Gen and Her Plan

Here I am, cute as a button, the Ruler of the Free World, NOTE TO SELF: Female, of course… or is that more like the Ruler of My Own World of Felines and a Manipulator of Others, able to sashay around with tail held high, as I purvey the world through my glittering green eyes.

Gen shows her pretty white belly with a black belt separating the north from the south, the splotches of various colors weaving a map in her rich fur.
Gen shows her pretty white belly with a black belt separating the north from the south, the splotches of various colors weaving a map in her rich fur.

But there are things I was born without. Still, it is easy in this world of ours, to build your own war chest (and other kinds of chests that plastic surgeons provide) paid by, you got it, plastic cards with outrageous interest rates and credit limits. Still there is one thing I ache for and mean to have one day. It is long, thick flower petal eyelashes, (hot pink would do) with silver and gold sparkles to accentuate my pea green eyes. It would be so amazing. I could start a trend.

Any venture capitalist’s interested in bank-rolling start-up costs – let’s say an 80/20 split? I am sure I can talk Momma in to donating to the cause. She is such a pushover for  a well thought out, profitable  Five Year Business Plan.

Also, after realizing the Two Footed wear shoes which protects their feet as well as glamorize them, I have put my creativity to use. What else would accentuate the Diva Calico  Gen’s individualism, but a pair of itty-bitty-kitty, bejewelled high heels so I can prance coquettishly on the Cat Walk, capturing and keeping the attention of all living creatures.

Again it might be a jackpot of an idea in a world troubled by recession, if lots of kitties, what the heck, maybe even some puppies, what about birds and butterflies, all ordered itty-bitty-kitty high heels, and pink petal  eye lashes, paid for with a plastic card by the Millennium public for their  Millennium pets.

I know, I know they are not for everyday wear, mercy, I might blind myself or break my pretty diva neck if I had them on when I am having a game of tag or being Canadian, playing a round of floor hockey, with my buddies, but I want them, okay.


The Five Year Business Plan Gen considers options to get those pink petal eye lashes and itty-bitty-kitty high heels.
The Five Year Business Plan Gen considers options to get those pink petal eye lashes and itty-bitty-kitty high heels.

And I will leave it up to the Alpha, High Alert – Type A Personality, Ultimate Mother Earth doglet, Senorita Jakita (my BFF) to come up with any necessary additions to her Policies and Procedures for All Creation – I mean, don’t tell anyone, Jakita may have a higher IQ than me, still,  I shouldn’t boast, but I am a creative genius.

So think about it.  If you want to set up crowd sourcing, (kidding) let me know. I want ideas  to find the best way to move forward.  I am ready to take suggestions – and remember,  for copyright purposes, you heard about pink petal eye lashes and of itty-bitty-kitty bejewelled high heels for the Four Footed HERE first.

Got It???