail-Vet. One thing I know is Momma doesn’t like hands in her pockets so to speak… and she has my furry little back…

When I am at the Vets, I read the signs, for sure, no kidding. When it is blood test time, I head to the glass door to escape.  The Vet Assistant chases behind me and I bolt over to Momma, my eyes screaming, ‘Save Me.’  Now another staff member joins in the chase, trying to drag me to the lab, while I do the two hundred pound glued to the floor routine.  In desperation the Vet Assistant stoops down, picks me up and it is off to the lab.

My love lies waiting, silently for me…
My love lies waiting, silently for me

Like an Angel, I stop fighting, so that the procedure will be over as quickly as possible.  I am lifted down to the floor and I totally race to Momma, like a puppy, so anxious to be gone, home where my love lies waiting, silently for me…

The staff tell Momma I was as good as gold…of course I was…I have my pride and I am the Ultimate Earth Dog, The Super * with a Pedigree, don’t you know….

I Feel Good, Like I Knew That I Would

Here is ‘de ting’ as Momma’s most beloved French Brother-In-Law used to say.  The older you get, the more you realize how much you don’t know, even a strictly by the rules Policy and Procedure Wonk, like me, the irresistibly gorgeous, multi talented and Einstein Havanese Senorita Jakita from Jakitaville….Oh, it is hard to admit, but the good news is the wisdom of age protects you from all manners of danger and mayhem.

Still waiting for my 1st grooming session...
Still waiting for my 1st grooming session…

Now I know you are looking for examples…well, there are plenty of those.  Take for instance when I was that silly little puppy, born in a barn in the dead of winter, escaping my pen within a matter of weeks, weaving in and out of the horse and cow stalls, my little siblings tagging behind me.  I mean, a

horse or cow hoof trampling one of us would have been, like, as in a well read book, ‘THE END.’  At that time in my life, I was blessed with high energy and cursed with no sense of reality.  That we lived speaks not of any great feat on my part but the aligning of the stars and plants on any given night.  I mean, ‘We Lived in the Danger Zone.

Then I was lucky enough to get a Forever Home  and you guessed…Momma was Manager not only of Human Resources but Health and Safety for like a billion years so when I was not in someone’s care, I was placed in a Baby Pen so that no one would accidentally tramp on me.  Seemed I had a Momma even more wily than me. I tried to climb up the sides, no dice.  I tried to leap over, too high…Huh? I went from freedom in a barn to a pen in my Forever Home….to keep me safe?  This was not something I had signed on for. What was I missing here?  My new home sure appeared more like a Club Med than any Danger Zone.  So, I complained.  I whimpered, I whined, I warbled and even surprised myself with a tinny little bark that I practised with diligence until, you got it, Momma rescued me.

Puppy Jakita has her welcome home toys and a dog cushion to sleep on.
Puppy Jakita has her welcome home toys and a dog cushion to sleep on.

But one night Momma had to go out and put kind-hearted but a distracted Daddy in charge of me.  Now Momma with that Mama Bear instinct is pure Helicopter Mom.  Poor Wonder Boy was watched 24/7 – unless he was asleep and even then Momma would creep into his bedroom to make sure he was breathing. The only day, Momma left Daddy in charge of Wonder Boy…she came home to find out her wrapped in cotton wool four-year old had managed to go to the store by himself for gum, walking two blocks each way as well as crossing a six lane street with Red, Yellow, Green lights, White Hand to walk, Orange Signal Don’t Walk and the Chirper, all unbeknownst to Daddy.  It goes without saying that Daddy and I would get along just fine.

Our very own Sanctuary, the front lawn turned into flower beds with stepping stones and rocks that bleed a river of molten silver when the sun is high in the sky, and tiny iridescent fairies with gossamer wings concealing themselves, peeping out from behind our miniature roses and impatiens. When the moon is high, we have seen (with our own eyes), the fairies gather to effortlessly perform the Circle of the Fairy Dance, as witnessed by the Hot Dag and Cool Cats....
Lot of puppy traps and snares….

It was a lovely evening so Daddy and I went to the garden, him with his cell phone to call customers and me chanting, ‘Free at Last. Thank God Almighty. Free at Last.’ Daddy started chatting as I scoped the back yard for something to do…then I noticed the most amazing pile of sparkly pebbles.  They looked so good, I had to, just had to, taste them.  They did not slide down well so I decided to scoop them up with freshly fertilized garden soil…still not what I expected so I decided I’d just go lay down by Daddy’s lawn chair.  Maybe then I’d feel better.  All of a sudden it was as if a cyclone came tearing through my puppy body.  I heaved and spewed pebbles and soil and the cat food I was not supposed to eat and of course my own kibbles.  This was not good….but it got Daddy’s attention.

