Jakita – All in My Family

Tell me, do you know, what is life, what is death, is there a purgatory for (sometimes) naughty puppies?
Story Time!

So, you have heard lots about my Two Footed family, what about my Four Footed?  Are you kidding, in this family, where everyone has dogs and cats they inherited or rescued? They can not bear to watch those heart wrenching advertisements that SPCA run in their attempt to find forever homes for the unfortunate canine and feline orphans.


Poor Ming had a rough life at the start. First rescued by Auntie Itty-Bitty, then passed on to Auntie No.1 Sister, Ming now has the life of Rileyr and is an experienced Snowbird traveller.
Poor Ming-Ming had a rough life at the start. Now has the life of Riley.

Yes I have Cousins.  Auntie No.1 Sister has Ming-Ming, a similar color to me but a Shih Tzu with that round head and kind of pushed in, serious countenance. But boy, she has springs in her back paws, leaping though the air, jumping on furniture, or tables.  Her potty training is still hit and miss but I blame that on her first owner who tired of her and asked Auntie Itty Bitty to pick up the torch and other things Ming-Ming left on the floor, or the bed or the couch. You get it. Still I am amazed and impressed by her ability to fly from the chair to the couch or from the floor to the kitchen table. Our cats are totally puzzled  and disoriented by this flying dog. The kitchen table belongs to them, not some visiting canine cousin with bad ‘table’ manners. Tell me, how could I not like that doggie?

Next comes Misty, a cream-colored Maltese,  Auntie Goodie Two Shoe’s Dog. Like Momma’s former dog Teddy, she is perfect – well except when her Momma walks out the door, leaves the room or is just not in sight  for a moment.  Then like a wailing banshee, the warbling and  whining  commence, climbing to an ear-splitting crescendo. This is just not an acceptable response, especially when you are a guest in someone’s home. I say Misty needs a  few retraining sessions with a stern dog behavior expert. Momma tells me to be understanding because it is separation anxiety. My best advice, ‘ Well, boo-hoo! Get over it, Misty’.  I try to distract her by encouraging her to join me on the back of the couch in the Sun Room so we can do ‘The Neighborhood Watch.’

I am so jealous because Misty is so cuddly and cute. You can tell she is loved to death by Auntie Goodie-Two-Shoes
I am so jealous because Misty is just so cuddly and cute.

Anything that moves in the neighborhood outside, be it birds, critters, dogs, cats, people, butterflies, even leaves, we watch. Their sure are some interesting scenarios that we get to see, in our free front seat row vantage point. One particular day, a man went up and down the sidewalk having a fight with himself, swearing like a drunken sailor (no offense meant to sailors). We are not sure who  won, but it was very intense.  Teens walked  three abreast in the middle of the street (as usual) and an angry, stressed out driver stuck his head out their car windows to chastise them.  Suburban Urban Warfare!

We cannot forget Auntie Taught-Momma-Almost-Everything-She-Knows dog, Cousin Cooper, a little black Yorkie-poo who acts like he could be one of the Three Little Rascals. Just maybe he has a tiny devil with pointy ears, a long tail, and a pitch fork, living inside him, the same as me. Whatever! We are compatible and rush around, looking for trouble, followed by reinvigorating nap, so we can think up more mayhem and chaos.

The Coopster - so sweet, so BAD!
The Coopsterso sweet, so BAD!

Cooper also  has a beautiful black with white splotches sister, Daisy. She is cut from the same bolt of cloth as Misty, good to the bone except one time  on a walk, marched over to another dog and nipped his master. What is in our doggie DNA that makes us so inscrutably amicable one minute and an ‘unsub’ the next?  Then we hang our heads in shame as our masters rack their brains for a solution that they never thought would be a problem.

So do I have a Doggie Family? Do I???  You could say, I got it covered.

Cute (Misty) and cuter (me). Misty looks so permissive while I look dominant, willing to wage battles to claim territories. But that was when I was younger. Now I am four years old and have better manners. Honest!
Cute (Misty) and cuter (me).

And, just in case you are wondering, I am still the best trained. None of them can do the tricks I can do, (like counting or waving), the brightest, (who else wrote a Policies and Procedure Manual), the most nurturing, (just ask the Tigger and Babbie – more on them on the way).

I am also amazingly gorgeous and of course modest. Just realize, I am the ‘don’t take my word for it’ unquestionably questionable pedigree dog….ever!



Email: housekeeping@hotdogcoolcats.com



Okay, okay, okay.  I know, already, I am the opposite end of the spectrum from Ruby, the Incredible Wide Eyed Stuffed Monkey.

Look at me - Remember, in this photo, I am 12 years old. It is easy to see although I have been groomed to perfection by my doting playmates and... at least I still have all appendages and my right ear.
Look at me – Remember, in this photo, I am 12 years old. It is easy to see although I have been groomed to perfection by my doting playmates and… at least I still have all appendages and my right ear.

I am nothing but a Third World stuffed toy, created by Third World child labor, somewhere in Asia,  by Capitalistic, yet unregulated manufacturers who find anything for a dollar buyers in the North American market place. But first, how did I get here? Easy, breezy – Shipping containers, chock full of merchandise totally  flood the North American market and end up in various stores where they sell all their products at one price.  You know what chains of stores I mean.

