I Do It My Way

Diva Calico Gen grooms her soft Calicofur
Diva Calico Gen grooms her soft Calico fur.

I am the Diva Calico Gen, prone to seek out and claim all things that Sparkle and Glow…like a big old cantankerous crow….without the feathers.  No, I am Divinely Calico, sleek and soft and sometimes….just sometimes, more trouble than I am worth.

Please understand, what is off-limits for others, never applies to meat least in my mind…the way that I see it.  If God made me in such a way that in one leap, I could be on a kitchen table or cupboard, surely He meant for me to do just that…even if it brings out the tattle tale in Jakita, who believes she was put on earth to being Law and Order to all Four Footed creatures.  One sure thing…if I go fishing in the basket for a treasure, like say a push-pin, a ribbon, a no longer in use penny and knock it to the floor, Jakita will pursue it with passion. Game On….till she looses…because I have more finesse and speed and staying power.

I ♥♥♥ Jakita….but when it comes time to share WonderBoy’s affection…not so much….It is each beast, on its own mission and the winner takes all.

BFF Gen and Jakita with Little Tigger.
BFF Gen and Jakita with Little Tigger.

If Jakita wedges herself by WonderBoy’s side to sleep, I claim his pillow, purring annoyingly loud, look at me, listen to me….anything she can do, I can do better….much better.  After all I come from the rough and tumble, born in the Great Outdoors, with no Two Footed Assistant.  Even though I scoff about Jakita’s Pedigree Blue Blood lines, (according to her) I acknowledge that the Two Footed assisted in her birthing process in order to sell her for big green back bucks.  Sadly, though I was a freebie,  Jakita, through no fault of her own is part of Evil Capitalism….but I try not to let that diminish my love for her.

In  my heart, I am a Pacifist and am curious and welcoming of all felines in my midst….I’ll even seek out the tattered strays….because I like to live on the edge and….realize, truth be told….that could have been me…if Momma had not scooped me up, along with Bad Boy Andy and Beau-Regard, out of a Life of Noise and Confusion, Hunger and Adventure at the Tier One Automotive Plant.

Still I can never deny my feline DNA, even though at three and a half weeks I lost my Cat Mama and gained a Two Footed Momma who never could teach me how to stalk my prey, sleep all day, prowl all night.

Charlie does a Risk Assessment of every action....
Charlie does a Risk Assessment of every action….

I am not quite sure Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte (Charlie) is really a cat (except she has the hissing down to a science), because she has no interest in hunting, scavenging or even stepping a foot outside….no, Charlie is inside all the way, in a Cocoon of Bliss created by Momma.

Why would Charlie ever leave a safe haven for the unknown???  Is it possible….maybe Charlie is wiser than me…even?  Yeah, but…. who wants to do a Risk Assessment for each and every dreary step (obviously come under the influence at the Tier One Automotive Stamping Plant) me…I’d rather do an Action  Plan ….(If my toes are held to the fire…long enough).

Cuz…Just like Frankie Baby…I do It My Way….