Shrinking the Jakita

Every once in a while, I go back in time and like a Greek Philosopher, ponder how I got to BE or NOT  TO BE and of course, WHY? Although I now am a sensible five old, it wasn’t always that way.  It is that Type A Earth Dog Personality that can get me in trouble though I will swear it’s the Devil, my diet (Blame Momma), my DNA or even, you guessed it, Momma, were (and still are) the culprits.

Tell me, do you know, what is life, what is death, is there a purgatory for (sometimes) naughty puppies?
Tell me, do you know, what is life, what is death, is there a purgatory for (sometimes) naughty puppies?

You have to blame someone and I just can’t see my role in some of the disastrous choices I have made.  It is just that there is so much to see and do in this world.  I never pass up an opportunity to have fun along the way, even though Momma says I swivel my hips when I walk (it is that prednisone weight problem), yet still look sanctimonious (only idiots look happy-go-lucky).  I have to make some heavy-duty choices along life’s path especially since I wrote and distributed Policies and Procedures for All Creation.  I mean, even the squirrels, rabbits and raccoon have been known to lend credence to my authority on Territorial Rights for the Four Footed.

I remember being a wee puppy, a matter of ounces, staring at a patch of grass  or a flower all day, sprouting before my eyes. In the flower bed you could see tiny ants, insects, worms, busy, busy, busy, like Momma they were.  I would try to catch them but they would be in the next county by the time my furry paw touched down.  And who among us does not want to catch a butterfly to play with?

Little Butterfly! You are glorious. Don't fear me. I just want to touch your silken wings (lightly).Butterfly From Red-spotted Purple.jpg By AcrylicArtist
Little Butterfly! You are glorious. Don’t fear me. I just want to touch your silken wings (lightly).
Red-spotted Purple.jpg
By Acrylic Artist


They tantalize us with their brilliant colours and torment us as they land on a flower, bomb diving our noses as they swoop up, up and away, like a helium balloon.

Enough, I said.  I graduated to chasing the Four Footed like myself.  Who knows what my intentions were if I caught something? I mean, I don’t fish, I don’t hunt.  My skill is in herding (ask the cats), finding solutions to problems not even on the radar and being bossy – like… My Will Be Done.

My only hang up (I know, I know there are doggy psychologists these days) is fire works or storms basically, noisy nature.  I can hold off on bathroom duty a long time before I venture in to any noise generated by an unseen object.  For example: A massive piece of machinery clanging and spewing out high decibel, that I can see with my own eyes – I get it – it is a truck or a train or a lawnmower – it will cease and desist…at some point.  But….fireworks for like, Queen Victoria’s birthday  or Mother Nature’s fury, puts me in a tizzy. I have no idea where the noise comes from, or when it will end. I just see or hear a fire-ball jet high in to the night sky or in the midst of a storm, I see lightning flashes like a flashlight beam on steroids, hear the loud thunder, feel its vibrations and  I tremble, for hours, long after the party is over or the clouds have past and the sky is blue again.

Look at that fork lightning. Can you not hear the crack and boom of that thunder? Mucho scary for a Havan(ese)! From Mikelghtning1.JPG By calgrin
Look at that fork lightning. Can you not hear the crack and boom of that thunder? Mucho scary for a Havan(ese)!
Mikelghtning1.JPG By calgrin

All things considered, makes sense. I would have to be foolhardy to not feel the threat of the unknown.  You know me – I have never claimed to be the bravest soldier – I just have the best war chest.

Still, being me, I had to find a solution and mine was to go to bed with Momma and cover my ears with my fluffy paws so I did not whimper all night.  But something changed one day. I might as well tell you because someone is bound to let the cat out of the bag.  I, well, kind of switched my allegiance from Momma to Wonder Boy. I can’t help it.  He makes me feel so protected. Now I sleep at the bottom of his bed.  Momma is totally cool with it. After all, she is the original ‘been there, seen that.’  She has the inside tract.…And she knows.  The very first night Wonder Boy is unavailable and I am scared, I’ll be back.  I always am.



The Parting of the Veils

Now I know previously Momma has brought up her Father-God-Rest-His-Soul. It is high time to explore her Mother-God-Rest-Her-Soul’s influence and driving force in her life, even to this very day.

Grandmama & Grandpapa, their yout restored.
Grandmama & Grandpapa …the way they were….

It goes without saying, that parents ‘In the day’, could do no wrong, like Saints, they were, says Momma. The tactics used to turn children in to law-abiding citizens was totally circa the 1950’s.  That meant Grandmama made the decisions about the children’s lives, and just punishments, while Grandpapa pursued his job, his passion for the Masons or any other esoteric or earthly interests that may bleed into this life or the next.

Momma had a dilemma for which she thought needed guidance from above, so she prayed to God for an answer.