Somehow, somewhere I ended up in a store, east of the Big Smoke.  My Auntie Goodie-Two-Shoes was buying stocking stuffers and grabbed me, without any real intent, except to fill a Christmas Stocking. But what was me, you ask?

Gen tells Tigger all about Lovie.
Is it just me or do I look like Gen? 

A little golden-brown striped tiger, with cream tipped toes and tail, the size of six-week old kitty, with felt ears, small glassy eyes and a will to survive. Oh and the inside there  was no plush filling. It was straw I bled, (like the Scare Crow in The Wizard of Oz, you ask?) when RIP Zanny, the family pet, disciplined me, frequently. It seemed I had a lot to learn!

And so, Christmas Morning 2002, stockings were distributed and I was pulled out and placed on the coffee table as other gifts were being opened.  That was when, Zanny, buried in tissue paper, chasing bows and balls, and all things that glittered, spied me.  Quick as a wink, this little rat snatching Yorkshire Terrier,  a product of her breeding and DNA,  kidnapped me, from the table and trotted to her dog pillow in the kitchen and deposited me down.  All those Two Footed cooed, ‘Isn’t that so cute?’ It seemed no one heard my silent screams as her teeth trapped me firmly in her little mouth. Even Teddy, the American Eskimo, who held me in contempt, because he had no time for toys, and would never come near me, shook his head.  These Two Footed are so naïve, his dour expression read.

Zanny takes Tigger to wherever she is headed. Note how she shows no mercy in her method of transportation. Poor Tigger.
Zanny took Tigger wherever she went. Note how she showed no mercy in her method of transportation. Poor Tigger.

Once I had the dubious honor of being claimed, it seems I had to be named.  Momma looked at those fine stripes and decided, a teeny tiny tiger like me, should be called Tigger, like Winnie the Pooh’s pal.  This time Teddy rolled his eyes around and around.  What gives? Does Momma not know tigers are ferocious?  It seems to have escaped her general knowledge .  I know that I never won any battles with Zanny but on the other hand, I am still here to tell the story.  I just don’t have that Tiger-takes all-killer instinct.  I suspect I am just a kitty that looks like a Tiger.

Trust me, I am sure, Zanny meant no harm when she shook me till her brain rattled, gouged my ears, and my underbelly so that I bled straw. I was so small, easy to transport,  so bite size, you might say. I fit perfectly into her mouth. You know, maybe she was trying to be kind when she took me outside with her (or was it punishment because if she had to go, so did I? Who knows?) But then, blonde that she was (no, she was actually a beautiful silver-gray and tan Yorkie), she would leave me outside. Now it is a known fact tigers live in jungles in countries that the equator run through,  where it is hot, hot, hot.  My blood is too thin to appreciate the  usual land of snow banks and icebergs that are omnipresent in a Canadian winter. Anyway, is there not laws against abandoning dependents in snow banks?  I will have to ask Jakita to check that out in her Policies and Procedures for all (somewhat) Living Creatures.

But then something happened to Zanny.  I heard rumors, (little pitchers with big ears).  All I know was a sad Momma sewed up my holes, reattached what was left of my left ear and placed me on top of a harvest horn brimming full of fall flowers, on her book shelf where I had a clear, unrestricted view of Ruby on Momma’s bed. Each day Ruby would be removed at night, put back in the day. I wondered if Ruby knew how much I longed for Momma to pick me, just touch me but she was busy, I know and I was safe.  Why was I so ungrateful?

Months went by, then years and I was almost resigned to a life without adventure.  I mean, Zanny, for all of her faults, included me in all her activities. She even took me to bed at night to cuddle, carried me to the doggie pillow every morning, so there was a certain gain, 

Tigger tells a serious Ruby a thing or two about a thing or two.
Tigger tells a serious Ruby a thing or two about waiting and waiting, then waiting, some more.

if I could take the pain. Still, and I am not complaining, days were long and nights were longer when I was in wait mode.  Then, a miracle –  one day when…what was that? Did I hear a little yap, a whimper, a concentrated effort to actually bark? My pulse quickened. I felt a Rescue coming down and I was so ready.  I wanted to live again, I’d even settle for a Zanny type but please Dear God, make this puppy a little more genteel, teeth just a little more forgiving. Oh, and I hate staying out on cold dark  nights so as the Scare Crow in Wizard of Oz laments, please Dear God, if it is in your power could it be  arranged for the puppy to ‘only have a brain’.  Thank you, God.  Amen.

Little did I know my world was going to be changed irrevocably…and it is all good!

Ruby – The Incredibly Wide Eyed Stuffed Monkey

And so, cute and cuddly as I may be,  I am still an inanimate prop, in an animated world.  But I am a being , in my opinion, in my own right.  Don’t I serve as a pillow for weary pets, bring flash to Momma’s bed and even cry invisible tears from my wide open button eyes?  I know a lot about me.  Momma was in the hospital so to make her feel better, her sister, Itty Bitty took her son, Super Boy to a Fantasy Land where he could create a Stuffed Toy that would surely cure her of her various ailments.

Look at me, in my beautiful tutu with the very best seat in the house. See my lace, sparkle and stars. Thanks Super Boy and Momma.
Look at me, in my beautiful pink tutu with the very best seat in the house. See my lace, sparkle and stars. Thanks Super Boy and Momma.

