Grooming, On A Summer Afternoon

Today was the day.  It happens, like,  four times a year….but it seems like 20!  In an earlier post I shared that I can count so you have to believe me I got the number down.  Don’t ask me, ask Momma, she trained me.  All I know Momma holds up 2 fingers, says ‘Two, Jakita’, I raise my left front paw, put it down, then raise my right front paw.  If she says ‘Four Jakita’, I raise my left front paw twice, then my right front paw twice.  You are absolutely correct.  I am amazing but… I have gone off topic (again).

Okay...I really really need a grooming already....
Okay…I really really need a grooming already….

What happens four times a year at Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and Canada Day, is Grooming.

You have to look good at the family parties.  It is highly competitive and so depressing if you look scruffy in comparison to the other family pets. A girl has her pride, you know, especially a high achieving, sensitive Senorita Jakita. And, Canada Day on July 1, means the Bikini Cut, AKA,(also known as)  the coolest of the cool summer cut. It is very short, yet I look leaner and (maybe meaner), I believe, since my double coat of thick wavy, fluffy fur makes me appear chunkier and lazier than I am, really.

Now I have gone through my share of groomers.  First a neighbour suggested her groomer, who absolutely went on about how I was the best behaved puppy she had ever groomed, so I liked her.  But she had strange ways, saying she would be away and could not make an appointment, then do the neighbor’s two dogs the very day she was out-of-town.  A rather out-of-the-box way to attract business, ya think?

Since Momma had no one she knew she took me to a pet spa and even though they claimed they knew how to groom a Havanese, I ended up looking like a Poodle, which is just fine for a poodle, but rather confusing for me!  Well, Momma had her standards, even before I wrote the book on Policies and Procedures for All Creation.  She would not be taking me back there in a hurry.

Then a family member said her friend had a grooming shop so after emails (account was not activated) and phone calls (could not leave message) that weren’t answered, Momma went back to her family member who was able to get through.  A miracle for sure.  The groomer phoned very apologetic and an appointment was made.  She was very good at grooming but always hard to reach.  Although she was very kind, there were always barking dogs that both unnerved and annoyed me.

One day when Momma and I were out for a walk, a neighbour, who also has a little dog named Buddy, suggested her Groomer, Annie, a fellow Newfie.  Now if you are a Canadian, you already know.  I can’t say if it is the air they breath, or the fact that they are an island, a land on to themselves, setting their own social rules, but they are the most hospitable, fun-loving, yet compassionate Canadians, coast to coast….the Come From Away Musical smashing success on Broadway sums it up succinctly.

Newfoundland: Where you never meet a stranger. They're the guys that build the boats and they're the guys that sail them! From newfoundland4.jpgBy gpatgib
Newfoundland: Where you never meet a stranger. They’re the guys that build the boats and they’re the guys that sail them!
newfoundland4.jpgBy gpatgib

I love Annie but I am not so keen on the grooming. I mean I am no froufrou, I am a herding dog (well, at least sheep and chicken in Cuba)I have a strain of the Bichon French blood but stilll…not me… I don’t want to suffer to be beautiful.

Still, Annie is a good soul.  She answers her phone calls.  She sets up appointments and keeps them.  I can tell she values me as a Customer (or Momma, who pays). How bizarre!  You would think she was running a business.  She is an example to the industry.  Most importantly her empathy for puppies shines through, so I endure because I love the end results.  Though I may look like a sheep that has been sheared, good news is that all the tangles and knots are gone.  My tail is a plume once more, cascading over my back.  I feel so light, so free, like a puppy, again.


Yes, the French are on to something! One must suffer to be beautiful!
Do I not look leaner after the thick, fluffy fur  is gone? Yes, the French are on to something! One must suffer to be beautiful!

Come to think of it, maybe the French are on to something.….  Even little doglets must suffer to be beautiful. So… find an Annie! She makes the pain worth the gain.

PS:  Annie tells Momma I am the best dog she grooms. No wonder I ♥ my Annie!




Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Cherry Tree

Moon thru cherry blossomsSomething happened that may call for a Special Investigation. On Saturday night, the first day of summer, while the moon was high in the sky and the twinkling stars called out to all, we were robbed……by unknown but highly suspected undesirables and unreliables….

Our cherry tree, pregnant with red, juicy cherries was systematically stripped.  I mean, nothing, nada, not even a yellow cherry, shaded by the greenest green leaves, was left.

Momma, Wonder Boy and I, Jakita, had stepped out to enjoy the early summer morning ambience, the Sunday church bells beckoning in the distance, calling all saints and sinners, to their Sanctuaries.  We stood there, mouths agape.  How could this happen? Who should we call?

I can’t say for sure but probably the local boys in blue (police) would laugh at us.  Now if there were cherries on the tree that they could taste, that might be evidence, a lure, even.  But there was no bait.  And the RCMP and CSIS are busy treading water with the way of the world we live in. No, unless there was a terrorist up the tree, they would not come.