From blue skies to white, then dark clouds, foretell us to prepare for ominous weather.
From blue skies to white, then dark clouds, foretell us to prepare for ominous weather.From  clouds-080404-1.jpg  By xander

Apparently God had mud slide victims in South America to worry about, or an earthquake in Nepal to attend to, so He assigned the responsibility to his good servant, Grandmama.  Now, Momma would have liked her mother to sit on the edge of her bed, take her by the hand, discuss the pro’s and cons of the situation, tell her what to do. Not Her-Mother-God-Rest-Her-Soul.  She delivered a Tsunami, with circular motion sickness that left Momma unable to hold up her head or even move a finger without a corresponding needle darting to my brain, rendering her flat on her back. Not so cool, Grandmama.

At this point Momma would have taken any cure from the pain, even if it left her with six blind eyes, tumor growths or a list of symptoms too numerous to include.  (NOTE: Warnings you hear from television advertisements selling FDA approved prescriptions).  Momma had reached a level of acceptance. She knew the lay of the land.  If you go to a doctor, after you have had a severe disease attack your body and report a new symptom, e.g. like you are growing a second head, the doctor will look at you, with a straight face and say solemnly, ‘With what you have been through, that is to be expected’.

Okay, okay, message delivered.  She understood.  Momma never told me what the dilemma was that she needed help with.  She can be funny that and many  ways… (LOL). Still, Momma was on it. She would accept and follow the advice.

However Grandmama was not finished with Momma yet. The veils that a living person can not normally penetrate, had been removed and Momma says (hey, I was not there) she was given the pleasure of seeing the wide expanse of heaven, with a particular stone wall, made of small rocks and semi precious gems of glittering shades of pink quartz and grey granite.

Shades of grey and of pink stones and semi precious gems expanding as high and wide as the eye could see yet casting a shadow that bathed it blue-grey as the earth met the wall.
Shades of grey and of pink stones and semi precious gems expanding as high and wide as the eye could see yet casting a shadow that bathed it blue-grey as the earth met the wall. From  IMG_4866.JPG By 5demayo

For the first time since Grandmama’s death nineteen years ago, there she was, dressed in a brillant red dress, trimmed in gold, (befitting a true Leo), with  a plethora of bright colors in the background.  Grandmama was suspended from the ceiling, in the left hand corner of the bedroom, talking in a concentrated, guttural voice, telling Momma she was to write about ‘The Mystery of the Reality’.  She indicated Wonder Boy would somehow explore it further, have a better way to express what the world should, must know.  But hey, ……I’m just the messenger, don’t blame me, I can only report Momma’s  vision and lay out the game plan,as it was told to me.

Okay, I am not one to criticize (really) but this looks more like The Bible Thumper's Wife, our most beloved Auntie Nana, than Grandmama. I am confused. Anyway, the red dress trimmed in gold, is outstanding, n'est pas?
The red dress trimmed in gold, is outstanding, n’est pas?  From  004.JPGBy cheriedurbin

Momma did tell me her doctor said she must have been experiencing delusions or delirium caused by any number of nefarious conditions. But, get a grip. What does a doctor, who never even met Grandmama, know? Exactly!

Therefore the journey is underway, exploring the past to take us to our future. Hope it is what you meant, Grandmama. Over and Out.

Till we meet (one day).






Party Line for Party Time

Got a quick question for you.  Is Momma aging herself when she admits to  remembering a life with out a phone in her home?  Even when Momma’s youngest sister, Itty Bitty, was born, the local grocer was the only person with a phone (businesses got them first) so he delivered the news that it was a baby girl. There was something else peculiar back then.  Fathers did not go near the delivery room or even wait at the hospital for the birth to take place. They had things to do, places to be, that safely separated them from the blood and pain that accompanies the birth of a baby. Today, Fathers are the Team Quarterback, throwing the ball, calling the plays.  Wow! So, so evolvedlol.

Babies, the same then, as now, so precious. They steal your heart as they take over your life. No one would want it any other way.
Babies ,so the same, precious yet vulnerable. They steal your heart as they take over your life. No one would want it any other way. newbornbaby.jpgBy anita peppers

In Grandpapa’s case, he had to plant the potatoes that day. He had no time for waiting around at the hospital. If the Farmer’s Almanac said you plant today to get a bumper crop, you had better believe today it would be, notwithstanding birth, death or any form of destruction. Babies being born – that was women’s work. But all of this is another story.

In Momma’s part of the country, the phone was a miracle. How the heck, they wondered out loud, did a telephone line transmit a voice from anywhere in the world?  Whatever the Reality of that Mystery, everyone lined up to get one as soon as they became available. At that point, you could only get the infamous party lines which were a good lesson in patience and forbearance.  Each person on the party line had their own ring – one ring for the First Family, two short for the Next Family’s, one long, one short for Momma’s family.

