I am the lonely old possum that hangs by my tail, in the ‘seen better days’ tree. The good news is, I am not really lonely. I am a Cool Dude. I have a caring Mama and a nest of siblings that I purposely escape each day. I make my way to my favourite perch, an evergreen. I scamper up, higher and higher, looping my tail around a branch, like a bungee cord, free-falling, so I can get an unobstructed view of the terrain below.
Why would I choose that tree, in that location? Well, you know, Momma lives there with all of her Cool Inside / Outside cats, her Hot Dog, Mr. Grey Squirrel, his family and friends, the rabbits and colourful birds, oh and don’t forget the raccoons. I like watching them too…and the bats, that at dusk, fly in formation, like bewitching shadows, their wings extended, as they glide, noiselessly, swooping and swaying, to their own inner antenna.
Jakita considers me an unsub. Whatever! I just don’t pass the sight and smell test. She constantly sounds the alarm, like ‘Do something Momma’. Maybe she thinks that Momma should climb the tree and poke me. Forget that. Momma would then make me part of her entourage, give me a schedule, expect me to fit in, what ever that means.
The cats, I shall subdivide for you. The Inside Kitty Club Med cats, ignore me. They sashay indoors, never acknowledging my existence. I can handle that. I have to say, the feral cats, the rabbits and raccoons, even the birds and the squirrels, think all outside trees belong to them exclusively and are hostile accordingly. Sharing is not their strong point.
Do you think it bothers me? This is the room with the view and I am not going anywhere, at least, until after I fall out of the tree and meander back to my den, to snuggle with Mama and my siblings.