It’s All In The Game

Jakita puts her head on the pillow, her fan tail spread meticulously as she tells the story to her audience.
Jakita puts her head on the pillow, her fan tail spread meticulously, as she tells the story to her audience.

Call me a busy body, but call me, okay.  I notice, well…things.  And my nose and ears….they should be insured, like a fighter’s hands because the slightest whiff or noise can tantalize and torment me.

You may ask, ‘What ya talking bout? Who gives you these grandiose ideas?’ Well, it’s the truth.  I can be sound asleep, in another room, in another time zone, frolicking with my lost canine family and Wonder Boy stealthily opens his bag of beef jerky and I am so on it.  My senses awaken, my eyes fly open, my nose pops up, and like the US Department of Homeland Security’s Shadow Wolves, the department’s only Native American tracking unit, I am on a mission, to hunt, to  find, to ravish.

The good news is Momma taught Wonder Boy to share but…..never enough, if you ask me.  And Wonder Boy is not only sneaky, he is a wily only child so sometimes when he is not in a loving and giving mood, he takes the bag to his bedroom and locks me out. What is that all about?  All evening (okay, when he is home), I sit as close as possible to him (and try to keep the cats out of bound- okay, more for my sake than his).  At night, I sleep faithfully beside him, protecting him from all manners of evil.  I will put in twelve hours straight, not moving a muscle, for fair of disturbing him. And he won’t share his beef jerky.  Blame Momma.  Isn’t it always the mother’s faulty?

But my talent is not all about me.

Busy Bachelor Buttons, waving at all the traffic that passes them by as people walk here, there and everywhere.
Busy Bachelor Buttons, waving at all the traffic that passes them by as people walk here, there and everywhere.

Take for instance, Momma and I are out on a walk. My Shadow Wolf Native American tracking radar feels any negative energy approaching, even innocuous looking sources and I stop dead, sitting down like a ton of bricks. Nothing Momma can do will  make me continue, not even a stick of dynamite will entice me to move.  I sit my ground and look around for the culprit.  Is he on the other side of the street or approaching me or coming up behind me or even  walking in the other direction on an adjacent street and will not come near us?  Once I have established the location, a decision is made. The bearer of the negative energy  must pass us, taking his destructive cloud of harmful vibes out of our space, before I give the all clear and Momma and I can move again.

It came to pass on a sunny, summer afternoon, Momma and I were walking up our street, looking at the lovely old homes, set on expansive lawns, some with circular driveways.  All of a sudden my fur stood up, I looked around and felt, saw, heard trouble, walking up behind us.  I plunked myself down, it (he) passed and meandered up the driveway of our neighbour. I sensed what it was about.

They have a classic convertible that car aficionados drool over and Mr. Could-Be-Trouble bent down, peering in the windows. Now I love these people, Miss Lawyer, Mr. Doctorate and Beautiful Baby Combination. They are so good to me.

Two border collies, one that jumps and one that snarls at me...but they both like Momma. From IMG_4147-001.JPGBy diannehope
Two border collies, one that jumps and one that snarls at me…but they both like Momma.
IMG_4147-001.JPGBy diannehope

They looked after me when RIP Daddy passed away and Momma was otherwise occupied.   I even forgive them for having two border collies, one that jumps and snarls at me, the other one that totally ignores me.


And so I sat, giving this interloper the Stinky eye, growling deep in my throat, looking as menacing as a twenty pound Havanese can look.  And…it worked.  If I had felt his vibe, he definitely recognized mine. He looked at me, back at the car.  He looked at Momma, then back at the car.  Time to move on.  Everyone has a cell phone these days, the owners might come out with a shot gun.  He had no worries about the police.  He was good at leaving them in the dust. His Spidy sense said move on.  Mr. Could-Be-Trouble ambled on down the gateway and headed back to the park.

Check it out! From By Ladyheart
Check it out!
By Ladyheart

I stood up and Momma and I headed home.  I wonder if I will get recognition for a job well done.  Not likely….  Who is going to phone city hall to tell them about my relentless pursuit of the bad apples?  Not Momma.  She is too busy writing blogs.

Not In Mr. Roger’s Neighbor Hood

Got my colorful kerchief around my neck, CHECK, got my leash and collar, CHECK, got my Momma, CHECK. Let's do it!!
Got my colorful kerchief around my neck, CHECK, got my leash and collar, CHECK, got my Momma, CHECK. Walk on!