First an outer shell must be chosen.  Super Boy surveyed the inventory, selected, then discarded shells, based on texture, shades, sizes and shapes, like it was a  project that his very life depended on. At last, after taking all possibilities in to consideration, he chose me, a caramel colored monkey, (hm, what exactly does that say about Momma?) with beige hands and toes, a long tail with a beige tip and mahogany bubble gum ball eyes. 

I had an amazing shell but no body until Super Boy went about choosing between cubes of plush or free range fleece.  To this day, like all of you, it is a mystery what is on the inside of me because, like you, I can only see my outer shell and I am well satisfied with Super Boy’s choices.

Ready, Set, Go to our Annual All Things Plush Picnic. I am holding my best buddy Lightbulb.  Babby is in the centre  while Ruby cradles Tigger. Notice how my fur is so dark that you can only see one eye.  I have two, honestly!
Ruby with some of her inanimate friends. 

However,  like Adam and Eve from Genesis, once I had knowledge, I felt shame and wanted my body covered.  And Super Boy out did himself.  With the most minute attention to detail, Super Boy chose a light pink tutu with lace and sparkles (Momma later sewed on  satin cushion stars).  The final step was to assign a name because I was Pedigree and would be forever Registered at the Fantasy Land of Stuffed Animals.

Jakita tells the tale of Peter Cottontail to Calico Gen and the Adorable,  Wide-Eyed Stuffed Monkey, Ruby, who shares all hopes, dreams and secrets of all those who sleep in or on Momma's bed - (Ruby was a gift given to Momma many moons ago, by Super Boy).
Ruby shares Momma’s bed with Gen and Jakita.

And that my dear is how I became known as Ruby, the Incredibly Wide Eyed Monkey.

Now I awaited delivery to my new home where Momma showed total respect by assigning me the best seat in the house on her fluffy bed pillows.

But…this is just the beginning of the story to be written. There is some one else you must meet.

Like this: Ready RUBY TUTU

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or Email: housekeeping@hotdogcoolcats.com

Charlie and her Drinking Habits

In case I did not mention it, I also share Momma's Bed with the Incredible Stuffed Monkey Ruby who is a good listener and a great pillow.
In case I did not mention it, I also share Momma’s  Bed with the Incredible Stuffed Monkey Ruby who is a good listener and a great pillow.

So, as I said, I love my Momma.  Now I have heard her say I am the most Loving and Giving pet (was I born on a Friday?) that she has ever encountered.  After I was no longer under the influence of Mandu, who was floating around on her Pink Cloud, I needed to plan for my future. During the day, as I laid on RIP  Daddy’s bed, I made long-term plans for sharing Momma’s bed at night, hence forth.


I told you, I told you. Pretty Little Diva Calico Gen gets served kibbles on Momma's bed, a zillion times a day or as many times as she asks for it. So, is she spoiled beyond redemption or are her powers of manipulation to be recognized and rewarded accordingly?
I told you, I told you. Pretty Little Diva Calico Gen gets served kibble on Momma’s  bed, a zillion times a day or as many times as she asks for it. So, is she spoiled beyond redemption or are her powers of manipulation to be recognized and copied accordingly?

I also patrolled Momma’s  bedroom and noticed little Calico Diva Gen spent a lot of time on the bed and even got to eat kibble from a bowl, fed at the bottom of the bed. Huh!


I have got to get Jakita  to look that up in her Policy and Procedures for All Creation but I am almost certain that it is verboten and that Gen is just an overindulged, spoiled little Diva because she meows so sweetly, her fur is so soft and she knows how to manipulate individuals or even more importantly, how to work a crowd.  So what can I do to stand out in a house where I have to compete to get attention?

Like a good miner I must survey, then stake a claim and find the gold.  By 9:30 pm each night I jump on Momma’s bed, waiting, because as Gen said, ‘What else does a cat do?’  Around about 10:00pm  Momma & Jakita come in the bedroom, Momma lifts Jakita on the bed because, well, she is like a white (wo)man.  She can not jump.  If that was me, I’d be humiliated, but Jakita is so pampered, she does not even notice that she seemed to be born without springs in her back legs. But no trash talking Jakita.  She has a  good heart,  even if she is a bit paranoid, tattling to Momma  if I do wrong. At the same time she protects me from other cats, takes my side if I go out on a limb, reassure Momma when I over extend myself. She’s got my back.

Charlie and Jakita on Momma's bed ready to sleep - See a photo of RIP Daddy and some dolls from Momma's childhood, (now that is old) in the back ground.
Charlie and Jakita   on Momma’s  bed ready to sleep – See a photo of RIP Daddy and some dolls from Momma’s  childhood, (now that is old) in the back ground. Jakita  is to die for cute, isn’t she?

Once the lights are out, I make my move, pouring my body against Momma’s  rib cage, my thick, matted fur wedged between the bed and her bones, purring contentedly. Meanwhile Jakita,  sleeps at Momma’s feet, drifting off to never-never-land.  I do not really get it but it is like Jakita  passes out, she does not even move a muscle, all night long, unless, I accidentally wake her up like I did a couple of nights ago.

Something I noticed is Momma  always brings a glass of water to bed, placing it on the bedside table, every night.  Now Momma  fills our water bowls many times a day.  She even mistakenly leaves toilet lids up and whoa, Andy thinks it is his private drinking bowl.   Not my cup of tea.  However, I do not mind drinking from the same glass as Momma.  Say what, Momma… won’t like that?  I have only one thing to say about that.  I am most fastidious, so get over it, Momma. One night I was thirsty. It was right in front of me, not two feet away.  The lights were off, but cats are nocturnal, right?