Probably if you are from the country, you recall what happened.  First off there were the hearing impaired senior saints who picked up their phone no matter what the ring.  They would say, ‘Hello, Hello, Who is it? What do you want?’  Meanwhile the two people having the conversation would have to say, ‘Hang up, Auntie North, it is not for you,’  several times before she would actually hear and comply.

Then there those who had nothing much to do. They would stealthily pick up the receiver, for the purpose of listening in, whether it was from boredom, or if they thought they could collect some juicy gossip to pass around.  Through a process of elimination, and sharing of similar experiences, it was soon discovered which neighbor(s) was (were) guilty.

There also were families who would engage the line, day in and day out, calling as many people as they could, as long as their was no long distance charges.  You could pick up your phone ten times and all you heard was the two parties breathing, (they often were not even talking to each other), just tying up the line.  Of course, if it was an emergency, you just had to tell them to hang up, you needed to actually make a call.

You remember, rotary phones. Came in every shade of black,
You remember, rotary phones. Came in every shade of black. In Momma’s day,you did not need to dial. You told the  operator the number you were calling.                          From  old-fashioned-telephone.jpg    By the success

The country finally caught up to the city and everyone got their own private lines but until that came to pass,  the challenge was to meet neighbors with a poker face. The Party Lines taught more about human nature than you would learn from earning your Masters in Psychology from any prestigious University.

Today’s obsession is cell phones, always on stand by, so that the public can talk anywhere, anytime. After giving it some thought, I, Jakita think it is downright rude to force others to listen to your dreary conversations that could be conducted in a private setting, later (‘Huh! Did she say not now?’, ask the Entitlement League of Nations).  No one wants to hear it, when in line at the bank, or checkout at groceries and definitely not when at church or trying to have a quiet dinner in a nice restaurant.  It can wait, honestly, try it, you’ll like it!

Got a Country Tale and Tail.
Got a Country Tale and Tail.

Maybe Cell Phone Providers should consider ‘party line’ cell phones to punish obsessive compulsive behavior.  Any violation (Read: Over Use in public places) of the rules and the guilty would  have to earn their rights to obtain a private connection, in cloud computing cyberspace operations. All we need is a Lobbyist to run the campaign and a petition.  Where do I sign?

It is just a thought….


Born Again

So just like an evangelistic BornAgainChristian, the Tiger, was born to a new life the day Senorita Jakita spied him on Momma’s bookshelf,  on top of the harvest horn that was brimming full of fall silk flowers. The minute Jakita clapped her eyes on him, she recognized that she and the Tigger were sugar and spice, (and all things nice)salt and pepper, meant to be.  Now, all Jakita had to do was sit her little wriggling puppy body in front of the bookshelf and whimper mournfully, until Momma came over and asked her what she wanted.

Tigger in horn of Plenty and: Dear Karma, i have a list of 4 Legged you might have missed!
Tigger in horn of Plenty and:
Dear Karma, I have a list of 4 Legged you definitely have missed!

Well, that was a challenge because Momma was just not picking up on the radar that day (and dare we say, many days).  Maybe Momma had lots to do or had dialed in the wrong channel but after a while Momma told Jakita she had no idea what she wanted and continued to run here and do this, then run here and do that.  Jakita laid on the floor, in front of the bookshelf, head between her paws and napped.  Momma would be back.  She always came back.

Now the Tigger felt twinges of hope. From what he knew about Jakita, she would never give in till ‘mission accomplished‘. Tigger suspected Momma would be curious enough to re-tackle the puzzle after she ate some lunch and her blood sugar rose, at which point, hopefully her brain would kick in.  Ah, a Tigger can have his dreams. Yet, pretty much that is how Tigger got off the shelf and in to action.

Momma once again zipped in the room.  Since Jakita was about ten weeks old, schedules were adhered to rigidly….Don’t blame Momma.  She can not help herself.  She is a Virgo. It was puppy eating time, then puppy go outside time.  Momma scooped up Jakita and Bingo, Bango, Bungo, she got it. As Momma rose she saw Tigger’s glass eyes begging, ‘Me, take me.’  Of course, Jakita wanted to play with him.  After all, her basket of toys was already overflowing, one more would not hurt. (LOL) Thus began the Tigger’s ‘BornAgain’ life.

Zanny tookTigger to wherever she  was headed.
Zanny took Tigger to wherever she was headed.

Personality wise, Jakita is day and night from Zanny.  Jakita has this ingrown sense of responsibility to protect All Creatures, Great and Small.  Not so much our Zanny, who would dump the Tigger anywhere. It would never cross her mind that if you came outside with Tigger, you went back inside with Tigger.  She would strand him under the bushes, where no one could see him except the raccoons who would come over to check if it was one of their kit. And God Bless the squirrels who would leave Tigger a chestnut from the neighbor’s tree so he would not be hungry as well as afraid, in the dark.  And God Bless Momma, who would come outside and poke around under the bushes with a flashlight, to find Tigger and bring him inside.

