Ruby – The Incredibly Wide Eyed Stuffed Monkey

And so, cute and cuddly as I may be,  I am still an inanimate prop, in an animated world.  But I am a being , in my opinion, in my own right.  Don’t I serve as a pillow for weary pets, bring flash to Momma’s bed and even cry invisible tears from my wide open button eyes?  I know a lot about me.  Momma was in the hospital so to make her feel better, her sister, Itty Bitty took her son, Super Boy to a Fantasy Land where he could create a Stuffed Toy that would surely cure her of her various ailments.

Look at me, in my beautiful tutu with the very best seat in the house. See my lace, sparkle and stars. Thanks Super Boy and Momma.
Look at me, in my beautiful pink tutu with the very best seat in the house. See my lace, sparkle and stars. Thanks Super Boy and Momma.

First an outer shell must be chosen.  Super Boy surveyed the inventory, selected, then discarded shells, based on texture, shades, sizes and shapes, like it was a  project that his very life depended on. At last, after taking all possibilities in to consideration, he chose me, a caramel colored monkey, (hm, what exactly does that say about Momma?) with beige hands and toes, a long tail with a beige tip and mahogany bubble gum ball eyes. 

I had an amazing shell but no body until Super Boy went about choosing between cubes of plush or free range fleece.  To this day, like all of you, it is a mystery what is on the inside of me because, like you, I can only see my outer shell and I am well satisfied with Super Boy’s choices.

Ready, Set, Go to our Annual All Things Plush Picnic. I am holding my best buddy Lightbulb.  Babby is in the centre  while Ruby cradles Tigger. Notice how my fur is so dark that you can only see one eye.  I have two, honestly!
Ruby with some of her inanimate friends. 

However,  like Adam and Eve from Genesis, once I had knowledge, I felt shame and wanted my body covered.  And Super Boy out did himself.  With the most minute attention to detail, Super Boy chose a light pink tutu with lace and sparkles (Momma later sewed on  satin cushion stars).  The final step was to assign a name because I was Pedigree and would be forever Registered at the Fantasy Land of Stuffed Animals.

Jakita tells the tale of Peter Cottontail to Calico Gen and the Adorable,  Wide-Eyed Stuffed Monkey, Ruby, who shares all hopes, dreams and secrets of all those who sleep in or on Momma's bed - (Ruby was a gift given to Momma many moons ago, by Super Boy).
Ruby shares Momma’s bed with Gen and Jakita.

And that my dear is how I became known as Ruby, the Incredibly Wide Eyed Monkey.

Now I awaited delivery to my new home where Momma showed total respect by assigning me the best seat in the house on her fluffy bed pillows.

But…this is just the beginning of the story to be written. There is some one else you must meet.

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