That left it to me to figure it out.  Was it a Two Footed Special Ops Team that swooped in with silent helicopters and uniquely trained sky divers, with night vision goggles? Could they dangle on ropes, secured to the Mothership, picking every cherry off a tree?  Probably that would be a ‘No’ but I may have come upon a good training session.

I am sure it was not Two Footed with ladders because they don’t make ladders as tall as our cherry tree.  Besides, we would have heard the commotion of dragging ladders and would have seen the bright lights needed to so emphatically clean the tree of its cherries. Besides, those Two Footed are a clumsy bunch.  Someone would have fallen off the ladder and broken a leg, or arm or even a neck.  Next thing you know a 9-1-1 call would bring out the Fire Department, Police and the Ambulance, all with blaring sirens and flashing red lights.  We would not sleep through that. No, it could not be the Two Footed.

That leaves the Wildlife as the culprit. I am talking a consorted effort of Squirrels (probably led by Mr. Grey Squirrel), Mr. Rocky Raccoon and Family (we see them doing their nocturnal runs), the opossum (he is back and fatter than ever) and the twittering birds of many type and color (except ssshhh no one tell those annoying crows).

Master ET Raccoon climbs cherry tree. Is it just me or does he look like our idea of a UFO Alien? From IMG_2433.jpg By rchall
Master ET Raccoon climbs cherry tree. Is it just me or does he look like our idea of a UFO Alien? From
IMG_2433.jpg By rchall

Even so, to do such a thorough job they needed just right circumstances.  Does Wildlife have their own SWOT (Special Weather Operation Technician) on standby, to tell them when  perfect conditions would make their manoeuvre a success?  How do they communicate from family to family, tonight is the night?  They do not have cell phones or social media to advise there will be a flash cherry picking party at a certain location, at a certain date and time.  They must chirp the message from tree to tree, from nest to nest. Or do they tie a yellow ribbon, visible to wildlife eyes only, around the cherry tree trunk? And there is one more confounding thing.

The Yellow Ribbon Flash Party Invitation, apparently only visible to wildlife eyes. No Two Footed Welcome!Yellow ribbon From MFU1768.JPGBy taliesin
The Yellow Ribbon Flash Party Invitation, apparently only visible to wildlife eyes. No Two Footed Welcome!
MFU1768.JPGBy taliesin

Our Andy-Long-Legs Cat and the Diva Gen  Cat decided to stay inside that night, which they never do, on a perfect summer night.  Did the plan proceed at the last moment because our cats were inside or had the cats picked up on the chatter and that is why they stayed in?

There are so many things to ponder. We may never know the answer.  The good news is there are no more hard, green cherries falling on my head, hitting the ground, causing chaotic slip and falls. Also, Momma will not have to sweep the sidewalk three times a day of  endless fallen cherries, some partially consumed (seems Wildlife is as fussy as me about food) and no more ugly pits.  One more year, our cherry tree blossomed to perfection and produced to a maximum.  We just don’t know where the Baby Cherries went……………Still………..Long live the Cherry Tree!

Robust Mr. Grey Squirrel calling all takers to his Flash Party. From P1110675.JPGBy Natureworks
Robust Mr. Grey Squirrel. Is he calling all takers to his Flash Party? From
P1110675.JPGBy Natureworks

PS: I noticed on Sunday, there were no squirrels hanging about!  Were they catching up on their sleep from their all night flash party, as well as bloated from their feast, hung over on cherry juice?

But I know those squirrels.

They love a scavenger hunt.  They’ll be back!


Lady in Black

Momma has so many stories about folks she knew that sometimes it is hard to keep the names straight.  But this tale, well it was unique and it lingers in my mind, begging to be told again.

People said, they did, that Tillie was a simple soul.  But not so simple that she couldn’t entertain the Born Again Bible Thumpers with her innocent but outrageous acts. She arrived late in life to devout parents, who like Abraham and Sarah, longed for an offspring.  The prayers were answered and they were delivered, not Isaac, but Tillie who would be their steadfast companion until they joined their fellow saints in the sky.

Tillie ready for Chapel. graminblack.jpgBy bandin
Tillie ready for Chapel.
graminblack.jpg  By bandin From

Tillie always wore black.  When she went to the Chapel on Sundays, she would be decked out in a black dress, with black shoes and a black hat covering her head. Monday to Saturday she wore a black skirt, an off white blouse and a black sweater or shawl with, you guessed it, a black shoes and a black scarf covering her head.  It did not matter if it was 100 degrees in the shade, and she was off to the beach, like a soldier, she wore the same colour outfit everyday as if it were her uniform, with medals for courage, on her lapel.

In ‘the day,’ if you lived in the country, there were no Wal-Mart and no eBay. You waited with bated breath for the Sears or Eaton catalogues  to arrive to see the latest fashions and day-dream about how fetching you would look in a certain cutting edge outfit that no one else in your town  would admit to even like.  Of course, Tillie only dressed in black so it wasn’t the fashions that stirred her heart.  No, it was the men that were for sale.  Tillie would study the catalogue and having Scottish blood, would look for the best looking bargain man and order him.  Then she would wait in breathless anticipation for the arrival of her order……but instead of the man she longed for, she was sent the suit he had been wearing.  Year after year, Tillie would order a man and got a suit which her parents Returned to SenderShould’t there be a law against false advertising?

