Comments, We Got NO Comment

You know what those politicians  say (through their Ivy League Blue Blood lawyer), when found dead center in the middle of a scandal of their own making, ‘We got no Comment.’ Well, neither does Momma.  I will tell you why.

Great Minds Think Alike! From IMG_0862_s.JPG By rosevita
Great Minds Think Alike!
By rosevita

No, Momma is no Einstein, just a creature of habit with a somewhat scientific, if fanciful mind, who expects today to follow tomorrow in an explicable fashion as long as:

  • The roof of her house has not caved in…well… recently.
  • Her computer system has not crashed in any foreseeable way.
  • No one has cast a bad spell that can only be reversed when the princess kisses the frog or is it the frog that kisses the princess. Momma is a bit muddled about that!


Pretty little Princesses, in breathtaking shades of tulle.  May they never kiss a frog. From By kakisky
Pretty little Princesses, in breathtaking shades of tulle. May they never kiss a frog.
By kakisky

You see, like most bloggers, Momma had a Spam Plugin so most of the comment spam did not reach her.  Still, normally she would get about 25 to 30 spam daily that got past her plug-in, that she would analyse, than accept or delete if she was being enticed to buy purses or pills or adult themed paraphernalia (you hear me), which she ‘d not even know what to do with.

What happened, you may ask?  Where does Comment Spam go when it does not hit a blog? Who does not want to know what their faithful followers are thinking?  Should the blogger not be able to make the decision, to keep or to delete? Do Spam Plug-in firms have servers full of Spam that will one day dump a lifetime of comments on unsuspecting bloggers?

Momma does not really understand it, but a mere six months ago she would have some spam, and a lot less malicious login attempts.  Now the pendulum swings – the blocked malicious logins out rank comment spam.  Where is this world headed?    What evil forces are trying to enter a G Rated (General Audience – Suitable for all ages) Blog which is only to provoke thought and amusement, since it is not even fact checkable?

We’d tell you send us a Comment if you have the same dilemma, but it probably will not get through.  You could always try emailing Momma but, well, good luck with that – they do not seem to arrive alive either.

My own deserted island... From: Morguefile  By: pedrojperez
My own deserted island… From: Morguefile By: pedrojperez

We gaze into the Stars, we watch teeny flowers push their little stalks out of the earth in spring, in essence, we see miracles daily.  But this Cyber Space stuff, you just got to go figure.  We have been in contact with our Spam Busting Plug-in Staff and they are the Best.  Yet they are perplexed at why Momma thinks it is not working. They think we should be giving them GOLD  Stars for spamming all the comments but Momma is the fretting kind.  If it was working before (yup, it was, says Spam Busting Plug-in Staff), why do we no longer get any Comments?

If you have an answer Momma truly, sincerely wants to hear from you.  She feels all alone on a deserted island.  She misses your input.

UPDATE:      So happy to report that once again Comments are flowing – well not exactly flowing but at least trickling in at a brisk pace.  Don’t ask Momma to explain it. It is beyond her pay scale!

You got to have faith, faith. faith, you got to have faith!



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