Now I have been told everyone has a talent and well, I am Jakita, so I have plenty.  I can be sociable,  a BFF, or even an at your command Robodog, always ready for whatever action is required at any given moment.  If it sounds frightfully demanding to keep all those balls in the air at one time, deciphering what I should do when, well, I am the Ultimate Earth Dog, remember:

One of my tried and true skills (which I have been told many dogs share) is that I can tell time.  I know to the minute when it is walk time and should Momma find herself busy doing something else, I don’t let her get way with it.  I speak right up, I register a complaint. I run back and forth from her to the door until I am dizzy.  You’ll be happy to know it works.  Momma puts aside her project, grudgingly it seems to me, all the while talking about art of compromising but I don’t listen. It is all good…. I got my way.

We saunter on our walk, along the path, passing big ole trees, whispering hope, whispering inspiration.
We saunter on our walk, along the path, passing big ole trees, whispering hope, whispering inspiration.

In the park we meet up with all sorts of Two Legged on the way from loving dog owners to the visually impaired soul that is guided with not one but  two Caregivers, one on each side of him. Sometimes he takes off on them.  He is very fleet of foot although he probably has no clue where he is headed…. do any of us really know what time it is? Now when I dart off, I stop and let Momma catch up with me….the things you do for love.

Street view and corner lot that sees a lot of action with back side of monument showing.
Street view and corner lot that sees a lot of action with back side of monument showing.

On our way home we pass a small flower parkette, that has a Memorial to honor those who lost their lives in Hurricane Hazel. Insignificant as it is, that little strip sees lots of shenanigans.

Sometimes the Ladies of the Night hang there, waiting for, well, maybe a ride home, while the police sit in their cars, in the parking lot not two hundred feet away watching, waiting for the next catastrophe to send them, sirens blaring, on duty.

Other times we may see a bicycle, propelled at maximum speed, whizzing past Momma and I on the sidewalk, no less, approaching a customer sitting on the little brick wall across from the parkette.  Faster than the eye can see, hands press together, an exchange completed. The biker, like a mirage disappears, the customer casually, stands up, hops the wall and Momma and I are left thinking, ‘Did we imagine that?’

Telling the team what I see on my walks.
Telling the team what I see on my walks. Jakita recounts her tail, head resting on Tigger while Ruby, Charlie and Gen listen eagerly.

So my dear Watsons, it is a  marvelous place to live because it stretches your mind, forcing a body to have its senses sharpened because otherwise you might miss something…and that is the whole idea….you don’t want to miss anything.

Just today Momma was reading that Alzheimer’s is more likely to strike an idle body and mind.  Momma and I do not have to worry about that because we are a tad too nosy for that to happen….

Lay A Little Training on Me!

Most pet owners are by-the-book-law-abiding citizens but there are those we must call out for the sake of their pets and well… just because Momma and I are born this way.

Here I am, thinking about what we saw and how to tell you, without sounding sanctimonious.
Here I am, thinking about what we saw and how to tell you, without sounding sanctimonious.

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon.  My only complaint and I always can find something, was that this kind of not hot, not cool, just right temperature, brings all those owners out that walk their dog once a week, if the sun shines, if nothing more pressing is on the immediate horizon and goes without saying, if the creek doesn’t rise.

Momma says these poor dogs do not know how to even walk on a leash.  They are so excited that they are jumping and bucking like wild stallions, saddled for the first time ever.  The owners are oblivious, since like their children, their dogs can do no wrong.

In a fit of pure love (laced with buyers regret) some owners decide any park is an off the leash zone (NOT)  and their well-behaved (in the eyes of the beholder) should be free, like the wind, to run hither and fro, jumping in front of bikers and joggers, knocking down toddlers, terrifying the old folks, who are leaning on their walkers, with trepidation, waiting for their next broken bone to happen.

And the owner….well,,,, he / she is checking their messages on their iPhone, texting, starting long drawn out ‘he said, she said’ conversations, probably with another deadbeat dog owner who has unleashed their dog in another park.

What this means is that as an Ultimate Earth Dog, I have to be on high alert and have my 360 degree head swivel tilt in place to avoid crossing path with this poor creature who thinks the whole world wants to play with him and doesn’t mind being slobbered on.  Well, call me crotchety, but I like to choose who I play with and no slobbering, p-l-e-a-s-e.  You never can tell what kind of canine germs could be passed on and with my immune system being so rickety, there is no end to the diseases I could end up with.