I was scooped up, barricaded in the kitchen for a more efficient clean up.  Momma came home.  There was no blame assigned to me (guilty as charged) or Daddy (who never had a clue how to be tough on any little Two or Four Footed Entities) or even talked about.  All of a sudden I was happy that Momma was a Helicopter Mom who was even more wily than me.  I felt so sorry that like Adam and Eve, I ate the Forbidden Fruitbut even sorrier for myself.


The Way I Was...
The Way I Was…


Momma took me to her bedroom, settled me on a large, easily washed rug, talked to me soothingly as I heaved.  Come morning, the sun rose, I did my

Look at me. Teeth brushing bones held firmly in place by my furry little paws. And check out how good I look, now that the bath is done, the fur on my ear flaps perfectly blow dried - God Bless Momma.
The Way I AM.

downward stretching dog and warbled, I feel good, like I knew that I would.’……but I never again ate pebbles mixed with ground soil again….Still, I did it my way.


Super Star, That’s What You Are (Part ll)

That SupeStar gene.  It is hard to attain….but even harder to restrain….I mean, I can not help myself I am what I amMomma claims (very lovingly, you understand) that I am pig-headed (somewhat stubborn – I will own that fault…as in one of today’s cool, but irritating catch phrases) and big-headed.  Don’t get me wrong.  The size of my head is just perfect now, not like when I was a little pup with a big head and a small body.

As a Super Star, I also play, 'She shoots, she scores', because I am a Canadian doggie.
As a Super Star, I also play, ‘She shoots, she scores‘, because I am a Canadian doggie.

It is just that, well, I think highly of myself and my God-given (to tell the truth) abilities to be an Einstein SupeStar which takes brains, management abilities and of course, don’t forget, my good looks and athletic abilities.

You see, having an almost old world mind of  Socrates, I realize where would Momma have been without me, in her life, pestering her, annoying her – the yin to her yang or the yang to her yin.  In truth, I was the first little seed, buried deep in the rich earth that Momma tended, watered, fed, talking to me until I pushed my head out of the ground, towards the light of the sun.

What is that?  You want scientific proof?  Why can’t it be like the Good Old Days when a dog’s paw shake and tail wag was her bond, never to be broken, SoHelpMeDog.

So for your Doubting Thomas’ (and Thomasinas’), I know Hot Dog Cool Cats, though buried in Momma’s subconscious, never saw the light of day, until I gazed in to her eyes and commanded, ‘Do it. Just Do It.’…..and I did not even have to give her a treat for her to comply.  I guess Momma takes direction better than me! But don’t let that go to your head, Momma.

Only A Super Star could wear a Purple Polka Dotted Scarf.
Only a Super Star could wear a Purple Polka Dotted Scarf.

Through the process of osmosis, gazing deep in to my eyes (let it be underlined, ME first, then those Cool Cats, amazing wildlife, inanimate (not Ruby, she’s alive, I pinkie swear) and all those other tales dripped out of Momma’s fingertips, to the keyboard and in to posts.

SupeStathough I am, it is still hard for me to imagine that my Plan, Check, Do Process actually achieved its long-term goal.  I am ready to be a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a Fortune 500 Company. Proof is in the pudding. I can develop, implement, all the while making life and death decisions. Oh, and I don’t need a contract or break the bank bonus, whether the company is profitable or not, just food (I have an Executive’s mind. I eat the cats’ food but I have a restraining order against the cats getting anywhere near mine), treats (small and soft), dog bones (only certain types), and walks (It’s ‘Good for Me.’ Brings down my blood pressure).

I'll do anything to fiesta, even wear this itchy pink tutu that Momma and her guests thinks I look adorable in!
Super Star suffers to be beautiful!

Still, it is hard to convince Momma that I am a SupeStar because she is very stubborn.. the curse of  Scottish blood.  She says I am so vain that I should be doing a Novena, to beg for mercy because I am so conceited. Apparently vanity is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. I mean, private or public prayers repeated for nine successive days in belief of obtaining special intercessory graces. A bit harsh.  I mean, we are not even Catholics.

Seal you a deal, Momma.  I will be modest when you can come up with a better explanation the genesis of Hot Dog Cool Cats….

Till then, I am plastered all over your blog and too many websites to count, so I am a SupeStarNot What YOU AreDeal with it!

