Senorita Jakita on Xanadu (Zanny)

After much negotiation, I got permission to tell the story of Xanadu (aka Zanny). Such a tragic tale, Momma could not talk about it without weeping, yet willingly bared her soul to me so I could pass on ‘her-story’. So exquisitely Yorkshire, born black, which morphed in to dark steel-blue like a horse blanket, thrown across her back,  and further accentuated by tan markings, on her chest, paws and  face.

Zanny takes Tigger to wherever she is headed. Note how she shows no mercy in her method of transportation. Poor Tigger.
Zanny takes Tigger to wherever she is headed. Note how she shows no mercy in her method of transportation. Poor Tigger.

We can not go backwards in time but       If only:  Daddy had shut you in a bedroom since he had to remove               the Front Door to get the Window Pane replaced.  If only:  Momma had noticed you had taken off. If only:  You had sauntered around the neighbor hood (I know, I know, Zanny did not DO saunter) and returned  to wait on the step to get left back in, like the cats do. If only:  You had listened to Wonder Boy when he commanded you STOP.

No, by this stage, you were in a full-blown panic attack and rushed in to the swift moving morning rush hour traffic. Like an out of control meteorite, you streaked under the back wheels of a car that could not react fast enough to save you.  The young driver was heartsick that her car had taken the life of a puppy but we can not blame her.  Life is all in the timing and laws of averages and you had used all your Chances to Evade the Grim Reaper, over the six years of your tumultuous life.

As for me, I am not suicidal.  I always stop and wait for the disadvantaged Two Footers to catch up. Of course, neither was Zanny. She was an adorably gorgeous yet high-strung Yorkie without an ability to bring reasoning to the equation.  But I promise you, I just have one more ‘gone with the wind’ story to tell you later. It just happened a few days ago but then you’ll realize, it brought Momma and I to an understanding, so it is all good, trust me!

Momma says some times we can not help our rash depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born...apparently Zanny's chart was capricious.
Momma says some times we can not help our rash behavior…it depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born…apparently Zanny’s chart was capricious.

Momma says because I am an Aquarius, I understand, at the end of the day that rules and regulations, policies and procedures are put in place for a reason, so it serves me well to obey them. (Zanny was a Scorpio but must have had some Pisces with her head in the clouds or Leo who love to party, possibly). I always have a goal (the food off your plate, the pillow on the couch to rest my head on, or a cat to groom or chase or tattle on). I painstakingly watch for the first opportunity to put the plan in motion. It is not just that open door Momma has to worry about.

Another Zanny tale was that she slept in Daddy’s bed, burying herself under a mound of blankets, staggering out to the kitchen each morning, looking bleary eyed and hung over, as if she indulged too much the night before.  However, by the time Daddy returned with his coffee and donut, she was ready and waiting to share it with him. She could eat anything and still be the size of nothing, Momma tells me.   Oh, I wish I had her rate of metabolism.

Zanny’s spontaneous zest for life was always getting her in trouble – like the time she was chasing the kitty cats and ended up falling down the staircase to the basement, blinding herself in the right eye. Even before I heard that story, I took one look down and vowed it was too suicidal for me to ever go down that staircase. To this day, I have never been to our basement. But poor Zanny never had a plan, though she always had an action.  No doubt that blind eye that hindered her from jumping on the couch, also contributed to the fact she did not see the car that claimed her life.

Jakita and Tigger scope out their territory, in tandem, heads and bodies posed to take on whatever life brings them. Jakita looks like a serious mother, ensuring Tigger is being readied for the world and its challenges.
Jakita and Tigger scope out their territory, in tandem, heads and bodies posed to take on whatever life brings them. Jakita looks like a serious mother, ensuring Tigger is being readied for the world and its challenges.

PS:  Zanny, I am taking good care of your little stuffed Tigger.  Like you, I carry him in my mouth from room to room, to sit on the doggie cushion or couch with me.  Like you, sometimes I have to give him a good shaking to smarten him up but mostly he behaves, probably better than you and me.  Momma tells me you used to sometimes take helpless little Tigger outside and she’d have to go out in the dark, with a flashlight to find poor Tigger, all alone and weeping.

Just in case you get reincarnated and come back down to earth, think about your past life.  It is never too early to self evaluate and find  corrective actions for the next time.  Even considering a better way, for a better day, gives you good karma, I understand.

PPS:  Zanny, you were a true north strong and free spirit.  Sometimes  I swear I still feel you hanging around, reminding us, no one knows what the morrow brings forth.



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