After every walk Momma sanitizes me head to toe with baby wipes.  Knowing Momma,  next step would be quarantine if I had a relapse and I enjoy my walks, so please, you ignore me, I will gladly ignore you.

Then there are dogs who yank at their leashes, growling ferociously because they are scared to meet up with me, I suspect – all twenty pounds of might. On a good day, I might lick you to death…. like I am a real threat…. an out of control hand grenade. Their dog never acts like that at home, they claim…and we believe them….nod…wink.

Here’s a free tip.  Train your dog to realize a leash is a good thing. It is not a restraint to fight.

The beauty of the gardens along our walk can be upset by ill mannered dogs and their owners.
The beauty of the gardens along our walk can be upset by ill-mannered dogs and their owners.

If you want the dog off leash, take it to the designated Off Leash Dog Park. A dog is a commitment. With patience, time, and training, we will give back even more than we receive. I hate to admit it but I was quite the tough case myself. I would be gone with the wind every time I saw the opportunity. Now, even given the opportunity, I don’t bolt, because well, someone has to look after my Clumsy Mumsy. It is never too late to start.  Hey, NOW works.

So lay a little training on me (us).  Honey, doggone it, I (we) depend upon it, so lay a little training on me (us).

Jakita in Mr. Roger’s Neighbourhood

I love the Two Footed…..well, mostly…but on our street, in our neighbor hood, I come alive…and, no thanks, Momma, I don’t want to leave.

A great place to sit and spy on anything or one that even moves in our neighbourhood.
P2236845.JPGBy mconnors

I am very comfortable on Mama Give-Me-What-I-Want’s step.  It is the best vantage point in town to watch over  the neighbors.  My head swivels left to right, right to left, up and down, round and round. If Mama Give-Me-What-I-Want is inside and I take a notion to visit her on my own, I go back to the sliding glass door, whine and paw until I get her attention.  Mama Give-Me-What-I-Want has had dogs and she totally understands me. Guaranteed she will give me a blissful massage before she returns me home.

Next to Mama Give-Me-What-I-Want lives the Martha Stewart Family.  Every blade of their green, green grass is the same length.  There is never even a bloom on the flowers to be dead headedPerfection resides here.  I love running up their driveway, through the open garage door,  out a side door to their back yard oasis because….

Back yard pond where little frogs jump out at me. From gardenfishing.JPGBy taliesin
Back yard pond where little frogs jump out at me.
gardenfishing.JPGBy taliesin

They have a man-made pond and God made frogs of all sizes, cricketing, jumping, like molecules in constant motion. I sit there mesmerized, watching their antics.  Then it is off to find Mr. and Mrs. Martha Stewart who treat me like, well, an honoured guest.

Right next door to us is a couple just older than Wonder Boy, Little Miss and Master Millennium. I already was crazy about them, then they brought home a Baby Boy Millennium and I just love babies. 

I am just mad because I have not been able to get very close yet but the day is coming and I guarantee you, Baby Boy Millennium and I are going to be closer than white on rice.  Every time Master Millennium comes outside, I dash through the flower bed that divides our driveways, run to back of their property, just to confuse him, then charge back to Master Millennium’s  feet to get a head scratch.

I am having a long conversation with Little Miss Millennium about how sweet Baby Millennium is.
I am having a long conversation with Little Miss Millennium about how sweet Baby Boy Millennium is.

However, if the Little Miss comes out as well, it is like I have blinders on.  I race straight to her because it is like part of my heart belongs to her.  Don’t ask me to explain.  Thank goodness Momma’s not the jealous type.

Oh, there are plenty more who love me, the Dog Treat Lady, (it would be rude to not accept a treat from her), the Scooter Man, who I like better than his little Black Dog and of course, the Generation Y family who have not one, but two dogs. (No thanks to two…I like being the ‘only’ dog)….

Two border collies, one that jumps and one that snarls …but they both like me.
IMG_4147-001.JPGBy diannehope

Some time I got to tell you about them because are way awesome (well, they like me…but fight other dogs….works for me).

They are my responsibility (because everything is…or so I think)…as well….because if we don’t help others, who will lend a hand when we need help….I am just saying…think about it!