These Paws Were Made For Walking

It is so uplifting, when the sun shines.  I love when Momma says, ‘Walk, Jakita?’  I am off that couch double-quick in case she forgets. It has happened, in the span of mere seconds, something else catches Momma’s attention…like the phone rings, the cat meows…it doesn’t take much.

When the walk is done, I wait patiently for paws to be cleaned, sweater and leash removed.
Patience is no virtue of mine!.

I tell you, I am a pro at putting up with things….for instance wearing a doggie sweater or coat, waiting patiently to get my paws cleaned when the walk is over, having the leash almost yank my ears off when Momma removes it, all the while standing on the mat.

Yesterday was no exception.  It was a cold one for April yet the sun was high in the  blue sky, radiating warmth, urging me to trot faster, reach my destination so I could sniff every burgeoning blade of grass in the cemetery. Momma says, ‘Not so fast, Jakita.  We have to stop and talk to the Keeper-of-the-Cemetery-Lady, whose front window faces the graveyard and RIP Daddy’s plot.’

I understand it is the Keeper-of-the-Cemetery-Lady’s job to report to Momma if she sees RIP Daddy roaming around.  But today the talk between Momma and the Keeper-of-the-Cemetery-Lady started on politics, griping about the city councillors, the mayor, the premierwith so many questionable decisions handed down on a daily basis, it would take ages to get to my grass sniffing….so I tugged the leash, gently at first, continuing with more force, warbling, then whiningnext thing they’d be on to the prime minister…I could not let it dissolve to that!  I had things to do, places to go, NOW!

Eventually, I won and we were on our way, enjoying the day and all if its hidden treasures, like a twig, a stick, a squirrel high in the tree, shrieking away at me. What is with those squirrels? They are as shrill as poor Hillary Clinton. No matter, I still would vote for her. It was so fabulously marvelous.  Who knew, cute Little Rascal Reilly would be free, adding to the excitement?

Our adorable Fidel (RIP) ...that is who Little Rascal Reilly looks like.
Our adorable Fidel (RIP) …that is who Little Rascal Reilly looks like.

As Momma and I meandered home a little white and black fluff ball came tearing across the street, looking to make friendly.  I stopped dead in my tracks.  This was not good.   I knew because when I was a puppy, I was just as wild and free, taking off any chance I could get.  The only difference was in my world, poor Momma and Daddy chased behind, trying to catch me (in vain, I confess).  It seemed Little Rascal Reilly had no one that even knew he was missing.  What should we do Momma?

Which home had he escaped from, Momma and I wondered?  We knew the dogs up and down and all around, but never had met up with this little puppy before.  Time to knock on doors, said Momma.  We will ask if anyone knows who this sweet, scatter brained puppy belongs toSometimes, it is just plain, dumb luck and playing the process of elimination. We knew most of the people on the street so figured it had to someone we had not yet met.  Still, it was a eureka moment to actually knock on the right door the first time.

As soon as the door opened you could see they had been so preoccupied with their new-born baby that they had not even realized Little Rascal Reilly had made his Great Escape. Probably this cute little fluff ball, always demanding and getting all the attention, was feeling under appreciated and overwhelmed with the presence of competition in the form of a precious, yet squawking baby whose every sigh was met with adulation.

The Cemetery, padlocks on wrought iron fence, after Sundown, before Sunrise. See the stones and monuments of various ages, sizes, colors. Look at the massive old trees that are home to the birds and squirrels.
The Cemetery, padlocks on wrought iron fence, after Sundown, before Sunrise. Begs the questionKeeping the living out or the dead in?

At different point in our lives, it gets complicated.  Though I am not making judgement today about how Reilly made his get away unnoticed, I’m just saying, I am keeping an eye on it…just in case we got a situation, on our hands.  I  am trusting that by helping Little Rascal Reilly go home, (somewhat like Lassie?) that I gained some good Karma t,o make up for some questionable deeds in my past.because in life you spend faster than you save…at least I do.

Oh, and you know me. I love a happily ever after ending!

Super Star, That’s What You Are

So…that’s the thing about Momma….she has so many pokers in the fire, it fair makes your head spin…take yesterday or today or even tomorrow for that fact….she told me I was a Super Star, that’s what you are…like in the sky, Momma?  No, the Hollywood type with expensive tastes, ungodly addictions and various predilections, not to mention heads so big they couldn’t fit through the front door….is that suppose to be a compliment, Momma? Sure doesn’t sound like it…

Momma is the kind of ‘all in’ person, committed to whatever cause suits her frenzy at that particular moment and space in time.  She is very hard-headed, stubborn and that might be her strong points

Look at me. Teeth brushing bones held firmly in place by my furry little paws. And check out how good I look, now that the bath is done, the fur on my ear flaps perfectly blow dried - God Bless Momma.
Teeth brushing bones held firmly in place by my furry little paws.  One of my Super Star pics.