Where you were Born Again ...and spent your Eternity. imm020_21.jpg By mettem
Where you were Born Again …and spent your Eternity. imm020_21.jpg
By mettem From

There was another obsession that Tillie had, that amused and bemused the locals.  Since the land her parents owned was waterfront property, she would explore the shoreline endlessly.  One day she found a deep carved in bathtub-like rock formation that would fill with water in high tide.  Tillie’s bathtub was born.  She would parade as many locals as she could entice down to the beach to share her bathtub.  The only rule was you had to keep your day clothes on, no swimsuits allowed.  After all, she got out of her bathtub, soaking wet in her Monday to Saturday uniform so her guests would do likewise or not share the privilege of entering.  Since hot tubs have become so popular, do you think maybe Tillie was ahead of the Bell Curve?

On a grim, gray day Tillie was catapulted to her Greater Reward, where you get the man and the suit, the way we understand it.  The locals swear her spirit rests at Tillie’s bathtub.  They will be standing, looking in the water in the bathtub and it will ripple invitingly, beckoning you to step in.  And sometimes, as the sun sets and dusk’s shadows settle over the night, some locals swear they see Tillie, heading down the beach for a late dip in her bathtub.  But like a light that grows dimmer even as it advances towards you, look again and Tillie is Gone, Baby,Gone!

Can you see her? Can you feel her in the ripple of the water?bike_light.jpg By hotblack
Can you see her? Can you feel her in the ripple of the water?bike_light.jpg By hotblack  From

Momma took me to Tillie’s bathtub once and I am sure that the movement of water was an invitation of sorts for me to tell the world we can not rule out possibilities based on a scientific data alone.  We must be ready, willing and open to receive……..


Mr. Grey Squirrel Teaches Family Values

Those loud, self aggrandizing squirrels are back and I, Jakita,  for one, am not pleased.  And if I have Momma figured out, she is not too happy either.  They are a nuisance.  It just may be me, but I think that every generation of squirrels get more self-serving and brazen.  Let me tell you what I have to put up with.

Look at those bushy tails. those ringed Martian Eyes, and those little paws, clutching there treasures. Darn, they are cute. I just wish they were not so squirrely.
Look at those bushy tails. those ringed Martian Eyes, and those little paws, clutching their treasures. Darn, they are cute. I just wish they were not so squirrely. From  DSC_7678.JPG   By iceman0

Let us start with the jabbering.  I go out to the back yard, seeking solace and shade. In a matter of seconds (it seems), there is a legion of baby squirrels, sitting on the roof of our garage and vocalizing their discontent of my existence.  Truthfully, I don’t understand squirrel gibberish, but they seem very displeased with something. To my way of thinking, all squirrels have a poor attitude.

If I am lucky enough to fall asleep before they notice me, it is game on, with me, serving as the target board.  They zip up the cherry tree, bite off green cherries, fly from the tree limb to the fence, scoot over to the maple tree I am napping under and drop hard cherries on my head. I awake in a fright, to their high-pitched malevolent cackle.  I jump up in full attack mode, barking so ferociously that Mr. Grey Squirrel and Mrs Black (Grey) Squirrel stumble out of their nest, half asleep, to see what the commotion is about.  No kidding, Mr. Grey Squirrel expels a sharp command and his progeny disappear with him and Mrs. Black (Grey) Squirrel. I revel in the knowledge that the Baby Squirrels are being sent back to their nest for a time out… we hope until they learn how to behave in public.

However, those squirrels get really audacious in the front yard cherry tree.  I watch them fly from the tree to the rooftop, then back to the tree, swinging on branches, cherries of every color, white, green, red, pelting down on the top of the cat’s heads, on the veranda, the sidewalk, the driveway.

The prize that the Squirrels scale trees to win.
The prize that the Squirrels scale trees to win.

Then they scramble down the tree trunk and take a bite out of one –like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the first cherry is too sour – they take the next one, still a little yellow, finally the third cherry is red and ready. Their sharp little teeth consume the pulp. The pit is spit out.  You have to look down to make sure you do not step on discarded cherries or pits because, well, you will be doing a Gerald Ford trip and fall and honestly, they sit high in the branches and laugh at you. Those green cherries and pits are as hard and dangerous as stepping on glass marbles.

The wind chime not only tinkles in the breeze, its rainbow orbs of light, blind and frighten wildlife.
The wind chime not only tinkles in the breeze, its rainbow orbs of light, blind and frighten wildlife.