We All Get Together On A Saturday Night

A dog’s life, they say…what exactly does that mean, huh? One sure thing is I am busy, busy, busy, well, when I am not sleeping, you know. I have a lot of responsibilities, having three cats in the house, as well as one feral cat who is in and out, besides all the Four Footed I come in contact with here on Planet Earth.

Let’s start with Bad Boy Andy Cat because Charlie is no problem and Gen, my BFF,  just needs to be tattled on when she jumps on the table or cupboard. Andy is getting grayer and scrawnier every day. You would never believe he and Gen are from the same litter, as she gallops around like a miniature racehorse.  On one hand, I get Andy’s leftovers, so I am happy he eats like a bird.  I can see his lack of appetite and if it is visible to me, well, Momma, who thrives on worry, I sometimes think, agonises over keeping Andy healthy.

Calico Gen looks dominant while and Black and white Andy seems passive. Trick photography. It is Andy that other cats do not want to meet in a dark alley.
Calico Gen and Black and White Andy.

Now there is a routine in the summer that after Andy’s last feed he goes out in to the night, to perform his nocturnal proclivities with the understanding that he is on the front step, ready for breakfast, the minute Momma opens the door in the morning.  One day last week Momma prepared the food at the different station, opened the door.  There was no Andy.  Oh, it was a long, tiresome morning as Momma looked for Andy and I sat watch in the sun porch window, just willing Andy home.

Hours later, Momma went out, came home, put her car in the garage and Ker plunk.  Andy jumped from the rafters onto the roof of the car, slid down the windshield and waited for Momma to carry him into the house. Apparently he had slept in, but was still too exhausted to walk  five meters to the front door.  Cats don’t do that I do, not the cats. I did not know whether to be mad at Andy for worrying us or glad he was safe and sound.  When Momma brought him in, I sniffed, air kissed and nuzzled him, so relieved.  What would I do without Andy?  After all, he still protects me when Momma vacuums.

Then there is the wildlife.  Did you know, true story,  they party on Saturday nights?  Maybe it is just the critters in our part of the world. It might be because we live close to the Legion and they have been dumpster diving totally, off topic, but it is a fact.

Anyway, it was Saturday night, very dark outside but the porch light lit up the driveway.  I could see both Andy and Gen but what was that four-footed critter?  It was black and white like Andy but the white marking seemed to start at the nose tip, travel down the head, back to the tail.

Jimmy the Skunk comes to join the party. From skunk.JPGBy ks42day
Jimmy the Skunk comes to join the party.
skunk.JPGBy ks42day

Oh, yeah, I had been warned about them – a real live skunk.  Sure it was a baby but still… I could read Gen’s tense body language as she edged towards the door.  Quick! I had to alert Wonder Boy to let the cats in.  I barked, sharply enough to get attention without startling the guest in our presence.  Wonder Boy came running, opened the door.  Gen was inside in a flash while Andy who was closer to the skunk, instinctively yet unobtrusively as possible, made his way past our uninvited guest, without startling him. After all, little Jimmy Skunk, saw black and white Andy and probably thought they were first cousins, twice removed. He really was just looking for someone to frolic with.

Like, who knew  Andy was an inclusive right-wing conservative, not a bleeding heart centre liberal, or worse a left-wing NDP that would embrace an outcast in their midst? Well, of course, I knew because, I’ve been cursed with a bit of the conservative.  Doesn’t mean I don’t go left-wing, when it suits me.  It is something to do with being a Canadian, Momma says.

Always on the watch to protect those who can not help themselves.
Always on the watch to protect those who can not help themselves.

I’d be happy if I only had to keep the Four Footed  safe but those Two Footed can also have agendas. Momma takes me for long walks so I meet up with all kinds.  Since I am so highly sensitive, I can feel bad vibes as succinctly as I see and hear.  Stay tuned.  There are some live ones in our neighbour hood… and I have every intention to tell you about them because I not only tattle, I gossip.

Living in a Strange New World

Now the Cool Cats and I were born in a civilized time, I would say.  Imagine not have television with modern resolution, quicker imaging, full cable service, and the best yet, Netflix. That is why I know, without a doubt, Momma is old, because when she was born, the radio was the entertainment box where you listened for weather, some skits performed by faceless actors, news, both local and world, a variety of music from diddly to country to current (no Top Ten at this time, in this region), oh, and the local death announcements.  How bizarre, how bizarre!