I mean, not only do I notice it but so does Wonder Boy and he is always right…that’s why I love him more than anything in the world but then again, salami sticks definitely are an almost too close to call second, but Momma, well, you know, she feeds me, she talks to me, she goes the distance but the heart goes where the heart goes and mine goes to Wonder Boy….but it is all good…Momma’s not the jealous type.

Somehow, sometime, somewhere without lifting a furry little paw I managed to get plastered all over this blog, even the pictures where I look smug, sanctimonious, bored and sometimes even happy.  Was that good enough for Momma?  No, it wasn’t.  She had discovered a fantastic web site where you could download and use free photos (which she did / does, ALWAYS giving recognition to the Website and the photographer).  Then, because of her judgemental Virgo qualities she decided to upload some of her and Wonder Boy’s shots that she considered to be as good as some she saw on the site. (NOTE: ONLY SOME.  Momma is no great photographer, not even an amateur in training. Every once and awhile, you just get lucky). Truth be told, I am incredibly cute and cuddly looking.

Gen and Jakita. BFF's.
Gen and Jakita. BFF’s.

When I pair up with my BFF Diva Calico Gen, we make people’s hearts melt, we do… I’m just saying, it’s the truth, really.  Does the truth really set you free? Ask the Trumpster and the Cruzerthough they seem to be clueless on what constitutes stepping over the invisible lines of life, says Momma.

One day, Momma literally stumbled across an app from a world-renowned-you- just-got-to-have-photo-checker.  Simple as ABC.  Hit the camera, upload your photo and in the snap of  whip, any web page using your photo will pop up.  And I wonI’m not bragging…I did. Momma and Wonder Boy had photos of gems, butterflies, sunsets, flowers but most of all, the pictures of me are featured on the World Wide Web.

Don't do this - you'll get pain in your old age.
Don’t do this! Also a favorite!

I represent different vets, a few animal protection agencies, anti allergy sites (Havanese are hypoallergenic for allergy sufferers), translation web sites (Spanish to English), Health Archives for pets and Christian Devotions in many different languages…sweet or what.

When Momma told me, I was a Super Star, I asked, ‘I’m a what? Does it get me more treats?’  But I been giving some thought since then and no harm in preparing my speech for that Academy Award for Canine Contribution Oscar. 

Hey, maybe I need an agent… Who gets to vote?  Is there a bribe that works? I am SO on it.

Digging It

I love snow…did I tell you?  I love, love, love snow (get a grip, not the type you snort, the type you ski in).

Just me and my shadow loving the day.
Just me, the snow and my shadow loving the day.

Now I know I am a Havanese Hothouse pedigree originally from France and Spain, transplanted to Cuba so I should despise snow and ice but I guess that being born in Canada, in the winter, in a frigid barn with huge crevasses that welcomed the arctic vortex winds made me maybe, possibly, I am just saying, part Husky????  My mostly sable tri colored fur with white coloring makes me look like a Splash Coat Husky….at least I can see a resemblance, are you with me so far?

In any case DNA be darned, I love snorting snow, rolling in snow, ploughing through snow, eating snow.  The only time I get my A Game on is when I look outside and see a fresh coat of snow, no paw marks, and a fresh canvass to create.  Of course, I am left in the unenviable position of trying to convince Momma to, ‘Forget chores; we got a Rembrandt to make.’  It’s a hard sell to a stuffy, dyed in the wool do-the-chores-before-the-frolic Virgo type.  That logic just passes me by….chores never do themselves.  They are like cats.  They have nothing to do but wait.

The good news in all of this, as stubborn as Momma is, she always bundles up, even when the mercury is dangerously low and takes me walking.  Quite often, in the dead of winter when we are out and about, in a city of half a million people, it is like the world has been desertedThere is only me and Momma.

Fresh snow - not even cat paw marks yet!
Fresh snow – not even cat paw marks yet!