Now the Tigger has the life of which he dreamed about, all those years as he languished on top of the book shelf. Okay, full disclosure, it seems the Tigger still need a good shaking every once in a while, but Jakita never chews him and he is part of the Story Telling Gang which includes Jakita and Gen all of the time, Charlie, some of the time, the Incredibly Wide Eyed Monkey Ruby and oh,  sometimes Little Cream Colored Floppy Eared Babby.  They congregate on Momma’s bed and listen as the stories unfold.

Starting bottom, Left, Charlie, Ruby, Tigger, Gen then Jakita. Looks like Gen is rolling out this tale while Jakita listens.
Starting bottom, Left, Charlie, Ruby, Tigger, in front of Gen then Jakita. Looks like Gen is rolling out this tale while the Story Telling Gang listens.

Also, on top of Momma’s Armoire there are all kinds of plush toys that belonged to Wonder Boy when he was a child.  They too have stories  they also are anxious to share (no doubt). You can see it in their glassy-eyed stares.  Their day is coming…soon…..because we believe:

‘Every stuffed toy must have his day….Every stuffed toy must have his say….’ At least that’s what Stonewall Jackson said…or something like that……




Andy Evolves to the Brainiac-Protector

Being Andy, the Brainiac Cat, is not all it is cracked up to be.  Sure, sure, sure, I get recognition for my cleverness from Momma and Wonder Boy, but as  for my fellow felines, well, it is just water off a duck’s back to them.  After all, a Higher Power doled out the goodies, like  Diva Calico Gen has the art of being  irresistible, while Beau(Re-Guarded) had to ability to protect us.  It is not something I am allowed to brag about since it falls under the same premise that a cat does not choose the color of fur assigned. No, that evolves from some unknown hereditary genes that no cat ever takes credit for.

I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me!
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me!

Then again, there are those Hybrid Designer Cats who may be bred for size, temperament or lines of ancestry but, not me. I am a Proud Feral descended from the deep, dark Jungle many, many eons ago.

Still, here in Kitty Cat Club Med, a lot of changes have occurred.  My Big Brother RIP Beau-Re-Guard caught the Blue Cloud to Heaven so I feel an obligation not only to be the leader but to protect the homestead and its parameters .  That is why trouble finds me (and it always finds me). Somehow, somewhere along the twisted road of life, I seemed to have morphed in to Beau who, like the Irish, would never consider backing down from  a fight.

Gen sleeps while Beau, her brother and protector, is on guard. Nothing would happen on his watch.
Gen sleeps while Beau, her brother and protector, is on guard. Nothing would happen on his watch.

Let’s start with my sister Diva Calico Gen.  She is a piece of cake, so easy to get along with.  She grooms me painstakingly and with the conviction of a mother cat.  Yet, that devil that lurks inside of me sometimes surfaces and without thought of consequences, I decide to nip  or claw her.  It is only to get a chase going, but Gen is so sensitive and Momma buys into her plaintive meows, ‘Andy is bullying me.’  You know the bad press bullies get these days. If Momma is not fast enough, Senorita Jakita makes short work of me, jumping on my back, pinning me in place, till I beg for mercy.  Still there is no grudge held for past indiscretions. We have an understanding like the Three Musketeers – all for one and one for all.

Then, well, there is Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte (Charlie).  She may be a cousin, or we may even share the same mother  since we came from the same cat colony (Charlie was born the year previous to me).  All that being said, she is so different. Can cats have mental health issues?  Truly, Charlie seems to like the Two Footed much better than the Four Footed (except Jakita, who she depends on to defend her against me).  I mean, I do not get that cat.  I am walking down the hall, minding my own business.  Charlie will be hiding under the table.  All of a sudden she is hissing like a snake, scaring me in to a ‘fight or flight attack.’  And me, I always choose the fight.  Here we are, at six o’clock in the morning engaging in hand to hand combat, rolling around on our backs, growling, hissing, caterwauling, both hoping to land the knockout punch shot before Momma and Jakita come to straighten us out. And we never forget.  And there is no surrender.

Now Clem the Colony Cat  still hangs around a lot, but he is like me.  He is clever.  If we land at the front steps together, he lets me lead the way in to the house.  He waits patiently for Momma to feed me, Gen,  Charlie, then him.  Once I have left my feeding station (we all have our own), then Clem  will go to check out my left overs.

True story, we all have our own feeding station.
True story, we all have our own feeding station.

Problem is, I still have that need to confirm who is boss so sometimes I will try to provoke Clem in to a reaction.  He is younger and faster than me and can usually leave me in the dust but I got to show him, I am the Tom Cat Leader.  I have no intention to pass on my title yet.  So, just keep respecting me and you will  live to see another day. 