I quietly tried to step over Momma  to get close to the water-glass (thank our Baby Jesus it was a plastic)Like a missile, the glass went flying, baptizing me, Momma,  the nightstand and the floor.  Angels and semi precious gems took flight, pills scattered, and Momma’s crystal ball rolled, like thunder from heaven, on the hardwood floor.

In a flash Momma   was awake, turning on the light, saying, ‘What the heck?’  I was in shock. What had I done? Would I be evicted from the inner sanctum? I jumped back over Momma,  positioned myself by my protector, Jakita  who seemed to rise from the great beyond and further. She sat up, shook her head to clear away the cob webs, looked at Momma  beseechingly as if to say, ‘No worries.  It was an accident,’   and  promptly flopped down and went back to her former comatose state.

Rainbow CrystalMomma  looked at me, then at Jakita, hopped out of bed to get  towels to mop up the wet floor, and rectified random objects that had been caught in the devastation.  She got back in bed, turned off the light and said, ‘Go to sleep Charlie, Fais Do-Do, Jakita. Sweet Dreams and Charlie, the water is, as Jakita would say – mine, mine, mine.

Is it any wonder I love, love, love Momma?


Senorita Jakita Out of Bounds

Like, I got some things to say. You know that I ♥♥♥ my Momma and she ♥’s ♥’s ♥’s me but I do not understand why she goes so postal, on occasion, like a few days back. I suspect it had something to do with the fact that I did not come when she called me in.

Look at that sky. Are those colored globes planets from millions of galaxies away? Look at the blue, yellow, greens. How could any dog or man resist the spontaneous joy of a starry night?
Look at that sky. Are those colored globes planets from millions of galaxies away? Look at the shades of blue, yellow, green. Oooohhhh.  Is that red one Mars, maybe? How could any dog or man resist the spontaneous pull of a starry night?

But, whatever (big yawn) I was outside, there was a full moon, with ***’s (or is it planets,) shining brightly in the dark, clear sky, just beckoning me to enjoy the moment. That it was a nice balmy zero degrees only encouraged me to plow through the snow with gusto.  I was no longer  a sable and white dog, I was completely white, with huge snow balls, like a tiny abominable  snowman.  At the same time I managed to attract monster thistles caught in the wiry fur on my legs, my beard, my long silky ears, my tail and ouch, my belly, from slinking under the dead bushes and left over foliage in the flower beds. I felt like a commando, disguised as a snow (wo)man, on a sssshhh, top classified secret mission.

Okay, I get it (a little) that the longer I stayed out, collecting snow balls and thistles, the bigger the job Momma had when I finally came in. Yet at some point, I always bark to say, ‘Hurry, I am cold, let me in, hurry, you’re not here yet, where are you? I am  dying out here. HURRY, HURRY, HURRY!.’

Is it my fault Momma can not always see me because the snow is so high and she worries unnecessarily, may I add that:

  • I may escape the back yard and will be like Sweet Sophie who has never been seen again (to our knowledge) or
  • I may be doggy napped and not able to find my way home (did you not hear about Lassie, Momma?) or                                                                        I
  •  I will become stuck in a snow drift and my life force will be sucked out of my body before she even finds me and how would she tell Wonder Boy. It is just to sad. See Momma wipe away a tear from her eye.
Don't do this - you'll get pain in your old age.
Don’t do this – you’ll get pain in your old age.

I tell you, Momma is just like her father before her, so I understand, worrying needlessly…. But not without cause.  I heard Momma tell Wonder Boy, tears in her voice that a little boy, a few miles from here had been caught in a snow bank during the blizzard Wednesday and died before he could be rescued.  That is why Momma clears the steps of snow, then shovels a pathway for me from the door to the very back of the yard, under the big old evergreen tree I love to hide under, surveying the world at large, while, as I said previously,  the world can not survey me. Winter is so much fun. In my next life, I want to come back as one of those husky sled dogs, in the land of the midnight sun or maybe not…I enjoy being pampered too much and…oh, that’s right, I like people more than frothing, barking, whining dogs.  I am not a team player.


See the paths in the deep snow, half way up the cherry tree, that I run up and down, back and forth till my lungs could burst.
See the paths in the deep snow, half way up the cherry tree, that I run up and down, back and forth till my lungs could burst.

This particular night Momma, finally had to put her boots on, and come outside to find me, then chase me in the back door.  Apparently that is unacceptable behavior that falls short of previous training.   Who Knew? She raised her voice so loudly, I thought I’d go deaf or my ear drums would pop.  Usually, with Momma, it is over in a minute but not tonight. All the frustration she felt in past four years spilled  and spewed, making a stew of words I could not understand or fathom. I was served a full plate of her complaints, in a loud, penetrating rant. I felt so ashamed for letting her down, I could not look her in the eye as she melted my snow balls, in warm water, towel dried me, then used her blow dryer on low heat to complete the drying process, brushing or cutting out the  thistles I had managed to collect.  It made me feel so warm and contented and guilty.

Look at me, so crashed out and guilty looking my sad eyes reflecting that I had to do better, next tie, I promise.
Look at me, so crashed out and guilty looking, my sad eyes reflecting that I knew I had to do better, next time, I promise.