On Saturday nights we could tune in to WWW.Wheeling, West Virginia to hear those sad honky tonk songs. From Radio stare 2.JPGBy mzacha
On Saturday nights we could tune in to listen to WWW.Wheeling, West Virginia to hear those sad honky-tonk songs.
Radio stare 2.JPGBy mzacha

Therefore, it was no wonder it was a very big deal indeed, according to Momma,  when the first television arrived in homes, especially in the country, when the only fun happened on the radio or at the church social, back in the 1950’s.  The idea of having a box in your living room that showed people, and programs from all over the world, was more than a country brain could comprehend.

When one of the small community  got a television, the ‘have not’ children (or so they thought) were pea green with jealousy and curiosity.  They would wait till it grew dark, walk down the road and surreptitiously, peak in the living room window.  The lights were off, but they could tell that the TV was on because the room was bathed in a blue hue.  The lady of the house, (a June Cleaver double),  always saw them (and probably heard them) standing out at the window, so would graciously usher them in, tell them just take off our shoes and go sit on the couch to watch TV.

In those days, television stations that were accessible came from the Maritimes.    Most of the day, the screen had a test pattern, with news and shows only in the evening.

We could sit and watch snow on the screen for hour. Somehow it made us feel connected to the rest of the world out there. From IMG_0240.JPGBy preetnan
We could sit and watch snow on the screen for hour. Somehow it made us feel connected to the rest of the world out there.
IMG_0240.JPGBy preetnan

Overjoyed by the ringside seat, they would go and sit in awe, watching ‘snow’ or a silent Test Pattern of a First Nation’s Chief Brave, in full Head Gear.




A few minutes later, the neighbor lady would tell them they’d better leave now, or their mothers would worry about them, so the children would thank her and walk back home, dissecting what they had seen and how was it even possible.  No one at school ever taught them anything that was relevant in the world they lived in.

By the time most families had television, the TV stations had full programming. By now, it was old hat, so they no longer questioned the why’s and the wherefore’s. Yet still it was very gratifying at the end of a day to tune in to some one else’s reality and dream of being anywhere accept the place you lived.  It was food for the soul.

Changes were rumbling through the world and you’d better believe, even the country folk, had no intention of being left behind…………

Now it is not like changes stopped once television was born.  No, it has evolved at a fever pitch intensity so Baby Boomers have just had to get with the program…or be left behind.


Here I watch National Geographic Channel intently, where silky chickens befriend two legged puppies, and cats ride around on horses backs. This is the world as it should be, according to my Policies and Procedures for All Creation.
Here I watch National Geographic Channel intently, where silky chickens befriend two-legged puppies, and cats ride around on horses backs. This is the world as it should be, according to my Policies and Procedures for All Creation.

I am so glad Momma has stepped up because it is so relaxing to grab a spot on the couch and watch another world…the only thing that bothers me, well, two things, actually.  I hate when dogs bark on television.  Am I under attack?  Are they right here in the room with me?  And when the door bell rings on television.  I am fooled every time.  I super charge, out to the door, to drive those pesky interlopers off my property with my ferocious bark and Momma laughs at me.  I am never convinced she has full respect for what I bring to this family.

If You Could Read My Mind, Love

I admit, I am not perfect.  I am wilful, hard-headed and sensitive…. a bit like my Momma. I don’t know exactly what my transgression was on this particular occasion. Well actually, I do.  Wonder Boy was talking to Momma and, since I am the centre of the universe, I started bugging Momma, pushing her hand to indicate, ‘Pay attention to me, NOW.’

Down in the dumps. I hate controversy, especially caused by me.
Down in the dumps. I hate controversy, especially caused by me.

Apparently, I had done it one too many times that day because, Momma said to me, rather sharply, ‘Lay down, Jakita.’ Somehow, Wonder Boy took exception to Momma trying to discipline me, since he said, well, that I only respond to his                                                                                                                          command.

I know, I know, dogs understand words, not sentences but you better believe, I understood, that my needy self shone a light on Momma’s weaknesses.  I meekly lay on the floor beside her, my head on my paws, hoping she would look at me and see through the love in my unwavering stare that I meant no harm.  So the moment passed, the night rolled out as usual, me sleeping blissfully beside Wonder Boy, dreaming of succulent doggie treats to devour and bones to demolish, but the next day, a new regime began.