Every day, three times a day, Momma has to go and sweep the steps and sidewalk to avoid taking a slider. I mean, Momma can’t place a law suit against squirrels.  They can not reimburse your medical bills when you fall and break a bone or two, can they? Maybe a Class Action Suit against….well, let me think about it. Meanwhile Momma has put wind chimes in the trees. Squirrels do not like the tinkle, tinkle, tinkle of the chimes.  I will let you know how that goes.

Yet for all their short comings, I have a secret admiration for squirrels (shsh).  I love their bushy tails and how they persistently chase Wonder Boy for peanuts.  They come close, then closer, then grab the peanut from his hand, with their tiny paws, sit on their haunches, eyeballing Wonder Boy, then come back begging for more.  I am amazed how their back paws can swivel to climb down trees.  And who is better at scrounging for food? Squirrels could teach the Four Footed and the Two Footed survival skills. Also, as Mr. Grey Squirrel said in an earlier blog, they have lived in, around and near our home for generations.  They Owned the Podium (long before the Canadians), and are not going anywhere soon.

No one can say they have not earned their Squatter’s Rights!.….

But please, I beg of you, NIMBY (Not In My Backyard), okay?


The Come Back Comments

Now you know, because I keep you informed, Momma has your average or maybe just above average knowledge of computers because, well, she is a Baby Boomer.  What else can be expected? However, when it comes to Cloud Computing or Cyberspace application, poor Momma is at a total loss and admits the Millennium Generation are miles ahead of her.

Space and its never ending mysteries.
Space and its never-ending mysteries. Fr: Morguefile  By: Pellinni

Still, although it is beyond Momma’s pay scale to fix computer snafus, at least she can recognize a problem and run with it, because as I have said in the past, she is Quite Contrary. Please do not tell her it can’t be done because, she will turn to me and roll her eyes. Then behind the very backs of the advice givers, she will go ahead and give it a whirl.  The important thing is  Momma gets up, and dusts herself off if she falls flat on her face (again).  Come to think of it, she is just like me!

If you are asking for a ‘for instance’, we will start with a blog.  Many good souls told her stay out of the Blogging Swimming Pool.  Who could be interested in the interpretation of life through the eyes of a Hog Dog (me) or those Cool Cats who are street urchins, without grace or manners.  They asked legitimate questions, like:

  • Do you know how to write code? Well, no.
  • Do you know about Plugins? No, again.
  • Do you know how to customize (I’ll learn), optimize (Is there a plug-in for that?) or categorize (Aren’t all girls are born to do that)?
  • Can you create tags so Search Engines find you? Uh, what happens if I don’t?  Oh, no Visitors to the Site?  I’m on it because Tag, your it or your out!
Take Your pick. Fr: Morguefile
Take Your pick. Fr: Morguefile By the TaiChiClub

Then there were the fear mongers who let Momma know she was inviting trouble.  The hackers would be relentlessly attacking, the Spam Bots would be mushrooming in an attempt to take over time and space.  It seems there are so many unknowns that you must have your gold  or silver or ivory inlaid sword with a heat-treated serrated blade to run a thorough surveillance.

Even though we have the most recommended plug-in for Spam, we have had our share of the absurd.  Comments that have 50-75-1000 links to nefarious businesses that sell products  from A to Z.  We never knew there were so many types and colors of shoes in existence. Then there are the players and the well, not G-Rated sitesIt is all good. That is what delete is for.  Still there were those treasures among the trash, sincere readers who would send a comment or ask a question about a post. Then one day it stopped.  No more Comments – no one was pushing links, sending a ‘howdy’. The silence was deafening for a blogger.

So Momma contacted her Spam Fighting Comment Plug-in Team.  They were perplexed but gracious. The Millennium Staffers tried to make Momma see that their plug-in was just dandy and proof positive was she was getting no comment spam.  Momma is not easily convinced so she sent her own proof. Even those in her social network, vetted by Google, over the years, were sending comments that did not reach the dashboard. Meanwhile the questionable unknown origin messages somehow crashed through all barriers in place and landed in her email, not even in her spam folder.

And then, a miracle. One day Momma went in and by George, she had Comments. The good news now is that we very rarely get those comments with a thousand links anymore.  Slowly but surely a handful of Comments are making its way to our Blog. We do not know if the Anti Spam Gods relented, the Millenniums drank the Koolaid or if Momma, in her ignorance, did some unwitting deed to jump-start the process.  All we know is the end justifies the means….doesn’t it?

Always hope...look for the rainbows...double rainbows even better. Fr: Morguefile By: Pellinni
Always hope…look for the rainbows…double rainbows even better. Fr: Morguefile By: Pellinni

So Bloggers, if you want feedback, there is always hope.  If you look at the sun and squint your eyes just so, you will see a the light.

The Comments you long for maybe hanging about in Cyberspace (or possibly caught on the top of a tall Douglas fir-tree) and  may someday make a crash landing on your very own Dashboard! So drop us a line. Give us your analysis. The Hot Dog and Cool Cats are waiting!



Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

Me and my Momma. She always wins...
Me and my Momma. She always wins…

Now I know Momma and I like to do some what satirical, non-provable views on how we see the world through our ever-changing kaleidoscope of life.  Our readers seek amusement, not tears. However our hearts tell us it is time to speak up on a very troubling subject.

