Born Again

So just like an evangelistic BornAgainChristian, the Tiger, was born to a new life the day Senorita Jakita spied him on Momma’s bookshelf,  on top of the harvest horn that was brimming full of fall silk flowers. The minute Jakita clapped her eyes on him, she recognized that she and the Tigger were sugar and spice, (and all things nice)salt and pepper, meant to be.  Now, all Jakita had to do was sit her little wriggling puppy body in front of the bookshelf and whimper mournfully, until Momma came over and asked her what she wanted.

Tigger in horn of Plenty and: Dear Karma, i have a list of 4 Legged you might have missed!
Tigger in horn of Plenty and:
Dear Karma, I have a list of 4 Legged you definitely have missed!

Well, that was a challenge because Momma was just not picking up on the radar that day (and dare we say, many days).  Maybe Momma had lots to do or had dialed in the wrong channel but after a while Momma told Jakita she had no idea what she wanted and continued to run here and do this, then run here and do that.  Jakita laid on the floor, in front of the bookshelf, head between her paws and napped.  Momma would be back.  She always came back.

Now the Tigger felt twinges of hope. From what he knew about Jakita, she would never give in till ‘mission accomplished‘. Tigger suspected Momma would be curious enough to re-tackle the puzzle after she ate some lunch and her blood sugar rose, at which point, hopefully her brain would kick in.  Ah, a Tigger can have his dreams. Yet, pretty much that is how Tigger got off the shelf and in to action.

Momma once again zipped in the room.  Since Jakita was about ten weeks old, schedules were adhered to rigidly….Don’t blame Momma.  She can not help herself.  She is a Virgo. It was puppy eating time, then puppy go outside time.  Momma scooped up Jakita and Bingo, Bango, Bungo, she got it. As Momma rose she saw Tigger’s glass eyes begging, ‘Me, take me.’  Of course, Jakita wanted to play with him.  After all, her basket of toys was already overflowing, one more would not hurt. (LOL) Thus began the Tigger’s ‘BornAgain’ life.

Zanny tookTigger to wherever she  was headed.
Zanny took Tigger to wherever she was headed.

Personality wise, Jakita is day and night from Zanny.  Jakita has this ingrown sense of responsibility to protect All Creatures, Great and Small.  Not so much our Zanny, who would dump the Tigger anywhere. It would never cross her mind that if you came outside with Tigger, you went back inside with Tigger.  She would strand him under the bushes, where no one could see him except the raccoons who would come over to check if it was one of their kit. And God Bless the squirrels who would leave Tigger a chestnut from the neighbor’s tree so he would not be hungry as well as afraid, in the dark.  And God Bless Momma, who would come outside and poke around under the bushes with a flashlight, to find Tigger and bring him inside.

Now the Tigger has the life of which he dreamed about, all those years as he languished on top of the book shelf. Okay, full disclosure, it seems the Tigger still need a good shaking every once in a while, but Jakita never chews him and he is part of the Story Telling Gang which includes Jakita and Gen all of the time, Charlie, some of the time, the Incredibly Wide Eyed Monkey Ruby and oh,  sometimes Little Cream Colored Floppy Eared Babby.  They congregate on Momma’s bed and listen as the stories unfold.

Starting bottom, Left, Charlie, Ruby, Tigger, Gen then Jakita. Looks like Gen is rolling out this tale while Jakita listens.
Starting bottom, Left, Charlie, Ruby, Tigger, in front of Gen then Jakita. Looks like Gen is rolling out this tale while the Story Telling Gang listens.

Also, on top of Momma’s Armoire there are all kinds of plush toys that belonged to Wonder Boy when he was a child.  They too have stories  they also are anxious to share (no doubt). You can see it in their glassy-eyed stares.  Their day is coming…soon…..because we believe:

‘Every stuffed toy must have his day….Every stuffed toy must have his say….’ At least that’s what Stonewall Jackson said…or something like that……