But there is more to tell and well, I like you to know that I realize my short comings.  Even though Super Boy has great admiration for me, when he doggie-sat me, he soon realized I was powerful contrary, and dead set on doing what ever I want to do.  I am trying…..  but I am a work-in-process.


In the meantime, everyone agrees that I am uncommonly smart, (though not boastful) and mostly sensible so that I know to rein it in when  I get out of line.

And if you see me behaving badly, please feel free to put me in my place.  I need lots of structure.


Casey Come Home

I am a little concerned.  I heard Momma saying to Wonder Boy that I did not have a clue about the ‘concept of play’.  And that would be important…why???

Well, excuse me, but back at the Cat Colony there were no little plastic balls with a jingle bell inside, hanging on a pretty ribbon on the boughs of the trees and bushes.  No, more like dangling deer ticks and thistles, that were all out to get you and you, and oh, you too. I had to be a contortionist to remove them from  my coat. When I managed to expel them, I would  also pull out  a patch of fur,  which in turn formed scabs that became infected.

When Momma took me to the vet, because of my running sores, the gouge over my infected eyes and sprained leg, she learned……. too much information.  I was high risk, with Feline Leukemia.  If she wanted me indoors, I could not eat from the same dishes or use the same litter boxes as the other cats. I needed segregation, although I longed to be accepted, but not only by Jakita (who liked me from Day 1, sensing my brokeness both physically and mentally).


Don't let her fool you! Jakita has her eyes on me, radiating healing powers as she protects me from the world and all of its' complexities.
Is it just me or is some patches of our fur a similar color?

I can never forget the dreary, wet day, Momma took me inside, me, a wild cat, that had just recently met the Two Footed. I had no experience with dogs and had never entered an enclosed space without an escape route. Now surrounded by walls and ceilings and doors. I saw her put a comfortable cushion in the cat carrier, in the garage leaving the top off since cats always like a get-away.  Then like a farmer’s wife, collecting eggs from the hen’s nest, Momma kept checking for me to take the bait. I did.

Early days. As you can see, my fur is gouged and matted, thick and patchy in places. My mouth is infected, my left eye barely open. Still I was so at ease on RIP Daddy's bed that, I could lay on my back and expose my belly which showed my complete trust. I felt I was already in heaven.
I was so at ease on RIP Daddy’s bed that, I could lay on my back and expose my belly which showed my complete trust. I felt I was already in heaven.

After all, when we had gone to the vet together, Momma had cried because of my condition. I knew I had taken over her heart. I trusted this woman. So I dragged my weak body and useless leg on to the inviting cushion, out of the rain. She came out, threw a towel over my eyes to keep me from freaking out, picked up the cat carrier and took me inside, leaving me alone in a small room alone to chill out.  I inherently knew, Momma had my back, my belly, my very kitty being. I  hid under the claw footed bathtub and peaked out, perplexed about the gurgling toilet.

From time to time Momma would come in, get down on the floor, look at me, all the while talking softly, then leave me alone. As I grew braver, I slid between the end of the tub and the wall, inching closer so Momma could reach out to brush and stroke me. As time progressed and I was more at ease, Momma put ointment on my eyes and scabs, fed me antibiotics, food enrichment and tiny little vitamin packed treats. The truth be told, what I liked the most about my new life, was having a full dish of cold water. A fever can leave you devilishly thirsty.

There was no stopping Momma. Still, it was a dilemma for the Two Footed who are supposed to rationalize, rather than emotionalize,  facts and figures.

But that playing stuff, I mean I tried, domesticated cat rules, I used Momma’s scratching  pads for my claws, her litter box, ate and drank carefully to not have crumbs and dribbles on the carpet, always self groomed after every meal but…I didn’t do balls on strings, yet. Like, is that a problem?

I wanted to be PURRFECT for Momma and Wonder Boy. Then I learned (rather indignantly) although I probably should have felt proud, that I was going to be subjected to the on-line (of course) Cat Intelligence Test. I was only beaten by, you guessed it, Andy The Brainiac who of course bested me by his reaction over a piece string Momma teased us with. Logically, I had ignored the string, rather than becoming ‘engaged’. Heck, over at The Colony, it is like being in The Big House, you don’t ‘engage’ the unknown, you ignore it, and maybe, live to see another day.  And being as suspicious as I am, I wondered if maybe The Brainiac had been tested before and knew what the expectations were in order to qualify as  an Einstein Cat.


I really, really, really want Andy to love me, not ignore me. After all, Gen and Beau love me, Jakita adores me so wake up, Andy, what is not to love?
See how great I look after a few weeks of nurturing, good food and prescribed medication. I really, really, really want Andy to love me, not ignore me. What’s not to love?

As you can understand, I am a textbook product of my scary, past environment. I probably need lots of years of cat psychology. But I do have a lot of love to give because well, all you need is love. If I have to ‘play’ to be a well-rounded cat for Momma, so be it. I am on it, as soon as I feel good enough to jump, run, and act like a frisky kitten.  After all, if the ten-year old  Diva Calico Gen, can  bat balls on  ribbons on door knobs, find treasures to push from table tops to the floor, or in the corners, I’ll  just do it and make Momma’s day, even if it means that all the while I will be chased by a barking super-hyper Jakita, who can’t decide if she should join the fun or tattle on us and get us in trouble.

I am working on getting this ‘play concept’, honestly! Any suggestions?