It seems like all the hours of training Momma spent in order to make me perfect, had not quite paid full dividends.  Momma says there are a multitude of things I get right but then there is that Quite Contrary side of me (inherited no doubt from Momma) that makes me buck the system.  Apparently, I am a Work-In-Progress.

I am so ready. Train me already.
I am so ready. Train me already.

Momma started with the easy stuff, like sit, lay, stay, rollover, pray, count, beg, come, stop.  Blue Ribbon, all the way…..On to the stuff that unnerves me…a knock at the door, a doorbell rings.  It could be anyone at that door with malicious intent.  It is my job to both warn the family of potential danger and frighten the interloper in to beating a hasty retreat. No??? You know the person at the door so when you say, ‘Jakita, lay down. Stay’, I am not supposed to move a muscle, until further command. Really, like REALLY?  Just lay down?  Everyone knows a dog laying down can not bark.  I got to go through my Policies and Procedures for All Creation.  I am sure Momma is wrong.

Okay, I got it.  It is okay to bark, say one woof, if it is legitimate, like the cat is on the table or wants outside or to sound an alarm if no one is expected but someone is here, say poking around in our garage. But Momma and Wonder Boy are Control Central.  I am to take the lead from them. Gotcha!

That leaves the annoying attention seeking behaviour.  I solemnly do swear I will cease and desist to the best of my ability.  If sometimes I forget, remind me.  After all I don’t run away any more.  I am perfectly house broken.  I try, I really try.

It was a beautiful day. Not sure what I was doing - maybe singing opera,
It was a beautiful day. Not sure what I was doing – maybe singing opera,

I mean, when I was a puppy, it was easier to resist training but now, with every breath in my body, I want to please  Momma and Wonder Boy. Their approval means everything to me.  And you know the best part of the Retraining Program?  It is the treats for performance.  So bring it on, Momma! Especially those Kitty Cat Temptations. They seem to awaken the beast…I mean, the best in me.

I Feel Good, So Good, So Good….

I have already talked about the Grooming necessary, not once, not twice but four times a year to make me keep me top of the line beautiful.  Poor Momma, sometimes doesn’t get a hair cut even annually, because she rushes here and there, does this and that, takes care of the Hot Dog and Cool Cats.  No time for her own beautification –  the things you do for love…she says…she does!

Now I can not lead you astray,  sure, four times a year I get defurred (new untested, unrecognized word), clipped, trimmed, bathed, blow dried and all sorts of such things to make me look like a girlie-girl that loves pink.  But do you really think that is the beginning and end of my grooming?

Totally undignified but cosy!
Totally undignified but cosy!

Well then, you don’t know Momma, who is obsessive compulsive about cleanliness, in me, more than in the house, mind you and don’t tell anyone I told you that because there could be repercussions.

You see, every time, after a walk, she takes baby wipes and cleans my underbelly, paws and unmentionables.  I try to protest but it has such a cooling effect, I end up licking Momma’s fingers because it feels so good.

Of course it does not end there.  Every Friday (it’s not TGIF – more like OGIT – O God It’s Friday), out come the scissors, the tweezers and the toe nail clippers.  My fur grows so quickly, (probably Momma’s to blame due to that top of the line food she buys me when I would rather have table scraps) covering my eyes, blinding me in the process so that I need a weekly trim.  It is a very nerve-racking process because Momma is no Quick Draw McGraw. Patience is a virtue.

Next, Momma has to tweeze the forest of fur that grows in my ears.  I don’t enjoy the process but I love the results.  There is nothing more irritating and tickly than fur gone wild, especially for dogs with ear flaps.  If Momma does not  tweeze the fur out, I have to stick my furry little clawed paw, down, down to silence the itch at its’ source. As I roll on my back, my paw toenails inserted in my ear lobes, scratching to beat the banjo, Momma and Wonder Boy laugh.  It is not so funny to me!

Next come those toe nail clipper.  I am scared of thunder and lightening…oh and toe nail clippers in Momma’s hands.  Better she use the pumice bar and nail files on me.  It is not enjoyable to have your nails filed but …then again it is not life threatening.

Brush, check, bag with tweezers, files, scissors, toe nail clippers, check, lavender oil and spray, check and is that really, Chanel 19 Powder? Yup, it is. Is it just me or does it look like Momma get soap in my right eye, again?
Brush, check, blow dryer, check, bag with tweezers, files, scissors, toe nail clippers, check, lavender oil and spray, check and is that really, Chanel 19 Powder? Yup, it is. Is it just me or does it look like Momma got soap in my right eye, again?

