Last Night In My Dream

We were driving side by side…On a highway to no known destination..(IZ)

No wonder The Wanderer loved it! From  IMG_0522.jpgBy wallenberg
IMG_0522.jpgBy wallenberg

Sleep is such mystery…one minute you may be in a recliner, thinking how many pounds of turnips to buy, what color of sweater you should wear, when to plant the flower seeds and the next minute you have lifted the veil on the here and now and disappeared over to the other side, where today’s reality with it trials and troubles cease as you step in to the you.. that was, that is and ever will be.

RIP Daddy's machine. Fr: Morguefile. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
RIP Daddy’s machine. Fr: Morguefile.

The scene that unfolded was not an over exaggerated never could happen circumstance….no, it was glorious in its simplicity.  Momma and RIP Daddy, many moons ago, driving, in his blue convertible with the top down, the radio loud, the stars and moon hanging so low you felt if you stretched out your arm, you could touch them with your fingertips. 

Older, wiser, still fun Momma & RIP Daddy (with the Runaway Princess looking on.
Informal fun Momma & RIP Daddy.
Momma & RIP Daddy
Momma & RIP Daddy

Although Momma’s long hair was tied back, it came loose, whipping her face with a blinding force that both crippled and energized her.  RIP Daddy was so young and happy, so proud of his machine, willing to pay the price for the speeding tickets and demerit points he collected, the pain of sitting before the Authority figure, justifying why he should be able to keep his driving licensejust for the thrill of the here and now. There was no conversation, save the music and the wind, rendering a lullaby so sweet, you would wish it would never end.

Ah, but just as sleep steals in, bringing yesterday back, so does an inner alarm clock, rudely jolting you back to the here and now, where RIP Daddy only can appear in dreams these days…

o longer able to share today in person, RIP Daddy smiles benevolently in the framed picture, at Momma, Wonder Boy and all the world because…he’s over there now…waiting…with his blue convertible and until Momma makes it to his side in Heaven….every once in a while, he’ll invade her dreams and take her for a quick spin…til they meet again….because…last night…

moon star

The Road tosomewhere, everywhere, nowhere...Fr: Morgue files.
The highway with the  no destination…Fr: Morgue files.

I saw you in my dream…We were driving side by side…On a highway to no known destination…Last night in my dream…I saw your face again….
We were there in the moonlight forever…(IZ)