But don’t tell Momma I said that, okay? She doesn’t understand the testosterone blessing and / or curse that rules the male body, soul and mind that makes us do the things we do.  🙂


At a Snail’s Pace

The timelessness of the beach party....
The timelessness of the beach party….

As I have mentioned, a couple of years back, Momma and I visited the place she had been born, so many decades ago. Although things have changed, things are still the same.  It seems the people born there all have an elephant brain. They remembers the most minute details of days gone by.  This is just one of the stories I felt should be told.

It was the late, great 60’s.  Life was about wearing the shortest mini skirts, plaid bell bottoms, tie die T-shirts,  and making ♥, not war.

In the days of flower power and Woodstock, Mr. Slow-Poke, a short, quiet, gray-haired, confirmed bachelor, drove his vintage automobile at a snail’s pace.

You could see him coming, a parade of frustrated motorists behind him.  Since it was a single lane, double lined highway in most sections, no one could pass him, because of curves, bends and hills in the roads that would hide the fast approaching traffic. As Mr. Slow-Poke drew closer, you could observe the white clenched hands on the steering wheel, the top of his head barely showing over the back of the car seat, staring straight ahead as he drove from his home to the high school, or back, to pick up his spinster sister, the Teacher from H-_-L-L. Not that she encouraged him to pick her up. His driving habits embarrassed her.  However, she was very caustic and demanding and didn’t mind using his services when it suited her schedule.  Poor Mr. Slow-Poke, having the Teacher from H-_- L-L for a sister.

And let’s be truthful, a lot of the students, talked and laughed at him, behind his back, knowing they would never have that problem when they got behind the wheel of a car.  They just were not farsighted enough to see that derision of some sort would find them, and they too could expect some form of ridicule to be heaped upon them, in their lifetime.

However, long before the Neighborhood Watch was in place, some busy bodies, with time on their hands and malice in their heart, would be staring out the window, see Mr. Slow-Poke on the road, in his car, a long line of cars following him and call the police.

Mr. Slow-Poke had a ford, just like this one. Maybe the police stopped his because they were car buffs. From 100_0013.JPG By msquanna
Mr. Slow-Poke had a Ford, just like this one. Maybe the police stopped him because they were car buffs.
100_0013.JPG By msquanna


Since the police rarely ticketed the speeders, they had plenty of time to devote to this slow-moving hazard, holding up traffic.  The two officers on duty grabbed their hats and rushed out of their office, to their black and white police car, shot guns securely fastened to the dash boards.

The police would take Route 1012 and quickly meet up with Mr. Slow-Poke and signal him to pull over.  The first order of business was to get the cars trapped behind him, (like they were in a funeral procession), on their way.

After directing the traffic to move on, the police would cross the road to once again patiently ask Mr. Slow-Poke if he knew why he had been pulled over.  Did he understand that it was a safety hazard as well as against the law to drive 20 miles an hour on the highway, through the main thoroughfareMr. Slow-Poke always looked earnest and perplexed.  Not too many years back he had clomped along the same road by  horse and buggy. Though he said nothing, he worried if he drove over 20 miles an hour, he might lose control of his car and have an accident, fatal to himself or even worse,  others.  Could no one understand that?  What did they expect him to do?

To Serve and to Protect from those at a snail's pace.
To Serve and to Protect us from those at a snail’s pace. Fr: Morguefile

The police would give him a ticket, good-naturedly tell him to pick up the pace and send him on his way.

Of course there were many observers and a sharp difference of opinion whether Mr. Slow-Poke, a law-abiding soul who never hurt a fly, should be so humiliated on a regular basis.  Some people even had a theory on why the police targeted him.  It was because they could never catch the speeders.  And they had ticket targets to be met if they wanted a pay increase next year. Unfortunately for Mr. Slow-Poke, at the rate he drove, the police could overtake him so he bore the brunt, bank rolling town coffers with the payment of endless tickets (he was totally law-abiding – except for of course, driving below the speed limit).

If there is a moral to this story, it might be that it reinforced that there are always meddlesome tattle tales who will stir it up, even in ShangriLa. No one is exempt from Bad Karma.  The Police must enforce the laws of the land, whether they agree or not.

Although Mr. Slow-Poke paid the tickets, he refused to change his driving habits till the day he died.  It was called Job Security for the police.  As long as there was a Mr. Slow-Poke, the police had a job to do. And the town coffers swelled accordingly.

Jakita anchored to STOP sign so not to come in contact with the race car drivers.
Jakita anchored to STOP sign so not to come in contact with the race car drivers.


Now, I am just a Jakita doggie but from what I noticed when I was last there, the highway now has been engineered to account for its environment, weather conditions and cars going faster than the speed of sound.  Still the world needs more Mr. Slow PokesIt gives the community at large a chance to see the spec in another’s eye, even if they are blinded by the log in their own.

That is how the Two Legged roll… the way I humbly see it!