After all these indignities, it is time for either a wipe down with a soapy cloth and a rinse or a full-scale bath – not my favourite choices but by now I am waiting to be finished so I can get my treat.  Finally it is towel time, a good rub down with a fleecy towel, brushing, massaging in some beauty products, hair blowing (since day one, I like the warm air  making me dry).  Then just a little Chanel powder to make me smell like the Diva Senorita I am. Treat time has arrived but first I hop on the couch , roll around and around, shoving my head under the pillows, hoping to alleviate that I smell like a posy of flowers.  Momma has to get the brush back out to make me look like the proud Havanese that I am.

Look at me. Teeth brushing bones held firmly in place by my furry little paws. And check out how good I look, now that the bath is done, the fur on my ear flaps perfectly blow dried - God Bless Momma.
Look at me. Teeth brushing bones held firmly in place by my furry little paws. And check out how good I look, now that the bath is done, the fur on my ear flaps perfectly blow dried – God Bless Momma.

Okay, now, bring on the treat I have been waiting for – the teeth brushing bones which I devour, as if I hadn’t already had breakfast and scavenged food from the cats. I know, you are saying something like, ‘Huh? That’s a treat?’ 

But I got to tell you, I feel good, so good, so good….and I am just thankful I don’t have to go through this again until next Friday.

Must Have Been A BAT Party

Momma says that SNL (Saturday Night Live) comedian, Gilda Radner (RIP)  (yeah, I know, it seems like Momma knows a lot of dead people) had a book titled, ‘It’s Always Something’ because it mimicked her reality.  I agree, big time. At least it seems to be the case in our life.

The full moon that beckons all the living. the magical and even the inert. From Supermoon1.JPGBy mparkes
The full moon that beckons all the living. the magical and even the inert.
Supermoon1.JPGBy mparkes

It was another clear sky, full moon Saturday night. Maybe that is the beginning of the problem.  It seems like the Two Footed and Four Footed like to exercise their demons under the pull of a full moon.  The dogs bark louder, babies are born, the rich, the poor and even the hard-working, under appreciated middle class seemed to party  full tilt under the beguiling  full moon.  So is that what it was all about?

Let’s start by saying, we live in Bat Country.  I know.  I am a witness.  Since Momma and Wonder Boy are such enthusiastic wildlife supporters, they track all coming and going of the birds, bees, butterflies, rabbits, raccoons, ground hogs, possums and even the bats in our neighbour hood.  I dare say they would follow the beavers, coyotes, deer, fish and so on and so on as well, if they lived in our community.  Thank goodness they do not. Enough is too much already.

One night the sun dipped and dusk robbed us of the ability to see clearly.  Wonder Boy and Momma were outside with me when a virtual cloud of bats came swooping, diving, heading towards a big old tree, right in front of our garage.  This silent sea of winged specie seemed to disappear as magically as they  had appeared, in to the fleeting dusk.

Just as dusk breaks, bats appear like a dark cloud in a blue sky. From DSC05458.jpgBy sparkyface
Just as dusk breaks, bats appear like a dark cloud in a blue sky.
DSC05458.jpgBy sparkyface

What was that, Momma?  Flying mice with oversized wings?  Super Duper Moths? Grey butterflies? No, butterflies are always colourful.  So what was that Momma?’  ‘Bats, Jakita.  Our community is their breeding ground and like the feral and raccoons, they are not moving out of their natural habitat any time soon.’

No problem.  Well, no problem, until on a full moon last Saturday night they winged their way in to our shed room.  You know we live in an old house.  You do not buy a newer home, with a floor plan that includes a shed room, these days.  Wonder Boy and I were out there when down from the rafters came two of those silent bat mobiles, flying so low they just managed to whiz past Wonder Boy’s head without making a touch down.  It was very disconcerting. I was even too shocked to even bark at the intruders.

Now I admit, I don’t know a whole lot about a variety of subjects.  I know I am responsible for the Two Footed and the Four Footed around here but I don’t cover bats.  I do not care if they are endangered.  They are some one else’s problem.  I will respect them if they are outside but in my house, it is game on….well, it would be,  if only I had wings to fly!

Here I am telling the Bat tale the morning after. I look a trifle tired because bat night mares kept me awake.
Here I am telling the Bat tale the morning after. I look a trifle tired because bat night mares kept me awake.