Email: housekeeping@hotdogcoolcats.com


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Senorita Jakita and her Oasis

Did I tell you yet about our back yard? There are all kinds of things that catch my attention back there and so many places to hide from Momma’s all seeing blue eyes.  A big dog may consider the yard a postage stamp but when you weigh  twenty pounds, stand about fourteen inches from fluffy paw to upturned top of head, it is a heady jungle to plough through.

Look at the green ferns, the summer snow, the exquisite rose, petals from heaven, that the butterflies choose to land on.
Look at the green ferns, the summer snow, the exquisite rose, with petals from heaven, that the butterflies choose to land on.

Green, green grass, massive flowerbeds chock full of hostas, peonies, rose bushes and flowers that germinate from seeds that float from the neighbor’s garden, all providing a leafy canopy to hide away from the world.



Yet still I can observe all the activity taking place, a little mouse running, a worm pushing through the damp earth to the surface, some busy ants and butterflies of every color landing daintily on the tip of a cone flower. It is a breathless, ever-changing oasis. A fence line on the East, West and North side of the lawn denies my escape while the house is the barrier on the South side, keeping me in and undesirables from the neighbour hood out.

Then there are all the trees Daddy planted, a silver birch, a red  and  green maple that provide shade with their canopy of leaves filtering and obliterating the hot sun.  Also, a back yard  cherry tree is an invitation to squirrels who zip up the trunk, shake the heavy laden branches with practiced little front paws, raining cherries in the back yard.  But maybe my favourite is the big fir-tree,  with a massive circumference providing shelter in the cold of winter and coolness on scorching day in the summer.

Managing the Indoor – Outdoor cats (Momma calls them the Indoor-Outdoor-Indoor Cats now because they are inside way more than they are out), the Colony Cats, Squirrels, Raccoons, Rabbits, and lonely old possum – oh boy, that keeps me busy.

Okay, too funny - ech kitty with a QT held in paws - apparently their ears needed cleaning. Andy in Front, Beau in Middle, (looking so innocent but I saw him catch a rabbit), Gen at back
Kitty Club Med.

Take our cats, (please), all who are older than me and sometimes wiser than me. They mostly treat me with something between respect and indulgence because, well I am street smart and the Baby of the Family.  But what they appreciate the most is that I have a loud, annoying bark and will run off enemies as well as defend them to my last breath. In return, I have carte blanche when they start hissing and growling at each other to pounce on them and bring them back to their senses.  They will stalk away, ears back, tales swaying moodily,  but in no time they are making friendly with each other and me, no grudges allowed or tolerated.

Let’s talk about the rabbits who I believe, over the years have learned their lesson and no longer invade our flowerbeds because, well, the cats will perpetuate the cycle of life and death, on these poor, witless creatures.  Better to listen to Mama Rabbit and stay the heck out of Dodge.  I love the cats but not for a second do I understand their predatory nature, given that they get the same soft and hard food, treats and toys from Momma, as I do. I mean, I make a lot of noise but I would never take a life, as pointless as it may be.

And tell me, what is wrong with a Mama Bird that she thinks her baby should be pushed out its nest, the only home it knew, into our back yard where the cats are prowling and salivating? I bark to warn Mama Bird. I try to protect those poor little peepers by inserting my body between them and the cats, as they valiantly practice using their little wings.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, it is all in the game, says Momma, who is as perplexed as I am at both Mama Bird, and our cats’ behaviour.

So Mama Bird, this is how you protect your baby. Note how I am on high alert, head on swivel tilt, so Tigger can sleep in heavenly peace.
See Mama Bird, this is how you protect your baby. Note how I am on high alert, head on swivel tilt, so Tigger can sleep in heavenly peace.

Now the raccoons, they have it together.  They know the rules, they obey the rules.  They do not come in our back yard.  There is a time and place for everything and they learned it is best to come out and pick cherries from the tree at the side door under the mindful supervision of Momma or Wonder Boy.

Sometimes on a clear summer night you will see the cats, raccoons and squirrels all together, cherry picking, like in Revelations, where the lamb lays down with the lion. Of course the cats don’t have any use for cherries, except to bat them around or to steal them from under their opponent’s nose.

As for me, I am a voyeur. I just sit on the steps with Wonder Boy, monitoring the cherry picking, watching the June bugs buzz around the outside light, and the awesome fire flies, just marveling about sweet is my very own kingdom come!


Sir Clem to You & You & You

So I was the latest challenge for Momma to tame and seduce with food, water and a safe haven to hide out from all the threats that roamed the neighbor hood.

Now, no flies on Momma, she noticed paw marks all over her car and wondered, since she knew her Indoor / Outdoor Cats were hibernating, and wouldn’t venture out till the temperature rose like the sun in the morning.  Still, I had shelter but no food. No birds or the mice were hanging about. Like the squirrels, they were Gone, Baby, Gone.  And like the Farmer In the Dell, I was the Cheese, left alone. Hi-O-The-Derrio-The-Cheese-Was-Left-Alone.

Clem hears the call of the wild.
Clem hears the call of the wild.

It seemed like every morning this past winter, Momma would be outside, shoveling snow, singing to me, ‘Oh my darling, Clementine.’ ‘That would be Clem, Momma, Clem will do just fine. Or call me Clem-Ka-Diddle-Hopper because I boot it out of the garage, like a bolt of lightning, before the roaring thunder. Are you feeling me,  Momma?’

