Now I am not so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed come morning…and it is not because I have a drinking problem or an addiction to sleeping pills or mood stabilizers or whatever those Two Footed take to make them function …. offset by caffeine laden black as tar coffee to jump-start them every morning.
But Momma, bless her God–Fearing–Child–Rearing Soul, does none of those things…..she does not even drink coffee so I can’t get away with anything ….Well, almost anything….…. like taking a nip out of Diva Calico Gen when she jumps off the kitchen table or putting Bad Boy Andy in his place if he is sucking up all the oxygen in the air by caterwauling and complaining about how long it is taking him to get fed.
But just like in the Good Book, (Isaiah to be specific), Momma saw with own two cataract cleared eyes that ‘the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat; the calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion’ because arch enemies made Peace On Earth.
Every morning…same routine. Diva Calico Gen and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte (Charlie) follow Momma to the kitchen. They want to be fed NOW. Yeah, yeah, yeah, there is still food at their station BUT they want fresh, soft, just out of the fridge vittles.
Then the Bad Boy Andy rouses himself, complaining all the way to the kitchen, that another day has dawned. He meanders close to Charlie and gives her that Bad Boy stare and the hissing begins, followed by Charlie’s paw striking within a millimetre of Andy’s nose….which precipitates Andy’s paw to strike back….same old…same old.
Not this morning….the approach…the same… but instead of hissing and paw swiping, Bad Boy Andy and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte exchanged sniff kisses… As Momma says…you live long enough, you’ll see everything.……then moved away from each other to their own feeding stations, to chow down in peace.
I know the reason why because I am a Four Footed Dog Shrink….you see Bad Boy Andy was in a stellar mood because he slept on Wonder Boy’s chest all…night…long…. For the past few years Charlie has slept every night with Momma….which meant….Andy was shunned like the English by the Amish…while Gen….well, has privileges (kinda like an American Express Membership Card Holder)….. anywhere she throws her hat is her home.
Now, I am hoping, as of today, it is all about New Beginnings, Give Peace A Chance and Happily Ever After…..but you know Bad Boy Andy and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte…can we even make two days in a row…ya think?
No worries… I am keeping a log…like a Scientific Experiment, conducted under Controlled Conditions, I will record over a set Time Frame, approved by the Board (that would be only Diva Calico Gen and myself, since Andy and Charlie have skin in the game) and duly Tabled and Reported.
So place your bets and cross your fingers…will ‘the cat and the yearling be safe with the lion’….I know what I would lay my life on…NOT.