PS: True story.  We were the lucky ones.  Just four houses down the street, our neighbours woke up to Holy Batman…….I am not sure – it could also have been a Saturday night. Whatever day it was, they got up  to find that there on their living room drapes, little bats, hanging upside down, in a row, sleeping soundly.


It must have been quite the full tilt Bat Extravagnza Party the night before!

Come Here and Take A Lesson

To my way of thinking and it may sound esoteric, trees call out to me, if I will take the time to listen – not all trees but let’s be truthful, but not all Four Footed or Two Footed inspire me, either.

It is majestic in size with the hint of an interesting base, even this far away.
My Smart Tree is majestic in size with the hint of an interesting base, even this far away.

It seems some individuals have that ‘seen one tree,  seen them all’ attitude and just bolt past them. Oh, ye of little understanding.  If you are one of those unfortunates, listen up and learn the secrets whispered in the wind, shouted across mountains, lingering far and wide, over the great expanse of time.

Once upon a time (oh, you heard that story already), well okay….you know how Momma and I go walking.  I observe, I sniff, I listen and I respond.  I mean, no kidding, you may meet up with a flower so exquisite, with such an intoxicating smell, that  it is impossible to go by without stopping.  Or I can gaze for hours at Momma’s shiny stones in her rock collection or lay in the front garden, watching teeny, tiny ants and beetles, busy, busy, busy.  Let me tell you about the miles Momma and I have walked, the paths we have taken and all the trees we have seen.  Yet none compare to my Smart Tree.

A huge tree, with a thick foliage of leaves, it shades all takers from the hot summer sun or even provides shelter in a rainstorm (NOTE: Stay away during a thunderstorm).  It is young enough to be vital and strong, yet mature enough to have a history.  And it communicates, not just to me but to all who would take the time.  I recall the first occasion I heard it whisper to me, the leaves, rustling gently.  I stopped, looked up, up, up, so far that I felt my neck crack in protest.  It was a tall straight tree with such symmetrical branches, it looked almost engineered to perfection.

Is that an Eagle eye or a human eye? Is there an angel with a dog's head. Do you see the monkey perched on branch? It is like a ever changing kaleidoscope vision.
Is that an Eagle eye or a human eye? Is there an angel with a dog’s head. Do you see the monkey perched on branch? It is like an ever changing kaleidoscope of possibilities.

Then my eyes scaled down the trunk to the base of the tree and I could not  believe what my eyes were showing me. It was as if an artist had painstakingly carved an eagle eye that could  see forever and back, a monkey perched on a bench  surveying all, an angel with the head of a dog.  The more I looked, the more I saw.  And toes, much longer than a Two Footed.  And is that a forked tail? Is that even possible? No, these toes and tails must be the fossil of the dinosaurs or dragons long since extinct.

On one side of the tree the toes dig in to the earth, stabilizing its position. And no toe is that long? Is that a forked tail? You tell me!
On one side of the tree the toes dig in to the earth, stabilizing its position. And no toe is that long? Is that a forked tail? You tell me!

Momma, Momma, Momma what can this mean?  I hear the tree tinkle with laughter – like Momma would know their well guarded secrets! Still, Momma has an answer, because well Momma always has an answer, even if it is not the right answer. It is Mother Nature, Jakita, driving rain, wind, ice, exposing roots and carving messages in the trunks, cautioning us, and warning us, while at the same time inviting us to celebrate their wisdom and truth, earned over their long life span. The only problem is that the Two Footed are pretty much deaf to  tree whispering.

Not me Momma.  I could come here every day to listen, look and feel the power of this tree.  It is like the carvings play mind games with me, confusing me by appearing different each time I gaze at them. Some days they appear frightening, some days they are benign and some days they are friendly like, welcoming me to come closer. I am not sure what that is all about but I do know that tree is calling me, beckoning me to not accept things at face value but always be ready for change because change is inevitable.

Here I sit by my favorite Smart Tree. Look at that gnarly, carved tree base.
Here I sit by my favorite Smart Tree. Look at that gnarly, carved tree base.

Still I wonder, what if Momma is wrong?  Maybe it is not Mother Nature but instead those wee people who come, in the dark of the night, with chiseling tools and lanterns, to carve the tree trunks.

I mean, Momma, you are the one who taught me, ‘All things are possible.’ Let’s come back some night and see if we can catch them in action, okay, Momma?