Dirty Laundry

Census time…

It’s that time again… that year again… Census time…… Even though, not withstanding, nowadays another battle is raging… the long arm of the law can lay manslaughter charges if you willfully invite anyone in your bubble….and your guest gets Covid 19 and dies…so they say..so it is written…

No lying, Momma…..

Momma was at her workstation… a simple laptop, on a TV tray, in front of the easy chair in the living room…

Wonder Boy was at his station… since Covid hit, he has taken over the dining room table, with monitors, screens, keyboards, cords, numerous ear phone sets, cell phones (2) and audio boxes  to listen to good vibes as he works…you know the drill…you work from home…have meetings by zoom….don’t leave home unless you have a medical appointment or need essentials…READ: food and prescription drugs… *not recreational) ...oh, and booze….

In to the still, came a heavy handed persistent pounding on the door… like those cop shows, when they are after the bad guys… we opened the door to find a folded self gluing envelope with your own personal on line Access Number to fill the 2021 Census on line… there are two types of Census… the short version and the long…Momma must be registered as a communist combatant some where in ICloud… she always gets the Long Version.


WIP Inventory From Morguefile.com
DSCF9355.JPGBy milza
abc03.jpgBy inkogutto


Okay, okay, sorry.., they looked like Ma and Pa Kettle.

Back in 1812 or thereabouts, Momma’s Great Great Great Grandparents had to list their livestock, maybe how many chickens they had and how many eggs they laid a day…important need to know statistics in order to feed the nation.

Nowadays, the important question is what sex you were born and which sex you now identify with….. as well as ethic background… not a born and bred Canadian but descended from a list of all DNA your ancestors contributed, along the way…. Momma also checked Other…just in case the Scientists are correct and we descended from Monkeysit’s called covering all the basis.

Yup, multigenerations.

Momma was so glad there is only two in her household because...imagine…questioning your 15 year old what sex they identified with now… even worse, if a multigenerational family resides at same home…imagine asking your deaf grandparents what sex they identify with now…today…yeah!

Even more obtrusive is asking how much every member of the family makes, how many hours they work…obviously, we will have to put a tracking devise on Wonder Boy to get the most accurate information possible.

Home: Worth what you’ll pay for it. From Morguefile.com
P2236845.JPGBy mconnors

Then there is the current value of your home, who pays what and how much did they pay…are you serious…here’s my best guesstimate…deal with it.  We all know all this pertinent information lays in the Dead Files in the iCloud Home of No Return….

Seems like overkill to a small time player like Momma:
They make their living off the Census news… Just give them somethin’… somethin’ they can use…Your G Man lives to see you lose…They love dirty laundry…(Paraphrase Don Henley)