There is a misguided belief that all dog owners are good people and for the most part, they are, because otherwise how could an instinctive, loyal dog bond with them. However, that all dog owners are good, well, that would be a myth.  Momma says the majority of  ‘dog’ people are outstanding but some are idiotsher word.  You have to forgive Momma.  She is judgmental and critical.  She can not help that.  She is a Virgo, you know.

Do you recognize the Virgo sign? Top row - 2nd from Left. As an Aquarius, I am the Waterbearer. Bottom Left. What is your sign?
Do you recognize the Virgo sign?  Top row – 2nd from Left. As an Aquarius, I am the Waterbearer. Bottom Left. What is your sign?  From Horoscope.jpg By Efi21

Still, even as an Aquarius, I have to agree with Momma.

I am going to share some shady behaviour we have seen that makes us despair for the dogs.

Take Little-Miss-Glued-to-the-Cell, sauntering down the sidewalk, dog on a loose leash, completely oblivious to others on the sidewalk, or the traffic whizzing by.  It is all, ‘OMG, did you see that skank? Totally LOL.’  Meanwhile, her doggie, as out of control as Little-Miss-Glued-to-the-Cell, meanders off the sidewalk, on the street as cars honk and brake, trying to avoid puppy-dearest. Do you think she even noticed? Well, she did give one guy who slowed down to yell at her, the finger.  Momma and I are thinking she is not receptive to self-improvement, from what we saw. She is probably the same person who will not pick up after her dog.  I say, confine Little-Miss-Glued-to-the-Cell and her dog to their back yard, till she learns, if she learns.

You all remember that sad story about the German Sheppard chained to the bench in the park in the deepest throes of a Canadian winter (Read Jakita’s Views on Dog Parks).  Who does that?  I still get misty eyed as I remember how forlorn that dog was. The good news was that so many had phoned the Animal Shelter to report it and one of those callers offered to take it.  Only in Canada! Pity.

Then there are those Not-In-My-House Owners that get a dog but will not let it in their home.  The poor dog is baking in the summer, freezing in the winter and I am guessing, developing no social skills.  The neighbors are all terrified that it will escape  its prison walls and wreak havoc on their precious children and pets. Don’t the owners know, regardless of size, dogs have a heart that beats like theirs, feelings of loneliness and hunger for companionship.  Like humans, dogs need love and empathy to become a well-rounded part of a society.  Take the dog in inside and well, I’d like to put Not-In-My-House Owners outside, but Momma says that is too radical.

Sometimes I get down....
Sometimes I even I feel it’s a dog’s life….

Another kettle of fish is when It’s-All-About-Me Owners leave their dog, especially the little ones, in the back yard, some without shelter or shade, for long periods.  Some excitable, terrified little dogs can bark for hours, absolutely deafening and disturbing the neighbourhood.  The baby next door, who only just got to sleep, wakes up in a fright and continues to cry as long as that poor little lonesome, frightened puppy is outside barking.  Yeah, take the dog in, self-centered  It’s-All-About-Me Owner.  If you love your dog, protect it, as it protects you.

My all time worse dog owners are the ones we have met up with on occasion, in parks.  These  I-Train-Dogs-By-Training-You Owners have this sorry big brute of a dog on a slender leather belt.  The poor mutt is foaming at the mouth as it sees Momma and I approach.  The I-Train-Dogs-By-Training-You Owners yells to Momma, ‘My dog is not friendly.  You had better take another path.’  What? What did you say? You have an ‘unfriendly’ dog and Momma and I are expected to give you right-of-way?  No one should bring an untrained out-of-control dog to a come-one come-all public park where it may in desperation and ignorance attack the Two or Four Footed, who are on a stroll, seeking zen and inner peace, not an unprovoked canine attack.

Take your half and leave already
Don’t go breaking our hearts!


What to do? Write about it. Scream about it. Shame those deadbeat owners. It is an easy fix. Practise the Golden Rule, ‘Do on to dogs as you would have them do unto you.’ 

PS: All the above are addressed in my Policy and Procedures for All Creation because if I don’t educate the owners, who else will?

Take A Walk On the Wild Side

A gray cat, a stray cat, I am,  with a tapestry of light grey to black stripes with flecks of red and gold fur and don’t forget my alluring white tuxedo shirt and white-tipped paws.

Look at my picture perfect strands of color. No wonder I have tortitude.
Look at my picture perfect strands of color. No wonder I have tortitude. In the sun porch, awaiting release to general pop(ulation).

In my mind, I have it all.  I ROCK!

Why is that, you ask?  Easy, I have the whole out doors to live in.  I am not tied to one location.  Like the old Blues song, ‘Wherever I throw my hat, is my home.’  I don’t really have a hat, but you know what I mean.