Born in the Land of the Wooden Shoes

It came to pass one day while I was napping, I had a dream of Daddy and I, on beautiful summer evening, lollygagging in the back yard as the sun set low, as we so often did.

Daddy usually had a phone growing out of his ear, touching base with his customers, keeping them up to date on what he had done and discussing what the plans were going forward.

Daddy and our Runaway Princess
Daddy and our Runaway Princess (both 100% {and then some} Dutch)

In his hand there often was a long cool glass, full to the brim with ice cubes and his favorite thirst-quencher.  I would chase squirrels and our cats, mindful to keep on eye on the progress of his drink, because when he was finished he would pour the ice cubes in a shiny metal dog dish for me. I would pick them up, throw them in the air and leap to catch them.  Every night Daddy would laugh at my show as if he had never seen it before.  You know clowns, we live for the applause!

I have told you lots of tales, Ruby, some true, some questionable, but you haven’t really got to know the Daddy I loved and lost. It was a total shock to me – here one minute, pfff…gone the next.  Oh, there are lots of things even a super smart earth dog like me, can not comprehend.

Ruby comforts me as I tell her about my dream.
Ruby listens and  comforts me as I tell her about my dream.

Daddy was, well, like me, fired up and in your face.  It could have been because he was a Scorpio, or his diabetes, or his high blood pressure, or a combination of all of the above, but just like you can’t miss a tornado passing through, you couldn’t miss his Type A personality.

Born across the pond, in the-land-of-the-wooden-shoes and (nowadays), Anything Goes  (and grows)  Holland, he quickly adjusted to the Land of the True North Strong and Free.

Wooden shoes to match Daddy's wooden head. From PIC10660796436.jpg By kconnors
Wooden shoes to match Daddy’s wooden head.
By kconnors

However, let it be known, he came from the Christian Reform Bible Belt which coloured his world, making him dogmatic and somewhat stubborn. Over the years that do-or-die attitude helped him survive many slippery slopes, dealt along the way.  However, God also gave him a well-developed sense of humor to go along with his Kaw Liga head, which appeared sometimes to be as wooden as his klompen (wooden shoes).

At some point, with his health being compromised, Daddy made an Executive Decision (approved by the Board, Momma and Wonder Boy) to leave behind his Head Office Management position and go back to his roots.  In his youth he had worked with his father who had his own Dutch Gardening Business.

I know Daddy always considered his son, Wonder Boy, his greatest feat.  In return, the best compliment Wonder Boy could serve his father, was to love gardening as much as his father and Opa (paternal grandfather) did, slaving with Daddy, sun up to sun down, on hot and humid summer days, contributing his perspective on ‘how to’ from quoting, to grass cutting, to overall business smarts.  They shared the typical father / son relationship – so much alike yet so much different.

Daddy as a Toddler. Was there ever a baby as cute as him?
Daddy as a Handsome Little Dutch Boy! So precious.

Momma still remembers her favourite quote from Daddy who very succinctly told her one day in passing, ‘Ya know when I die people will say, he loved gardening.  But let’s get the story straight.  I hate to burst their bubble, but I want put on my gravestone – I Did It for the Money.’ 

So sorry, RIP Daddy, but Momma did not put that on your gravestone.  Apparently her sense of decorum and humor is related to her stiff upper lip British Ancestry.  No, it would not be the done thing. Oh and I have met your family and well, they wouldn’t be amused either.

Sometimes when I miss my RIP Daddy, I look at my Momma and like the old song, I try to communicate, ‘How far is Heaven? When can we go? I want my Daddy to hold me tight.

Momma looks at me and I swear she says, ‘AAAmen! AAAmen, Amen, Amen!’ Get me a dictionary!  What does that mean, even?


Rabbit Regulation # 23.

I was just sitting on the back of the couch, in the sun room, surveying my kingdom.  And then I saw, what is that, a rabbit, no look again, a Mama Rabbit and her bunnies. Oh no, a whole rabbit family to destroy my RIP Daddy’s tulips, both the petals and the blooms, that flood our front garden in a Sea of Colours in the Spring. 

RIP Daddy's tulips from Momma's garden. If you look closely, you will set rabbit bites out of the petals.
RIP Daddy’s tulips from Momma’s garden. If you look closely, you will see rabbit nibbles on the stalks and petals.

Then comes summer, those hoppity-hop nose twitching bunnies that resolutely pick every rosebud off the bushes, eat all the lettuce from the garden, right down to the ground and hide in the tall foliage in my flowerbeds in the back yard.  They are just a nuisance, I tell you.