All the Two Footed must be snug in their homes, their dogs, prisoners on lock down until the thermometer climbs.  There is nary a bird in the sky, no squirrels, no feral cats….just me and Momma, embracing the quiet and solitude of a brave new day.  The better news (for me, anyway) since we have the world to ourselves, Momma lets me free and I set sail, literally air born, my ears back, tail like a plume on my back, my paws skimming the snow, creating a work of carefree art until such time I tumble-down creating doggy angels with floppy ears.

I know and you know, no self-respecting Husky ever would wear a winter coat, made by the Two Footed, even out of love and compassion.  Still I am a Havanese and will capitulate on that score….but believe me, I will never wear booties.  Momma has bought all different types, which I manage to abandon before we are off the front steps.  She made homemade booties that worked better but still I always managed to lose a couple along the walk.  No, I am a bare paw kind of puppy.

My little grey vest sweater.
My little grey vest sweater.


Still I have a confession but please, it is top-secret.  DO NOT TELL ANYONE.  Sometimes on the way home, my little paws are so frozen I hold up the right one, look at Momma, hold up the left one, look at Momma and she does what good Momma’s do.  She picks me up, warms my paws with her big red mittens, as she carries me home. And just like the Three Little Piggies:

This little puppy went to market, That little puppy stayed at home,
This little puppy had roast beef, That little puppy had none.
And this little puppy ‘snuggled’ all the way home.

Life of Riley, I tell you. Ya got to dig it!


Born This Way

‘Happy Birthday to you, Jakita….’

Momma sang. How the heck was I to know? No one told me that it was my birthday! What is that exactly, anyway?   Ooohhh, the day I was born, the day a dog like me raised the bar on the WWDA (World Wide Dog Association). Hallelujah!

So let me tell you what happened to me!
So let me tell you what happened to me!

Momma, tell me that story again.  Oh yeah, like Baby Jesus, I was born in stable (sort of, kind of) where cows, horses, piggies, chickens, and lots of barn cats lived.  I remember it now.  The horses stamped their feet and whinnied, the cows mooed, the chickens cackled, the pigs oinked and the cats stayed out of sight. Now I remember, little Brother Fidel, his twin and my Fuzzy Wuzzy Big Lil Sister.  I was the brains, the leader. As soon as I could scramble out of the makeshift pen, I was gone, my three siblings in hot pursuit. Our tired Baby Mama just shook her head, said good riddance and fell back to sleep.

Oh, I was wily.  Those horse hooves looked big, and the cows seemed way high-strung.  Maybe they needed to be milked. No way we would risk our lives going near them.  And funny thing when the chickens saw us coming, they took off  squawking, like we were the enemy.  Go figure. We loved the kitties but Mama Cat wanted us nowhere near them so we would sit and watch them tussle and I would think, ‘I want one of those when I grow up.’

Jakita grooms Babby while Miss Piggy watches and learns.
Things change. Now my Lil Miss Piggy leans on me to sleep

So that left Mama Pig and her piglets.  They looked like fun. We clambered in, played around and fell asleep, along with the piglets, resting on Mama Pig’s ample belly.

Yes, I remember those days and the separation anxiety when we were removed from the barn and taken to a holding station in order to be delivered to forever homes. It was incredibly confusing.  I was the boss, until Momma took me home, read the book on the latest, greatest way to develop a puppy.  It seemed I was too dominate and it was a most appalling trait that had to be corrected consistently. You don’t say? What served me well in the barnyard, was apparently frowned upon in a forever home.

Goes without saying, I thought I was perfect and was about as impressed with Momma as she was with me.  It took work and perseverance.  In the early days I admit every night between 6pm to 8pm I would rip around, jumping, growling, snarling, chewing just like I did in the barn.  Momma and RIP Daddy would fence me in to whatever room they were in, talk soothingly to me and somehow, as time passed, it lulled me in to changing my perspective.  Oh, I still would do naughty things, like bolt through an open door but I started to feel guilt when I saw how worried they looked as they tried to round me up.  Now a days I worry about Momma so would never ditch her.  If she says STOP, I stop. Anyway, where the heck would I rather be?

Yes, life turned out grand.  In my forever home I got my wish – all the cats I can handle (well, knowing my talent, I could look after a few more) and I love them just as I thought I would all those years ago in the barn.  I got my Momma and my Wonder Boy.  I miss RIP Daddy (how far is heaven, Momma?).  Face it, I got the life of Riley.

Yummy. I could eat one of theses every day. From IMG_2838_v2.jpgBy DMedina
Yummy. I could eat one of theses every day.
IMG_2838_v2.jpgBy DMedina
Jakita checks out her birthday gift - a purple Care Bear.
Jakita checks out her birthday gift – a purple Care Bear.