With that comes its own set of problems, like all those outlaw feral, that I swear have invisible leather vests, no moral code and a need to have a leader, associates, prospects and full-blooded members,  like a Feline Biker Gang and just about as violent. And they got tats, man – the scars of battles, lost and won. Their weapon of choice are those sharp incisor teeth and claw nails, like switch blade knives. Then there are those Forest Freaks made of who knows what spare parts from the Four Footed.  I am not Cat Trash, like they obviously are. I am a loner.  I see everything, hear everything, all the while hiding efficiently, moving around stealthily and always getting to my planned destination, without wear and tear to my holy temple, my God-given body. But if you want to fight, Bring It On.  The wild cat surfaces in me.  Be careful what you wish for…..I never lose.  Only the uninformed take me on.  I don’t have scars, I deliver scars.

Still, a little, nagging voice inside me keeps testing my fragile ego, telling me I am just not good enough to make the grade, to have a home, or a family that worries about me.  I know Momma cares.  She even named me, a rather strange name, but Clem it is.  I can live with that! She is delighted when I come to her door, even if I have been in a snit and not showed up for a month.  Wonder Boy likes me, too and he is a hard sell.  He does not put his heart out on a serving platter to be stabbed with tiny plastic tipped toothpicks.

I remember the time I disappeared for a month because I could not take BB and his non stop caterwauling, growling and hissing. I know, he had poor health, I should have had compassion I don’t do empathy. I did not want to hear about his pain and neurosis.  So we battled fiercely.  He always limped away, never learning.

My nemesis, BB catching the rays. If only he could have been laid back while wake,
My nemesis, BB catching the rays. If only he could have been laid back while awake.

One day it dawned on me, as I hid under the shrubs and peony bushes, I had not seen BB in a few days. Then a couple of weeks passed, still no BB.  There was Diva Calico Gen, oh, and that Andy-Long-Legs,  but no BB.  Apparently, (according to Momma), it was a month to the day I was last seen, when I returned, like  Houdini, actually better than Houdini, magically reappearing.  I walked up the steps to the front door, stood on the bench, leaned over to try to open the door handle with my paws, looking in the beveled glass pane and there was my Momma. We were eyeball to eyeball.    I could read the disbelief on her face. Nevertheless, I could have been the Prodigal Son, the way she feasted and feted me. If the other cats thought I needed to be taught a lesson for leaving home, (does it sound a little like the Prodigal Son’s brother???), I could adapt.  I let Kitty Club Med  enter the home first, skirting around Andy, giving him a wide berth and nose sniffing Gen. Piece a cake.

Momma really thought come the harsh True North Strong and Free Winter I would officially become an Indoor Outdoor Cat.  Not me.  I was born to wander.  I love warming up on the heat registers, found my own hide away under the claw footed bathtub but once I am fed and well rested, I insist that I got to go.

Peek-a-boo. I see you.
Peek-a-boo. I see you.

I love you, Momma and Wonder Boy but I got things to do, places to go. I take my job seriously.  I mean, who else is capable of 24 hour seven-day surveillance of the neighbor hood?  Trust me, I know  what everyone and everything has done or will do! On one hand I fancy myself a 007 James Bond Spy, on the other I am beloved by Momma and Wonder Boy, with  food to eat, comfy rugs to sleep on and lots of hands on stroking and scratching.  What’s not to love?

Don’t kid yourselfI am not going anywhere soon, you betcha!

Dream A Little Dream Of Me

Even as a dog, albeit a dog-a-stein, there are many indications that the truth is out there.  It just depends on your peripheral view being phenomenal, your spidy sense being on full tilt, your level of willingness to embrace the unknown and your relationship with Angels.

Surrounded by Garden Angels, I ponder Momma's dreams and Heaven. Look at the Angel of Beauty on the left, holding a Baby Angel blowing bubbles. At the bottom see another Little Angel, fast asleep. See all the other pensive Angels. I believe I fit nicely in to this picture.
Surrounded by Garden Angels, I ponder Momma’s dreams and Heaven. Look at the Angel of Beauty on the left, holding a Baby Angel blowing bubbles. At the bottom see another Little Angel, fast asleep. See all the other pensive Angels. I believe I fit nicely in to this picture.

Only then will you see, hear, feel the souls of those who went on to their greater reward, yet hover nearby us, like helicopter parents, on steroids.

Now  without question RIP Daddy visits the most.  Sometimes Momma seems to recognize his presence, just by the way she turns her head sharply, to get a better view.  By then Daddy has vaporised, visible only to a Jakita Dog and the Powers that Be.  But at least, for a brief second, Momma and Daddy were like a Conway Twitty song, Together Again.  That leaves RIP Daddy to visit Momma in dreams and he does.

Some dreams are not satisfying, Momma said. About two weeks before Daddy died, Momma had a most perplexing dream. She and Daddy were, driving around, trying to find a parking spot so Momma could visit Itty Bitty, who was in the hospital.  Finally they parked, Momma got out, grabbed the two heavy bags of Itty Bitty’s food and care supplies.  Daddy told her he was leaving, she would have to find her own way home.  Momma woke up in a panic with the feeling she would never get home again. How appropriate!

