Cover of the Rolling Stone

BFF Gen and Jakita – always conspiring,,,,.

Well, we’re talented singers…
We’ve got golden fingers…
And we’re loved everywhere we go… (That sounds like us…)….
We meow about beauty…
And we woof about truth….
So the Two Footed love us so…

Jakita tells a spellbound Gen about life.

We never stand still…
Chasing bad guys gives us thrills…
But the thrill we’ve never known…
Is the thrill that’ll get ya…
When you get your picture…
On the cover of the Rolling Stone…

Gen and Jakita. BFF’s.

(Rolling Stone) Wanna see my picture on the cover….
(Stone) Wanna buy five copies for my Momma (I want one!)…
(Stone) Wanna see my smilin’ face
On the cover of the Rolling Stone

(Paraphrased: RIP Ray Sawyer)