Truly, I don’t know what to make of rabbits. Remember Grandpapa’s meeting with Peter Cottontail. Now that was a Rabbit! Then there was the lovable Thumper in Bambi. Yet, they seem so silent, hardly vocalizing, at least not when they are in our garden. Still, it gives me pause when they thump their mighty paws, and give me that red-eyed stare, their mouths and ears in constant motion. They fascinate me.   My loud barking traumatizes them so they dart away, jet propelled.  I just want to get closer to look at those pinned backed long ears, standing straight up especially, the pretty pink twitching ears of a white rabbit.

So soft, so sweet. Who could be mean to a little white, fluffy bunny rabbit with pink stick-up-straight ears? From IMG_7421.JPGBy xandert
So soft, so sweet. Who could be mean to a little white, fluffy bunny rabbit with pink stick-up-straight ears?
IMG_7421.JPGBy xandert


What makes me the most amazed, and I am no expert, but I am sure the same bunny can be white in the winter and turn brown in the summer.  Now that is a neat trick – like the Two Footed who go pale in the winter and tan in the summer sun. What gives? How come I am the same color all year round, I ask?

We dogs are so upfront and in your sorry face in comparison to a stealth rabbit.  Momma tells Super Boy that the dog who lives next door to him (who looks like a Professor to her) apparently thinks Momma looks like a bad guy, so always barks at her when she drops by his apartment.

Momma tells the Professor Dog, ‘SSSHHHH, you are a good doggie.’  He always stops barking and Momma swears he tilts his head, raises his bushy eye brows and says, ‘How do you know I am a good doggie?’ He just needs a pair of spectacles added and the whole world would recognize he was a professor in a previous life. Momma tells Super Boy to be sure to give him a treat.  The Professor Dog is doing his best to keep his Master and Super Boy safe.

That’s what we dogs do for the world at large. We protect our loved ones from the bad guys.  Still, I have a soft spot for those pesky rabbits because they have to use their wits to make it to tomorrow. And they all can not be Peter Cottontails and Thumpers. Therefore, I am telling you truly, I will continue to practise, ‘Do No Harm.’ Should I see one of our cats getting too aggressive with Mama Rabbit and her Baby Bunnies, I promise to take swift action….oh, and I will include a new Procedure in my Policy and Procedures for All Creation:

Regulation 23:                                                                                                                    All

Here I am, watching the garden, where I spy with my little eye, Mama Rabbit and her bunnies.
Here I am, watching the garden, where I spy with my little eye, Mama Rabbit and her bunnies.

Rabbits and their families shall henceforth be escorted off the  premises only by loud barking and /  or a fair chase.                                                              Subsection(A):    There shall be:

  •  No interference or physical contact with any rabbit
  •  No attempt to carry any rabbit
  • No infliction of any harm or physical pain on any rabbit

Revised: 5/2/2015

What do you think? Are you on board?

Signed:                          Senorita Jakita of Jakitaville

Comments, We Got NO Comment

You know what those politicians  say (through their Ivy League Blue Blood lawyer), when found dead center in the middle of a scandal of their own making, ‘We got no Comment.’ Well, neither does Momma.  I will tell you why.

Great Minds Think Alike! From IMG_0862_s.JPG By rosevita
Great Minds Think Alike!
By rosevita

No, Momma is no Einstein, just a creature of habit with a somewhat scientific, if fanciful mind, who expects today to follow tomorrow in an explicable fashion as long as:

  • The roof of her house has not caved in…well… recently.
  • Her computer system has not crashed in any foreseeable way.
  • No one has cast a bad spell that can only be reversed when the princess kisses the frog or is it the frog that kisses the princess. Momma is a bit muddled about that!


Pretty little Princesses, in breathtaking shades of tulle.  May they never kiss a frog. From By kakisky
Pretty little Princesses, in breathtaking shades of tulle. May they never kiss a frog.
By kakisky

You see, like most bloggers, Momma had a Spam Plugin so most of the comment spam did not reach her.  Still, normally she would get about 25 to 30 spam daily that got past her plug-in, that she would analyse, than accept or delete if she was being enticed to buy purses or pills or adult themed paraphernalia (you hear me), which she ‘d not even know what to do with.

What happened, you may ask?  Where does Comment Spam go when it does not hit a blog? Who does not want to know what their faithful followers are thinking?  Should the blogger not be able to make the decision, to keep or to delete? Do Spam Plug-in firms have servers full of Spam that will one day dump a lifetime of comments on unsuspecting bloggers?

Momma does not really understand it, but a mere six months ago she would have some spam, and a lot less malicious login attempts.  Now the pendulum swings – the blocked malicious logins out rank comment spam.  Where is this world headed?    What evil forces are trying to enter a G Rated (General Audience – Suitable for all ages) Blog which is only to provoke thought and amusement, since it is not even fact checkable?

We’d tell you send us a Comment if you have the same dilemma, but it probably will not get through.  You could always try emailing Momma but, well, good luck with that – they do not seem to arrive alive either.