One morning Momma came back from wherever she goes.  I plunked myself on the roof of her car, just to get her attention, like, I am starving out here, my eyes said…..and then hightailed it out, hiding behind the side of the garage.  I could not have played a better hand. Momma  read my mind or body language or whatever, went in and returned with a dish of cat food, yummy food, fit for the Kitty Club Med Members.

At that point I still did not trust Momma (she had that Two Footed thing going on) so I  sidled  over to the bowl, grabbed some vittles, then ran to safety, hiding under her car to eat it. I followed this pattern, all the while, eyeballing Momma’s reaction, which pretty much, she ignored me. Once I had established she was no threat and did not even try to come near me, I relaxed and got on with standing at  the bowl and inhaling the food.

I tell you Momma was easy to train. Soon I had my own food dish in the garage and sometimes Cat Seven and Cat 24601 (dragging his chains behind him,  like in Les Miz) came up from the Colony and I let them eat when I had left overs but really, mostly it was for me. Momma and I were engaged in the dance of the seven veils. I didn’t run and hide when I saw her or the Black and White Andy, when he emerged. He is an In and Out, now you see him, now you don’t, who still eyes me warily and will chastise me for the smallest infraction (like when I got too close, he swatted him).

Here I am, getting the rays on the porch veranda, still an Outside Only  Cat.  At this point, I was friendly. Momma was allowed to pat me, brush me but I would not enter the home of the Two Footed, Of course Momma, crafty as me, seduced me with food and water.  She kept moving the food dish closer to the door, then in the door  and the borders gradually evaporated. As long as I could make my escape back outside in the twinkling of an eye, I was and am a Happy Camper - does that make me an Indoor/Outdoor Cat now?
Clem – the Happy Camper.

Momma  (being Momma) read on-line the reason I am so strong-willed and inflexible.  Apparently it is because I am blessed or maybe cursed with, being a Tortoise Shell Cat. I suffer  apparently, with Tortitude which makes me independent, a bit hot-tempered, moody, vocal when required, (not really – I hate vocal cats) oh, and the boss of their surroundings, that is a given…and smart, did I tell you that?

Email: housekeeping@hotdogcoolcats.com


Senorita Jakita Walks On

GravestonesI am not tired yet, from my Neighbor hood exploration and Graveyard stroll so what other possibilities of entertainment is out here for me?  In the front garden, all of our Indoor-Outdoor  and Colony Kitties lay down, paws tucked under, Egyptian style, sheltered by the Japanese Maple, or stretched out on the Stepping Stones. They look so cool and introspective as they sit upright on the front step, staring through slit eyes at some  invisible spirits that only they have eyes to see. On my best behavior, I do not chase the cats out, instead I sniff, sniff, sniff, what is that smell?


See front garden, bushes @ back, lovely yellow tulip, geraniums and wildflowers - a perfect camouflage for a Dancing Fairy to conceal her true identity.
Front garden,with  bushes @ back, lovely yellow tulip, geraniums and wildflowers – a perfect camouflage for a Dancing Fairy to conceal her true identity.


Did another dog have the nerve to walk through our front garden? Did a dog pee on Momma’s flowers? The audacity – some people’s kids. Dog owners these days – they are just not up to the job. Momma never would let me walk in a neighbors’ front garden or yard, for that matter.     Let me share  a secret about  how this patch of bad grass and bramble bushes turned in to a front yard garden. It began long ago and far away when Daddy still walked the earth plane.

Yet even before Momma and  Daddy, there was Momma’s father who cajoled his children into looking at the unknown, to examine and question whether it was the wonder of nature, political or religious attitudes or just leaving behind the old to embrace the new.  He would taking his children and their friends on a walk, (the Pied Piper) on a lazy, summer afternoon, through the mill yard, over the fence, up the railroad tracks till they arrived at a piece of land that had a big round hole in the ground, which he  said was a fairy ring.

Now science might claim the hole was caused by a meteorite hurtling from outer space, creating the cavity in the earth.  But no, Momma’s father had seen with his own eyes (well, at least once), on a moonlit night tiny iridescent fairies with their gossamer wings, their tutus the very colors of the rainbow, whirling on bejeweled pink satin slippers as they performed the Circle of the Fairy Dance, for only those who “believe”.

Back in Real Time, we live in a friendly urban neighbor hood wherein, in order to keep the tradition going, Momma had Daddy pull up the front lawn and carefully lay down rich top soil, then plant bushes, ornamental grasses and flowers. Next came stepping-stones and rocks that bleed a river of silver when the sun is high in the sky.

Twirling in wild abandon in the shadow of sculptures and flowers.
Twirling in wild abandon in the shadow of sculptures and flowers.


Of course,   little statues and sun dials were put in place for tiny fairies to conceal themselves, peeping out from behind our miniature roses and Impatiens . Like The Field of Dreams, Momma and Daddy believed ‘if they built it, the Fairy Dance would come’. When the moon is high, Momma says, she does, that the fairies gather to effortlessly perform the Circle of the Fairy Dance.