And today on my 6th Birthday, Momma celebrated the occasion by spreading out a blanket on the floor,  and a sheep skin.  My birthday present was the cutest little purple just fit perfect in my mouth Care Bear and a two bite cupcake  to eat.  I can not remember when I had more fun…well, chasing squirrels, maybe. But face it, Who doesn’t like surprises….and cup cakes? We got to do this more often Momma, deal?

It’s All In The Game

Jakita puts her head on the pillow, her fan tail spread meticulously as she tells the story to her audience.
Jakita puts her head on the pillow, her fan tail spread meticulously, as she tells the story to her audience.

Call me a busy body, but call me, okay.  I notice, well…things.  And my nose and ears….they should be insured, like a fighter’s hands because the slightest whiff or noise can tantalize and torment me.

You may ask, ‘What ya talking bout? Who gives you these grandiose ideas?’ Well, it’s the truth.  I can be sound asleep, in another room, in another time zone, frolicking with my lost canine family and Wonder Boy stealthily opens his bag of beef jerky and I am so on it.  My senses awaken, my eyes fly open, my nose pops up, and like the US Department of Homeland Security’s Shadow Wolves, the department’s only Native American tracking unit, I am on a mission, to hunt, to  find, to ravish.

The good news is Momma taught Wonder Boy to share but…..never enough, if you ask me.  And Wonder Boy is not only sneaky, he is a wily only child so sometimes when he is not in a loving and giving mood, he takes the bag to his bedroom and locks me out. What is that all about?  All evening (okay, when he is home), I sit as close as possible to him (and try to keep the cats out of bound- okay, more for my sake than his).  At night, I sleep faithfully beside him, protecting him from all manners of evil.  I will put in twelve hours straight, not moving a muscle, for fair of disturbing him. And he won’t share his beef jerky.  Blame Momma.  Isn’t it always the mother’s faulty?

But my talent is not all about me.

Busy Bachelor Buttons, waving at all the traffic that passes them by as people walk here, there and everywhere.
Busy Bachelor Buttons, waving at all the traffic that passes them by as people walk here, there and everywhere.

Take for instance, Momma and I are out on a walk. My Shadow Wolf Native American tracking radar feels any negative energy approaching, even innocuous looking sources and I stop dead, sitting down like a ton of bricks. Nothing Momma can do will  make me continue, not even a stick of dynamite will entice me to move.  I sit my ground and look around for the culprit.  Is he on the other side of the street or approaching me or coming up behind me or even  walking in the other direction on an adjacent street and will not come near us?  Once I have established the location, a decision is made. The bearer of the negative energy  must pass us, taking his destructive cloud of harmful vibes out of our space, before I give the all clear and Momma and I can move again.

It came to pass on a sunny, summer afternoon, Momma and I were walking up our street, looking at the lovely old homes, set on expansive lawns, some with circular driveways.  All of a sudden my fur stood up, I looked around and felt, saw, heard trouble, walking up behind us.  I plunked myself down, it (he) passed and meandered up the driveway of our neighbour. I sensed what it was about.

They have a classic convertible that car aficionados drool over and Mr. Could-Be-Trouble bent down, peering in the windows. Now I love these people, Miss Lawyer, Mr. Doctorate and Beautiful Baby Combination. They are so good to me.

Two border collies, one that jumps and one that snarls at me...but they both like Momma. From IMG_4147-001.JPGBy diannehope
Two border collies, one that jumps and one that snarls at me…but they both like Momma.
IMG_4147-001.JPGBy diannehope

They looked after me when RIP Daddy passed away and Momma was otherwise occupied.   I even forgive them for having two border collies, one that jumps and snarls at me, the other one that totally ignores me.


And so I sat, giving this interloper the Stinky eye, growling deep in my throat, looking as menacing as a twenty pound Havanese can look.  And…it worked.  If I had felt his vibe, he definitely recognized mine. He looked at me, back at the car.  He looked at Momma, then back at the car.  Time to move on.  Everyone has a cell phone these days, the owners might come out with a shot gun.  He had no worries about the police.  He was good at leaving them in the dust. His Spidy sense said move on.  Mr. Could-Be-Trouble ambled on down the gateway and headed back to the park.

Check it out! From By Ladyheart
Check it out!
By Ladyheart

I stood up and Momma and I headed home.  I wonder if I will get recognition for a job well done.  Not likely….  Who is going to phone city hall to tell them about my relentless pursuit of the bad apples?  Not Momma.  She is too busy writing blogs.