The Dream Catcher - an intriguing tradition of Native Americans. They catch all our dreams, keeping the good, discarding the bad. From VC_PE000145_MTL_slide_large1.jpg By voguecrafts
The Dream Catcher – an intriguing tradition of Native Americans. They catch-all our dreams, keeping the good, discarding the bad.
By voguecrafts

Momma recalled a couple of months after Daddy departed, he dropped by in a dream, unexpectedly, just seemed to glide in, as she was busy polishing furniture and scrubbing floors.  Of  course, after the how-are-you and I-miss-you, came the ultimate all time question.  ‘What happened, did you realize what you were dying and what is heaven like?’  RIP Daddy explained, ‘Remember the day I got sick and you were called to the Emergency Department?  When you entered the hospital, you were on one side of the Emergency sliding glass door, where a multitude of tense and anxious patients were standing in line, waiting for registration, impatient even before their ordeal began. I was on the other side, of the sliding door, in a feverishly busy, yet satisfying environment. I could feel my life force draining away, yet my soul force growing exponentially. It is like you step through the glass door and you are vigorously alive, surrounded by healing power of the love of your family, friends, all there to greet you.  And Zanny, is here and Teddy and the Kitties.  It is heaven Momma.’

On one side, you are on Plant earth. Pass through the gate, Paradise awaits you. From ruined_doorway.jpg By hotblack
On one side, you are on Plant Earth. Pass through the gate, Paradise awaits you.
By hot black

Momma says just last night RIP Daddy appeared in her dream.  He carried a large wire cage with ten little kitties, the size of nothing, in to the living room.  Momma was freaking, ten kittens and then as if on invisible spring boards, those kitties were leaping up and popping out the sides of the cage. Right away, Momma worried, ‘Oh no, fleas all over the rug.’  Daddy took the cage outside while everyone else was on their hands and knees looking for escape artist kittens.  Oh, and one more thing. A long-haired, silver puppy , very shy, was at Daddy’s side. What does that mean, you suppose? I can tolerate, even love a dozen kittens, but another dog? Not so much….unless, it is my Bro’ Fidel (but he was black and white) reincarnated.  He was way cool….Him, I could handle!

So I don’t make this stuff up.  It happens.  Believe it or Not!

Our Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

BabbyThe name says it all.  A baby so beloved you call it Babby.  I was so cute, thick off white cropped fur, with floppy ears. I was not one of those plush real life size doggies. No, I was flat enough to fit perfectly in a puppy’s mouth in order to be carried from destination to destination. Sometimes I would be stranded for hours, days until Momma realized and set up a search party of one to find me.

Jakita grooms Babby while Miss Piggy watches and learns.
Jakita grooms Babby while Miss Piggy watches and learns.

No, I did not come from a $ Store. Still, I was cloned in a pet toy factory, continents away, that mass produces all things plush by engineers who figure out scientifically and with some degree of accuracy, the numbers of bites, chews and degree of grooming a pet toy can take in a dog’s lifetime.  But the manufacturing plant did not name me or send me to my Forever Home.  It just put a price on my head, loaded me on a cargo boat, and sold me to the highest bidder, a well-known department store pet section.

Now we also needed Four Footed Intervention to find me my Forever Home That was where Our Bonnie (Momma) came in play.  When she and Daddy were watching television and an ad would pop up that featured a Yorkshire Terrier, Daddy would get unnaturally quiet.  Momma knew what that meant and she stealthily went about making Daddy’s dream a reality, much to Wonder Boy’s horror.  Having Teddy, the American Eskimo (definitely Momma’s dog) was enough punishment for Wonder Boy’s sensitive ears but a Yappy Yorkie? Are you kidding?

A Yorkie needs nutritious food, bones to chew, a cage to sleep in  and toys to play with.  Now Momma always knew what she was looking for. That made it easy.  She bought me and Miss Piggy for Daddy’s Yorkie, Zanny to wile away the hours with.

Miss Piggy with her Painted on smile while I seek pillow time.
Miss Piggy with her Painted on smile while I seek pillow time.

Because Miss  Piggy was made of robust pink rubber with a painted on smile and a  cute little tail, she got the lion’s share of the chewing and slobbering.  I got carried from way station to way station, shook vigorously along the way, till I swear I had the Shaken Baby Syndrome.  It was obvious Zanny, the Yorkie  had a lot to teach me. I always wondered if that was how her Momma treated her.

Then, well if you know the Tigger story…. Zanny was gone, gone, gone and play time, like the tune on a wind down music box, ended.  Years passed and we waited, not knowing if life, as we knew it, would ever be re-invented.

One day, one sweet day, we heard a little ruff which was trying valiantly to sound large and commanding.  Then there were little growls and sighs, an honest bark.  It was Game On.  Only Jakita, well, she was made to mother.  She has an inborn sense of responsibility and righteousness. We are no longer allowed outside. Sometimes we are carried to the shed room but are left to wait there until she returns and brings us back in to her doggie pillow.  Still, she will give us a mean shake every now and then.  Makes me think, it wasn’t Zanny, all dogs have that method of controlMaybe we need it, who knows.