My own deserted island... From: Morguefile  By: pedrojperez
My own deserted island… From: Morguefile By: pedrojperez

We gaze into the Stars, we watch teeny flowers push their little stalks out of the earth in spring, in essence, we see miracles daily.  But this Cyber Space stuff, you just got to go figure.  We have been in contact with our Spam Busting Plug-in Staff and they are the Best.  Yet they are perplexed at why Momma thinks it is not working. They think we should be giving them GOLD  Stars for spamming all the comments but Momma is the fretting kind.  If it was working before (yup, it was, says Spam Busting Plug-in Staff), why do we no longer get any Comments?

If you have an answer Momma truly, sincerely wants to hear from you.  She feels all alone on a deserted island.  She misses your input.

UPDATE:      So happy to report that once again Comments are flowing – well not exactly flowing but at least trickling in at a brisk pace.  Don’t ask Momma to explain it. It is beyond her pay scale!

You got to have faith, faith. faith, you got to have faith!



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Whispering Hope, Whispering Inspiration

Look into this  deep forest of twigs, vines, birch, maple, and cedar trees, so innocuous in one hundred shades of green. But you know and I know the secret.  It is the Home of the Forest Freak.
Look into this deep forest of twigs, vines, birch, maple, and cedar trees, so innocuous in one hundred shades of green.

Hey, do ever think about the trees?  They live a hundred lifetimes in comparison to a dog like me, but what respect do they get?

What ever life sends their way, they just stand there and take it, no talking back. They are not the youth of today :), or like Momma’s Aunt Malvina, who had enough tongue for ten rows of teeth.  And they are not similar to  me, whining, groaning, barking at the first offense. 

I just don’t know what I would do, how I would react if some male dog lifted his hind leg and watered my trunk..or dribbled on it.  I would be fast and furious, like those Butterflies in South America would hear me.

Mighty Oak Tree with branches devoid of foliage, hanging in after the life storm.
Mighty Oak Tree with branches devoid of foliage, hanging in after the ice  storm.

Now some trees are a freak of nature, like the oak tree whose acorns may be scattered by a wind that plants its seed in an unsuspecting, fertile flower bed.  And then again, some are saplings from a greenhouse, transplanted under perfect conditions in parks, in lawns, or graveyards, where ever there is a need for a big, old tree that is going to be a home for nests, hidden among the thick leaves, that see the same birds return, year after year.


It is a Magic Kingdom for chatty squirrels who zip up tree trunks, away from barking, snarling dogs or even roaming cats that can’t find a bird or mouse to chase.  That the like of Mr. Grey Squirrel and his ilk,  hide among the leaves, screaming, ‘You can’t catch me,’ is an aberration and just not acceptable.  I give up.  I am not going to waste my breath chasing them anymore, no matter how they try to seduce me by dive bombing me, leaping over my back to the tree trunk. When I was younger, I fell for it.  Now, I give them that sanctimonious stare I am famous for.  More than that, I am sure I saw a Raccoons kit or was it an itty-bitty opossum, in  a tree trunk hole, peeking out to see what all the fuss was about, as the squirrels were racing up the tree trunk, screaming like banshee.

Now oak trees do not sprout over night. They can be massive in height and width of branches, providing shade from the scorching summer sun.  It appears to me the bigger they grow, the more likely they may be taken down by high winds from snow storms, hurricanes or, as in our case, an ice  storm that left trees as brittle as bones without calcium.  I swear, I covered my ears with my fluffy paws to drown out the crackling, booming noises as the branches succumbed to the weight of ice the day of the storm,  and the whole week after. It is as close as I ever want to be to a war zone.

What was remaining of a mighty oak tree after the ice storm and the Arborists.
What was remaining of a mighty oak tree after the ice storm and the Arborists.

There was one tree that always intrigued me.  It seemed to whisper as I walked past, ‘Hi Jakita, good to see you, caught any squirrels lately?’ I am ashamed to tell you, I ignored the tree, sailed by it, my tail in the air. And now, well it is history, Gone, Baby, Gone, because after the storm blew through, it took conservationists and arborists to decide the fate of which trees were damaged beyond salvation.

First walk after the Big Ice Storm, (it took months of clean up we were left back in the graveyard), I noticed an orange circle on the tree trunk. A few weeks later, it had been cut down.  Yet the trunk still is about eight feet high, with a massive hole so little animals, birds, opossums or kit can hide away from danger.  It is not a perfect  solution but there is no stopping Mother Nature and the Two Footed are big on Elmo, The Safety Elephant At least the Mighty Oak Tree can say,  ‘I Lived and I laughed, Saw sunsets glow.’

Jakita considers the the life of a tree.
Jakita considers the life of a tree.

Life comes in so many odd and peculiar ways and it is our job to embrace them all.

So…. next time you see a tree, tell it how much you respect its’ contribution to society. 

Trees not only whisper, they listen, they inspire. Listen closely and sometimes they even SHOUT!.