Would I lie to you? Would I lie to you honey? Now would I say something that wasn’t true?…Tell me pretty babies….Would I lie to you? (Paraphrase Eurythmics)
‘Once upon a time, a long time ago, when RIP Daddy walked the earth plane and you, Jakita, were not even on the path to touchdown, a Sad story with a Happily Ever then a not so Happy (depending on your role in the scenario) happened’, said Bad Boy Andy, while Diva Calico Gen looked on, nodding her head in agreement as they all laid out in the Sun in the back yard, watching squirrels jump from the shed roof to the tree, to the fence, going like Red Devils with pitchforks were after them.
Mama Squirrel had fashioned a nest in a big old tree cavity for her new family, expected any day. She worked long and hard to arrange the nest to protect her babies from the weather and predators such as hawks and owls with their beady eyes…. And she rejoiced at the birth of Baby Mickey and Minnie Squirrel. Mama Squirrel taught them right from wrong, how to go up and down tree trunks, fly from tree branch to tree branch and AVOID wildlife like foxes, coyotes, even snakes.
‘What about the Two Footed?’ asked Jakita. Ah, the Two Footed…who to trust, who to avoid and how to tell the difference…that was the million dollar question.
One day, when the sun was high, Mama Squirrel left her babies, Mickey and Minnie Squirrel. to go on a scavenger hunt for a couple of hours. There was much cooing, oooing and aaahhhing when the family was reunited. So emboldened by the success, Mamma Squirrel went out again, and again and again, for longer periods each time, leaving Mickey and Minnie Squirrel to their own devices…It was all part of the launch to embrace and experience reality of a Squirrel’s life. And then, one day she did not come home.
After a few days alone Mickey and Minnie Squirrel were hungry, scared. A week later, survival instincts kicked in. Do or Die…Choose Life. High up in the tree they look at the Two Footed down below. They were nice to other Squirrels, to their dog and cats.
Why not throw ourselves at their mercy. the Baby Squirrels decided. Down the tree trunk they scurried, up to the front porch and waited…..
In front row seats on the bench sat Bad Boy Andy, Handsome Beau Beau (still alive at this point) and Diva Calico Gen, Egyptian style, paws tucked under, watching waiting, wondering. What would Momma and Daddy do? There was no Policy and Procedure Manual to follow because Jakita was not even a twinkle in her Papa’s eyes. Even so, rules of engagement forbade full-grown cats from harming babies, even squirrels.
Still, in the mind of Kitty Club Med, their Momma always had a solution to every problem. It had better be well thought out because Baby Squirrels do become annoying adult squirrels. Might as well just sit back and enjoy the show…… It ‘s not like we would be given a vote on the outcome…..