I notice  both Miss Piggy and my ears are a little chewed but the engineers did okay since at least they are still attached. Maybe we should add some sparkly diamond earrings to our ear lobes to cover the damage. Good news – we are still around, offering comfort and fun after fourteen years, hanging out with the Incredibly Wide Eyed Stuffed Monkey, Ruby Tutu, with her fixed glassy  stare, who is a fountain of wisdom and serenity .

Ruby holds Babby, Miss Piggy close by while Gen cat naps.
Ruby holds Babby, Miss Piggy close by while Gen cat naps beside them.

We are not going anywhere anytime soon. Miss Piggy and I, we are the Lucky Ones! We found our Forever Home.

And if it ain’t, ya don’t fix it…Hear?????

Lest We Forget

Now it is time for a Diva Calico Gen Cat to confess.  Somewhere in my pretty little brain, I assumed the Two Footed had the slice of the pie, while the Four Footed had to continually strive in order to achieve a life worth living.  Listening to the stories Momma shares, I may have had it all wrong.  We, the Four Footed,  sit  in shock as she pours bucket after bucket of truth on our heads and in our ears, flooding our hearts with compassion.

I am listening, Momma!
I am listening, Momma!

Uncle WW2 Sergeant (Grandmama’s brother) had gone to the war a naïve country boy but returned as a stranger, so said the locals.  He had seen too much, lived through too much mayhem, for such a sensitive soul.  Today it would be labelled PTSD.  Then, you were written off as another raging alcoholic. To Momma, Uncle WW2 Sergeant appeared to be no shrinking violet but rather belligerent, burly and in your face. His ability to turn  an ounce into a pound was well renowned. He rented expensive farm equipment to the local farmers. On top of that he rented himself out as a Captain on a big fishing boat. He commandeered men, boats and fish, all with the same gung-ho-get-it-done attitude. Still, everyone knew he was a victim, with some invisible part cut out and left on a battlefield in Italy.  We listened if he talked about the war but were warned not to ask questions and possibly make him have more re-occurring nightmares.

Momma's 2 uncles and a friend that manned the tank. Grandmama's other brother was polar opposite to Uncle WW2 Sergeant. He was a sweetheart.
Two of Momma’s  uncles  that manned the tank behind them. To the left is a fellow soldier.  Grandmama’s other brother was polar opposite to Uncle WW2 Sergeant. He was rational, hilarious and an outstanding family man.

Now please, don’t say that all the baby boomers born after the war were not interested in the battles their fathers, cousins, brothers, uncles and friends fought.  However ‘in the day’, if adults told them not to question, they obeyed, said Momma.  Yes, they were interested but waited long after Buddy had disappeared before Uncle WW2 Sergeant opened up about his experiences of the war and how powerless it made him feel.

It is not that Uncle WW2 Sergeant was totally insensitive to the world around him.  It was a great disappointment to him and Auntie Spanish Marilyn Munroe that they only had the one son. Buddy prayed to God nightly, because he wanted a sibling, but if that was too much to ask for, could he just have a puppy?  Uncle WW2 Sergeant had his finger on every pulse, so of course, the next puppies that were born in his community, had one ear was marked for Buddy.

Oh and that baby thing?  Well that took a little longer but Uncle WW2 Sergeant also had a team of locals with their ears to the ground, waiting for an opportunity to help out a damsel in distress….and well, money talks, it screams, actually. Just ask Grandmama’s Aunt Only Sister who waited years to adopt her son by jumping through the legal bureaucratic hoops of no return.  Trust me, that privately arranged adoption of a baby girl, right in his home town, went much faster.

Talk about bragging rights.  Uncle WW2 Sergeant, Auntie Spanish Marilyn Munroe and Buddy were over the moon, in love. Baby Be All End All walked at six months, she talked at nine months, and she was absolutely the most amazing baby ever born, according to Uncle WW2 Sergeant, Auntie Spanish Marilyn Munroe and Buddy. She was amazingly alert, with smoky grey-blue eyes that appeared to have a black rim around her pupils, that bewitched you.  It was difficult to tear your gaze away. Everyone knew how long they waited and most were just happy to see them so satisfied after such an agonizing effort brought forth such a resounding result. But that green-eyed monster lived long and had no intention of dying.  There were inaudible grumbles that ‘you reap what you sew’ ……but who among has not felt that sometime about someone.

The Sunset of inevitable.  Fr: Morguefile
The Sunset of Life…so inevitable. Fr: Morguefile

Ah, a new day was dawning with a Panoramic View of Paradise.  Who knew how fast and furiously the sun would set, leaving the family in tatters? Charlie, Jakita and I just shake our head in disbelief as Momma tells us, there is more.  Just let me try to wrap my calico head around it before I share it with you….because you know and I know, sometimes….Stuff Happens…..