Now it came to pass there was a lady across the street who, when she saw Momma and Daddy working in our garden, would wave and say they should come over and plant a garden for her (True Story).  Of course Daddy said he would, when he got some free time.  Unbeknownst to us, she had a lethal form of cancer, which she decided to treat with firewater, shunning conventional medicine. You know the weekend when the hydro failed here in The Big Smoke.  Ontario blamed New York and New York blamed Ontario and Quebec, with all their abundance of natural power, laughed at all of us.  That weekend, the lady across the street, slipped away, on to her greater reward, free of pain, man’s best friend, her faithful dog, at her side.


Unconditional, I am with you till-death-do-us-part-love.

Momma and I like to think the lady’s very spirit crossed the street, to the garden she loved, wherein on the Moonlit Nights, we have a new Lead Ballerina, twirling in bejeweled slippers, fully embracing the magic of the Circle of the Fairy Dance.  Come see come see, her energy now restored, her body once again lithe and strong,  effortlessly spinning in pink pointe ballet slippers in the midnight moon light!


The Fairy Band with instuments, the Angel, the picture of the Circle of the Fairy Dance behind the Resting Fairy. Only, in Canada. Pity.
See the three  Angels playing musical instruments, the Winged  Angel, and the picture of the Circle of the Fairy Dance behind the Resting Fairy. Only, in Canada. Pity.


Sir Andy Serves Vengeance

SLarge Blog Imageomething I have been meaning to bring up…I am so glad I was born a cat. We have it made in the shade, especially, if you have a Momma in your life.  She can be tough, not even raise her voice, just point the way to the door, out of here, when I do something I shouldn’t, like chasing and terrorizing Gen or our Stray Grey Clem (What ever made Momma think I would welcome another MALE cat in to my domain?) .

Then there is that other ‘whoops’, when I spray on the wall to show ownership, and mark my territory.  Since Momma has to go around behind me, cleaning, on her hands and knees, trust me, I am giving myself a short rope. I look in her eyes, see her disappointment in me, race to the door and literally eject myself, so she doesn’t do it for me.

It was long ago and it far away but I am sure I am benched for some good reason. No, wait, I remember, I was enjoying the spring breeze and watching the squirrels scurry back and forth, up and down. They kind of reminded me of Momma.
I am sure I am benched for some good reason.

Still, it is a good life. Clem’s a bit paranoid, a wild card, so it is easy to rile him, but son of a gun, that Jakita, who I have sniff air kissed every day since she came on board, has a system. She gives a piercing one bark only, to warn Clem I am just around the corner, destroying the surprise attacks, I so meticulously work on.  I couldn’t believe it but one day when I was skulking around, I saw both Sister Gen and Jakita give Clem the sniff air kiss.

At least Charlie doesn’t welcome the Stray Grey with open arms.  No, Charlie just lumbers off when she sees Clem approach, unless she has to take sides. It happened again last week.

On this particular day, I was not even being mean. I saw Clem sitting at the top of the stairs so I stopped to sniff, just sniff, his tail.  Well, Clem is always in attack mode with other cats.  He turned around so fast, using his massive right thumping paw to flip me on my back. His sharp claw, like a razor blade, hovered at my neck.  As I looked into his blank stare, it was as if a trained Ninja warrior held my fate in his hand.

It is an oasis of calm. Charlie on the left, on guard duty with Ruby in the middle, while Gen to the left, Jakita and Tigger  at the bottom of Momma's bed do siesta.
The Team at rest.

Absolutely appalled at his reaction, Jakita, along with Charlie and Gen, came running, forming a barrier around me.  Meantime even Clem appeared shocked at his reaction. He jumped back on the food shelf and sat down, not snarling or growling, but crying, like a sad,little kitty as if to lament, ‘So sorry.  Sometimes I just lose it. Please don’t hold it against me.It was pitiful!

So you know by now, I am no ‘forgive and forget kitty,’ more a tit-for-tat and learn-your-lesson type. Fair is fair.  I was delighted to see the loyalty that I inspired in my sibling Gen, my step sibling Charlie, Jakita, the Author of  The Policies and Procedures of All Creation, but I had been humiliated and I am not like Sweet-Baby-Jesus, as far as turning the other cheek, you understand.

Next day, bold as brass and let-bygones-be-bygones, Clem came marching in when Momma held the door open.  He ate, I waited.  He slept under the table, on a dining room table chair, I waited.  I needed a good clear space to do my damage.  Feeling confident, Clem went to his favorite perch on the back of the arm-chair in the sun porch.  That meant this eleven year old Brainiac (not Muscle) Cat could jump him fair and square, in the open so all the household could see his humility, except Momma who would be busy doing this or that. In any case, she would not approve of or condone my Guerrilla Warfare attack.

So what happened? The All knowing, all hearing (remember the butterflies flapping their wings in Africa) Jakita, barked once. No response from Momma but Clem got it, very quickly. He dived behind the  chair, ears flat on his head, claws clinging to the yellow/gold/white afghan and arm-chair fabric, giving Momma enough time to hear the commotion and get an EXIT plan going.

Check it out! Check it out! On my favorite arm, Check! On my favorite knitted afghan, Check! In the sun porch, Check. Back to wall, eyes to front, Check, Check! So bring it on!
Check it out! Check it out!  On my favorite knitted afghan, Check! In the sun porch, Check. Back to wall, eyes to front, Check, Check! So bring it on!


I sauntered over to the door, proud that I let him know who was boss and that once again my mates rushed in but….

Hey, wait, are they protecting me from Clem or Clem from me? No worries, I got my eyes on that situation but I am thinking, it’s all good now.