You know how it is, always was and ever shall be….Everyone and I mean everyone wants uplifting dreams that forecast a perfect future, no obstacles…like the psychics deliver….sometimes.
Now Momma seems to know her fair share of dead folk, very close family members, who drift in and out of her dreams regularly…. Like Grandmama and Grandpapa, who show up, sit beside her, chat away amicably, no drama, no hidden agendas. These are most peaceful dreams. Why, heck, even Grandpapa’s second wife (after Grandmama went to her greater reward), the Heart-of-Stone-Lady dropped in one night. In the dream she called Momma in a panic because she was being held captive at the Valhalla Inn (on the airport strip, no less) and Momma was to pay her ransom. Oh, this was too rich. Momma and her siblings chortled away, like they would rescue the Heart-of-Stone-Lady from anywhere….they just wished she was in a hotter place, if you know what I mean.
But RIP Daddy, he mostly drops in with a message that has to be deciphered…Even dream books do not seem to theorize on what takes place in these vignettes, designed to baffle and discombobulate poor Momma. Take a for instance……
So Momma and RIP Daddy are just arriving home in the car with their two tailless? (no idea why) mice…one was Momma’s, the other belonged to RIP Daddy. Oh, and did I mention…each mouse had a little metal studded collar, attached to a little leather leash…how bizarre, how bizarre. Now Momma loves the four-footed but not so much the mice and rats….she is not that person who holds a little mouse in the palm of her hand and let it run down her arm, across her shoulders, down her other arm….not so much. This is one of the reasons Momma needs help trying to make sense of the meaning.
Anyway, RIP Daddy flung open his car door, did not pause to close it and bolted up the steps, flew open the door and disappeared in the house, his little pet mouse at his heals. Meanwhile, watching in horror, Momma lost sight of her mouse and feared it too had run outside and would be battered to death by the family cats, who then triumphantly would lay them, intact at her feet, as a trophy. It is a far bridge between liking mice and liking to see them terrorized. So Momma got on her hands and knees, peering under the seats, no little mouse with a collar and a leash.
Momma went tearing in the house, letting RIP Daddy know her mouse was MIA (Missing in Action) and where was his? Nonchalently RIP Daddy says last he saw of him, his little mouse was under the bed. Momma asked what part of ‘our cats will pulverize it’ do you not understand? RIP Daddy was a what….ever…..Closing scene both RIP Daddy and Momma are unsuccessfully looking under the bed for a little mouse with a studded collar on a leash.
So Momma is calling all Angels. Please give her some guidance. What…ever…. is RIP Daddy trying to communicate to her? If you know, let her know, because this one has my poor Momma just a scratching her head….so if there is a Joseph out there, for the Love of God and King Pharaoh, spill, please.